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Scenario 1:

A (Mom) B ( Dad )
A: Haizz!
B: What's wrong with you?
A: I just discovered a terrible secret.
B: What happened?
A: Yesterday, when I went to clean our son's room, I accidentally looked through the
gap in the door and saw that he was wearing makeup and a dress. I don't know what
we have to do to make him normal. This is a disease, we have to find a doctor to
cure him. (hoảng loạn)
B: Keep calm, honey ( đỡ lấy vợ). It's not a disease, it's just a sexual orientation, it
can't be changed according to our wishes. Since ancient times, there have been
many people in the LGBT community, but because of family and social prejudices,
they can't live as they want. We both want our son to live the life he wants to be, to
be free, right?
A: Yes, but I'm afraid his thinking will not be like normal people's, and he can’t do
B: No, dear. There are many successful people in the LGBT community today. For
instance, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, voted as the most powerful gay man in the US,
and is considered the most influential businessman in the world's technology.
Believe me, what we need to do now is not to judge the child, but to encourage him
to become his true self, go the way he chose.
A: ( Thở dài) Ok, you were right. I looked at everything too negatively. Let's talk to
him about it tonight.
Scenario 2:
A ( Gay ), B ( Friend 1), C ( Friend 2 )
A : Guys, I'm so sad, my mother found out that I don't like girls and I feel stuck, can't
find a convincing solution for them to understand and accept my true gender.
B : You shouldn't be so worried, because parents' psychology about LGBT is still
quite difficult to accept, they are still quite confused when they learn that their child
is gay, even shocked to know this. But surely with their love for you, sooner or later
you will come out successfully.
C: That’s right, but now the public is no longer too strict towards the LGBT
community. Some programs are organized for them to assert themselves, which is
well received by the general public. There are even many countries that have passed
same-sex marriage laws by the state.
B: Yeah, but right now the society out there is still a lot of discrimination, you will
have to face a lot of difficulties to live true to your true gender. The most important
thing is to determine what you want to have the courage to continue on the path
you are choosing. You have to accept yourself before you want others to accept it
A: Guys, thanks for the helpful advice. Now I have enough confidence to try to assert
myself and convince people to accept me

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