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Copyright O 1981 by The Orthopaed~cand Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the
Amerlcan Physical Therapy Association

The Straight-Leg-Raising Test:

A Review*

A positive unilateral straight-leg-raising sign is routinely interpreted as indicative of

a "disc lesion. A review of the literature was undertaken in an attempt to more

clearly illustrate the mechanisms and results of the straight-leg-raising test,Lt_l?lr2s

found that a positive strai ht-le -r
patient with herniated disc from-t.?
. '
. . a
with low back pain and sciatica.
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INTRODUCTION fied the stretching of the sciatic nerve as the

cause of the pain.''' De Beurmann in 1884
A review of the literature on straight-leg raising
explained that the pain produced by straight-leg
is made in an attempt to present a functional
raising was due to stretch of the sciatic nerve.I0,
interpretation of this commonly used test.
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

79 This theory differed from that of Forst and

An effort has been made to outline the mech-
Lasegue who felt that the pain produced was
anism of pain production during the straight-leg-
due to muscular compression of the sciatic
raising test. Since a positive straight-leg-raising nerve.10.23.79, 100
test is routinely interpreted as indicative of disc
A number of tests exist which are similar to or
protr~sion,'~ the bulk of the discussion has at-
complement the straight-leg-raising test. In
tempted to correlate this test with actual disc
1864, Vladimar Kernig, a Russian physician,
described a test very similar to the straight-leg-
raising test to aid in the diagnosis of meningitis.
This maneuver was flexion at the knees and hips
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

In 1881, J. J. Forst described a test to provoke following passive flexion of the neck.g,'0.97 In
pain in patients with sciatica. The involved lower 1901, Fajersztajn described an adjunct to the
extremity of a supine patient is raised with the straight-leg-raising test which he felt demon-
knee extended. If pain is elicited the maneuver strated the mechanical mechanism of pain pro-
is repeated, this time flexing the leg on the pelvis. duction. In this test, the extended limb is raised
If this movement is then painfree, the test is to the point where pain is first experienced, and
pOSitive.9.10. 23. 48. 79. 97. 100 the ankle is then dorsiflexed, which fully mani-
The straight-leg-raising test just described fests the pain." Fajersztajn also described a
bears the name of Charles Ernest Lasegue, who variation to the straight-leg-raising test known as
never published a description of the test. Forst, the "crossed sciatic sign" or the crossed
a student of Lasegue, dedicated his doctoral straight-leg-raising test, which provoked sciatic
thesis23to Lasegue and thereby immortalized his pain in the affected hip or limb while utilizing the
maSfer.1079. 97, 100 straight-leg-raising test on the healthy
limb.lo. 44. 79
Actually, the straight-leg-raising test was
described by a number of individuals, both
before and after Forst's publication in 1881. In
1880, Lazarevic, a Yugoslavian physician, de- PROTOCOL OF TESTING
scribed the straight-leg-raising test and identi-
The straight-leg-raising test under discussion
Submitted to the School of Medical Rehabilitation. Universitv of within this article is as stated in the D ~ O ~ O Cfor
Manitoba, in fulfillmefit of the requirements for the course 68.409.
tStaff Therapist, Institute of Sports Medicine. Sports Physiotherapy
of the straight-leg-raising test advo-
Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. cated by Breig and Troup.' The patient should
118 URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2. No. 3

be positioned on a flat level couch with the neck Intervertebral Relations

slightly extended. The hips should be neutral,
The anterior and posterior nerve roots are
neither abducted nor adducted. Prior to starting,
formed by the convergence of rootlets exiting
explain to the patient what is about to happen
from the anterior and posterior aspects of the
and that the patient should describe the location
spinal cord, respectively. As each pair of anterior
of any pain experienced. The leg should then be
lifted slowly, maintaining the knee in an extended and posterior nerve roots proceed toward their
respective intervertebral foramina, they invagin-
position at the same time and keeping the limb
ate the dura and arachnoid, forming a funnel-
neutral, neither externally nor internally rotated.
shaped depression, and carry an individual and
When pain is felt, record the range of motion and
separate bilaminar sleeve of dura and arach-
the site of pain.
n ~ i d ~ ~ (Fig.
. " ~ 1' )~
. This sleeve continues as far
as the ganglion where it is strongly attached and
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ultimately becomes the perineurial sheath." Just
distal to the spinal ganglion, the ventral and
A brief discussion of the pertinent anatomy of dorsal nerve roots unite to form the spinal nerve
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the lumbar nerve roots and related structures which passes through the intervertebral fora-
should aid in the understanding of the concepts men. The spinal nerve then divides into a dorsal
being presented. and ventral r a m ~ s . The
~ ' nerve complex,8889as
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

D o r s a l Root

\ D u r a l Sheath


7 Dura

Fig. 1 . Dura-arachnoid sleeve of the nerve root in the intervertebral canal. A, level of the intervertebral foramen; B, gutter of
the transverse process; C, level at which the arachnoid attaches to the dura; D, level at which the nerve has only a dural
coating. Redrawn from Cailliet."

it transverses the intervertebral foramen, is sur-

rounded by loose areolar connective tissue con-
taining the spinal artery, its branches, veins,
lymphatics, and the sinuvertebral nerve. Dis-
agreement exists concerning the attachment of
the nerve roots within the intervertebral canal.
Wykeio3 citing Broda18states that the nerve roots
Fig. 3. Angular course of the sciatic nerve. The nerve exits
are firmly anchored to the wall of the ~nterverte- the foramen, then follows an angular course over the ala of
bra1 foramina. Converse to this, Sunderland8% the sacrum then downwards, backwards, and laterally to the
and lnman and S a ~ n d e r sstate
~ ~ that the "nerve sciatic notch. Redrawn from Cram.13
complex" is not strongly attached but rather
lightly tethered, allowing movement within the
canal. What this means is that the integrity of and L5 roots impinge on the inferomedial aspect
this system is due to the continuity of the nerve of the upper pedicle and then on the superola-
sheath with the dural funnel, not to any strong teral surface of the pedicle below as they exit.
attachment of either nerve or dura to bone. Sub- Therefore, the intervertebral disc, the pedicle,
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sequently, movement of the nerve is transmitted the apophyseal joint including the capsule, the
to the dura and vice versa. In the lumbar region, ligamentum flavum, and the vertebral rim are all
as the roots descend in the spinal canal, they closely related to the exiting nerve root. The
cross the disc above the intervertebral canal by lumbosacral cordz7 or the continuation of the
which they will exit (Fig. 2). As a root exits the upper band of the sacral plexus30 then follows
foramina, the pedicle is superior. the ligamentum an angular course over the ala of the sacrum,
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

flavum posterior, and the vertebral body and the then downwards, backwards, and laterally to the
intervertebral disc anterior. The nerve then sciatic 30 (Fig. 3). This is somewhat dif-

passes downwards, outwards, and forwards, ferent from Charnley'si2 description of a straight
crossing the anrerlor aspect ot tne apophyseal descent. It then passes out of the greater sciatic
joint.89 Goddard and Reid27 state that both L4 foramen and travels in direct contact with the
dorsal ischium into the posterior thigh to its lower
one-third, where it divides into the tibia1 and
common peroneal nerves.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Nerve Structure

A peripheral nerve is comprised of numerous

nerve fibers, each of which is suspended in an
endoneurial matrix which is bound by perineu-
rium into bundles known as funiculi. Each funic-
ulus is embedded in a loose areolar connective
tissue matrix known as epineurium (Fig. 4). The
epineurium contains collagen and elastic fibers
which maintain undulations in the nerve, thereby
permitting changes in length without the funiculi
being strained. The amount of epineurium varies,
greater amounts being found in the vicinity of
joints. Relatively small amounts of scanty epi-
neurium exist within the nerve root.86The loose
matrix structure of the epineurium provides pro-
tection to the funiculi from external pressure.
Within a peripheral nerve, the funiculi are ar-
Fig. 2 . Passage of the'lumbar nerve through the upper part ranged in a plexus configuration, while in the
of the foramen where it is behind the vertebral body and
nerve root, the root fibers run parallel.86*90
immediately below its pedicle. Note the proximity of the nerve
root to the articular process and the passage of the dorsal
funiculus is enclosed within a sheath, the peri-
ramus across the lateral surface of the articular process. neurium. The function of the perineurium is to
Redrawn from Sunderland. protect the nerve bundles which it encircles. It
URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

Myelinated nerve

l e u r ium
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Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Fig. 4. Transverse section of a peripheral nerve (cat). Note the nerve fasciculi, the epi-, peri-, and endoneurial connec$&q
tissue sheaths. Redrawn from Gray.30

does this in two ways. Firstly, the tensile strength oped epineurium which makes it moresus-
and elasticity of a nerve trunk is largely due to ceptible ta compressive forces.
the funicular tissue.E6Secondly, the perineurium 2) The spinal nerve root has no perineurium
is composed of two functionally distinct areas, which makes the spinal nerve root more
external and internal. The internal membrane or susceptible to:
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

perilernma constitutes a diffusion barrier55,"' E6 a3 tension cdefam&on and its conse-

which prevents the passage of chemical and/or quences, e.g., microcirculation reduc-
septic irritants to the endoneurial space. Con- t i ~ and
n ~ ~
versely, this barrier may also localize inflamma- b) chemical irritants secondary to irritation
tory changes within the nerve when they occur. or trauma, as well as to infection.
~ u n d b o r points
g ~ ~ out that the endoneural blood 3) The fasciculi of spinal nerve roots run in a
vessels acquire a perineural sleeve as they enter parallel nonplexiform arrangement which is
the endoneurium and thereby provide a com- not as resistant to tensile deformation as
bined barrier. The nerve root has no perineurium the arrangement within peripheral nerves.
and therefore does not benefit from its protec-
tion. Circulation
The endoneurium is the innermost layer of
connective tissue forming a delicate tube a- Peripheral nerves are generally well-vascular-
round each individual nerve fiber. There is ized structures with two integrated but function-
evidenceE6, that the endoneurium is ally independent microvascular systems, extrin-
responsible for both elastic and tensile proper- sic (nutrient a m m.
ties but not to the same degree as the perineu- The extrinsic system originates from nearby
rium. large arteries and veins. These enter the nerve
From this, certain differences become appar- along its course at which point they divide into
ent when comparing peripheral nerves and ascending and descending branches which run
spinal nerve roots. longitudinally within the epineurium. Vast num-
1) The spinal nerve root has a poorly devel- bers of anastomoses exist between these ves-

sels, some of which penetrate the interior of the ies comprise the proximal set supplying the ven-
nerve, ultimately providing a rich intraneural net- tral and dorsal roots, respectively, and the an-
work within the perineurium and f a s i c l e ~ This
.~ terior and posterior radicular arteries comprising
intrinsic system is continuous throughout the the distal set again supplying the ventral and
nerve.55'56 dorsal roots, r e s p e ~ t i v e l y . ~ ~
The lymphatic system within nerve trunks is
not fully understood, but the literature indicates Innervation
that a capillary network exists within the epineu-
rium which is not in communication with the In the context of the straight-leg-raising test,
endoneurial spaces. This network is drained by ~ a i ncan arise from the following tissues: the
lymphatic channels which accompany the ves- dura, the nerve root, the adventibl AxiaU pf,
sels of the nerve trunk.87Overall, this contributes the epidural veins, and the synoviat facetbints.
to relatively poor lymphatic drainage. The spinal dura mater is innervated by
~urphy~ citec
' unpublished dafa by Parke, branches of the sinuvertebral nerve (recurrent
Gammell, and Rothman which deals specifically meningeal nerve).7. 17. 38. 45. 46, 50. 61, 67, 85 At the
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with the microvascular anatomy of the lumbosac- lumbar level, one ramus usually connects a
ral nerve roots. In the lumbosacral spinal nerve spinal nerve to a sympathetic g a n g l i ~ n , ' ~ and
roots, the intrinsic system is supplied by two each nerve arises either near or with the ramus
different types of "feeder" vessels, a proximal communicans (Fig. 5). Each nerve enters the
set in which the blood flows distally and a distal spinal canal and proceeds toward the midline of
set in which the blood flows proximally with both the posterior longitudinal ligament. Along its
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

meeting half way in an area of relative hypovas- course, branches are given off to ligament, peri-
cularity. The anterior and posterior spinal arter- osteum, blood vessels of the epidural space, and

Sympathetic ganglion
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

nerve -Posterior

Fig. 5 . Horizontal section at a thoracic level showing the main branches of the spinal ganglion and of the dorsal ramus. A
paravertebral nerve plexus is illustrated arising from communications between the spinal and sympathetic ganglia and passing
through the intervertebral foramen into the spinal canal towards the midline of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Along its
course, branches are given off to ligament, periosteum, blood vessels, and the dura. Redrawn from S t i l ~ e l l . ~ ~
122 URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

the dura mater including the dural

Considerable overlap of innervation has been
demonstrated,j7 the general pattern being fibers
from one segment are distributed to the segment
above and to two segments below.'7s50 The in-
nervation of the dura mater consists of a plexus
system of u n w mfifxrs- \Nlm a
much g m e n s i t y anteriorly than on the pos-
terior aspects of the dural s ~ e e v e T ~'03. ~ s ~ ~
Nerve trunks and spinal roots are both innerv-
ated with pain-sensitive tissues.44.77. 78 Accord-
ing to H r ~ m a d a nerve
, ~ ~ trunks receive a dual
innervation, firstly, axonal branching from the
axons and passing through the nerve and, sec-
ondly, from the perivascular plexuses. The epi-
Fig. 6. Sequence of events under normal circumstances. 1,
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neurium of the posterior spinal roots is supplied

almost immediately movement of the nerve at the greater
by direct fibers from the spinal ganglion cells sciatic notch begin^;'^ 2, movement is seen more proximally
while the epineurium of the anterior spinal roots at the ala of the sacrum;273; the majority of movement at the
receive innervation from tiny roots in their vicin- intervertebral foramen occurs;' '. ''. 27. 45 4, minimal movement
ity, probably fine twigs of the sinuvertebral nerve. occurs with the development of tension along the entire
course of the nerve.". ", ". 45 Redrawn from Grieve3' and
Numerous nerve ending types have been dem-
Fahrni. 20
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

onstrated in the spinal nerve root, the majority

being free nerve endings44,77, 78 associated with
pain sensation.
The veins of the vertebral column form intri- vertebral foramen. It is important to consider that
cate plexuses along its entire length, both inside pressures developed at these distal points is
and outside the vertebral canal,30 as well as equal to that developed at the foramen and that
within the intervertebral f ~ r a m i n a'03
. ~ The entire symptoms may arise at any of these points.
venous system is enmeshed by "an advential As pointed out by G r i e ~ e , ~the' effects of
plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibre^.'"^*'^^ As straight-leg raising are not isolated to the spinal
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

well as acting as a "peripheral pathway"'03 for nerve roots but affect the joints between the
noxious stimuli, this vast system is a potential vertebral bodies and also the synovial facet
source of pain itself. joints. Mooney and Robertson5' found that, in
six of 20 patients whose facet joints had been
MECHANICS OF ROOT TENSION injected with irritant, straight-leg raising was lim-
Normal Conditions ited to about 70°.
The amount of movement observed at the in-
During straight-leg raising, first tension, then tervertebral foramen is generally consistent
movement appears distally and then more prox- throughout the literature. Falconer et al.z' report
imally along the nerve and nerve root as the between 2 and 6 millimeters, lnman and Saun-
angle at the hip increases. As Breig and Troup6 d e r 2~ to~ 5~millimeters, and Charnleyi2 4 to 8
point out, in the normal individual, tension in- millimeters. Goddard and Reidz7in a more pre-
creased in any-part of the neuromeningeal path- cise study describe an average movement of 4
way spreads throughout the nerve until it is am- millimeters at the intervertebral foramen in sub-
stant throughout its length, subject to the com- jects 35-55 years of age. In the same study, it
pliance of these tissues and their supporting was noted that the amount of movement was
structures. This is opposed to Charnley's12view found to be Inversely proportional to age due to
that the sciatic nerve behaves as though it is t h e m e a s e in density of adhesions tethering
devoid of elasticity. the nerve along its course. As illustrated in Table
As illustrated in Figure 6, tension and move- 1, the amount of movement observed at the
ment develop firstly at the sciatic notch, then intervertebral foramen is greatest at the L5S1
over the ala of the sacrum, then as the nerve level, and this as well is supported by the litera-
crosses over the pedicle, and finally at the inter- ture.' 2,21.27,45
TABLE 1 spondylosis whose symptoms cannot be attrib-
Average movement in subjects between 35 and 55 years of uted to foramen constriction only. Smyth and
age *
WrightE0demonstrated that even minimal tension
Movement (mm)
on an inflamed nerve root by a nylon thread
Roots at foramina produced intense radicular-type pain and that
L4 equal pressure on uninvolved roots produced
minimal discomfort.
As has been discussed already, the lymphatic
Lumbosacral cord at ala of sac- system within nerve roots is poorly developed,
rum predisposing difficulty in clearing of inflamma-'-
tory exudate. This contributes to the eventual
Nerve at sciatic notch formation of intraneural fibrosis. Murphy6' sug-
From Goddard and Reid." gests a self-perpetuating cycle of irritation once
fibrosis has been established, due to: alteration
Disc Prolapse in root mechanics predisposing further mechan-
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ical distortion, a reduction in intraneural circu-

At this point, it should be emphasized that the lation, and a disruption of axon transmission
above figures represent normal situations. Fal- properties.
soner et a1.21observed that in situations where S~nderland'~ suggests that reduction of the
straight-leg raising was markedly reduced only dimensions of the foramen would have to be
a slight-degree of hip flexion was necessary70 considerable before the nerve complex would be
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

initiate movement ot rne n e r m i ar tnel'eyel of compressed and that the formation of adhesions
thZ prolapse. Breig4and Breig and Troup6 ex- and friction fibrosis is a more tenable explanation
plain tns, utlllzlng the concept of a "tissue bor- in the development of symptoms.
rowing phenomena" (Fig. 7). Under normal con- Adhesions may represent a primary cause of
ditions, a certain degree of slack exists through- limitation of straight-leg raising or may occur
out the neuromeningeal pathway which is sub- concurrently with degenerative disc disease with '
sequently taken up during the straight-leg-rais- or without actual protrusion.
ing maneuver. In the case of disc prolapse, some Adhesions may exist epidurally or within the
0fJku-s slack is taken up even before the-test is
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

initiated. The prolapse increases the restina ten-

sjon in the nerve root, in effect, priming it for the
subsequent test.

Inflammation and Adhesion Formation

In the next section, it will be shown that spinal

nerve root compression does not necessarily
involve pain. Considering this assumption, a
number of 31. 61. 69.89, 93
have sug-
gested that inflammatory changes possibly lead-
ing to intraneural fibrosis is a more tenable con-
sideration when discussing sources of pain.
Lindahl and R e ~ e cited ~ a~study involving 23
cases of sciatica examined postmortem, 78% of
which revealed pathologic changes. A study of
'their own related similar changes in 70% of the
cases studied, in some cases unaccompanied
by disc protrusion. O l ~ s o reqorted
n~~ inflamma-
tory reactiqn as a relatively re-non Fig. 7 . Tissue-borrowing phenomena. The disc protrusion
borrows relaxed tissue from the pelvis by drawing part of the
i v o n in the dog. FrykholmZ4de-
dura, nerve roots, and ganglia futher into the spinal canal
scribes periradicular fibrosis and root sleeve fi- and a small part of the plexus towards the intervertebral
brosis in patients with long-standing cervical canal. Redrawn from Breig.4
124 URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

dural pouch itself due to arachnoidal prolifera- was described which presented with severe
tion. This will alter the normal mobility of the backache and straight-leg raising limited to 50'.
nerve within the foramen and dural pouch, re- Adhesions secondary to an adenocarcinoma of
spectively. Adhesions of the nerve complex have the stomach were found anchoring the sacral
been described at different points along its nerves at their foramina.
course.27 Lindblom and ~ e x e foundd ~ ~ that, in In cases where adhesions exist concurrent
some cases of dorsolateral protrusions, the gan- with disc prolapse, inferolateral movement is
glion and nerve were adhered to the protruding prevented by the prolapse, and cranial move-
disc by dense connective tissue. In some cases, ment is restricted by the transforaminal f a ~ c i a . ~
adhesions were the only finding. Proximally, the This, combined with immobility of the nerve
nerve root may become densely bound to the within the dural pouch, may lead to fibrosis, often
posterior aspect of the d i s ~ . ~ Fahrni20
~.~' de- fixing the root even after the original cause has
scribes patients presenting with classical signs been eliminated.
and symptoms of disc protrusion including In cases where adhesions exist in the absence
straight-leg raising limited to 30°. Lerman and of disc protrusion, m cnfhn nerve
Drasnin5' describe patients again presenting compLex within the foramen is aaain cnmpro-
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with classical signs and limited straight-leg rais- %hs

i produces local increases in tension
ing in which adhesions within the dural sleeve usually seen distal to the point of adhesion.
binding the dura arachnoid and nerve root were
the only findings (Fig. 8). Goddard and Apophyseal Joint Changes
describe fibrous strands tethering the sciatic
nerve throughout its lumbopelvic course. These Changes observed within the apophyseal
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

adhesions increase in density with age. A patient joints may be regarded in two categories,32898 as

Pia Mater
Nerve Root
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

0 e e o o OO oO b 0


Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the relations at the level of the entrance of the spinal nerve into the meningeal sheath. 1,
normal relations; 2, dot-like adhesion, 3, partial adhesion; 4, total adhesive incarceration of the nerve root. Redrawn from
Lerman and D r a ~ n i n . ~ '

a secondary pathological feature of lumbar spon-

dylosis (arthrosis) or as a primary disorder un-
related to disc degeneration (o~teoarthritis).~~
As was outlined earlier, the nerve root crosses
the anterior aspect of the apophyseal joint as it
exits the foramen. In spondylosis, as the disc
space narrows, the vertical diameter of the for-
amen is reduced by the approximation of the
p e d i c ~ e s(Fig.
~ ~ 9). This results in overriding of
the articular processes57 (Fig. 10) followed by
secondary arthrosis (10 years subsequent to
disc degeneration3') which tends to reduce the
transverse diameter of the foramen.37,39 This is
a slow process. - E 19 nd degener-
ative changes in the apophyseal join- in
pa&?& under 4 0 m g e .
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' H e ~ i t states
t ~ ~ that it is the reduction in the
transverse diameter of the foramen which is most
Fig. 10. Schematic representation of what happens as disc
likely to result in pressure effects. It would seem
space is lost. As the vertebral bodies approach one another,
then that, occurring together, spondylosis with the posterior joints override. Redrawn from Macnab. 58
subsequent apophyseal joint arthrosis contribute
to considerable overall narrowing of the interver-
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

tebral foramen. of testing. Cervical flexion has been shown to

Lindblom and R e ~ e foundd ~ ~that, in dorsolat- increase tension i n p e lumbosacral nerve roots5
era1 disc protrusions, the protrusion pushed the (Fig. I 1) as has medial tup-r~tation.~Therefore,
nerve complex in the direction of the apophyseal as stated in the protocol, the head should always
joint, and in cases where the joints were en- be slightly extended '%id the hip in a neutral
larged by degenerative changes, secondary position. This will assure consistent reliable re-
compressive deformation was observed due to sults.
the enlarged joint.
Crossed Straight-Leg-RaisingTest
Adhesions of the spinal nerve root and the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

subsequent clinical manifestations are frequently The "crossed straight-leg-raising test" or

associated with apophyseal joint changes inde- "well-leg-raising test" is mentioned throughout
pendent of frank disc protrusion. literatUre35,43,44.58,63,73. 74,82.99,101 usually as an
adjunct although many feel it to be more signifi-
Adjunct tests cant than the ipsilateral variety.3543.44'73,74.82,99
The mechanics of the crossed straight-leg-rais-
The effects of cervical flexion (Hyndman sign ing test4.74.101 .~nvolvethe movement of the dura
or Brudzinski sign) and medial hip rotation will

and contralateral roots medially and distally
be discussed only as they relate to the protocol
when the unaffected limb is raised. w74
feels that this indicates a large more medially
a d prolapse ( F i g 3 7


Limitation of straight-leg raising is often inter-

preted to indicate nerve root compression.
Compression can only occur in situations where
a thrust is resisted by an unyielding structure
producing intense local axial tension displacing
Fig. 9. Two adjaceni vertebrae and the intervening annulus
tissue element^.^ As has just been shown, limi-
fibrosis. Note that, as the disc space narrows the annulus
bulges outward, the facets override, and the height of the
tation of straight-leg raising is in most cases of
intervertebral foramen is reduced. Redrawn from Weinstein prolapse a tension sign rather than a sign of
et a/." compression. However, compression of spinal
URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2. No. 3

Fig. 11. Effect of pressure of a disc protrusion on the tension in the dura and a nerve root during changes in spinal posture.
A and D, normal biomechanical events; B and C, pathological events in the presence of a disc protrusion. White arrows in A
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and B, direction of axial tension induced by cervical flexion; white arrows in C and D, direction of relaxation induced by
cervical extension; black arrows, direction of pressure resulting in increased axial tension from disc protrusion. A, the dura,
root sleeve, and nerve root are under normal tension; 6,since the nerve root is tethered by fine fibers, it is drawn out to the
same extent as the dura and membrane; the amount to which the root is stretched is indicated by the white segment above the
reference line; C, the dura, root sleeve, and nerve root are slightly slackened, but the protrusion still sets up tension in the
nerve root; D, the dura, root sleeve, and nerve root are now greatly slackened. Redrawn from Breig and T r o ~ p . ~
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

osteophytosis secondary to degenerative disc

diseaseg8 which is followed by hypertrophic
changes in structures surrounding caudal nerve
roots. These changes include arthrosis of the
apophyseal joints together with thickening of the
laminae and the ligamentum flavum and primary
Prolapse narrowing of the disc space which approximates
the pedicles, thereby reducing the vertical di-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

ameter of the intervertebral foramen.8g These

factors all contribute to reduce the dimensions
of the foramen which may compress spinal roots
and ganglia.
crossed straight-
leg raising Many feel that neither of these conditions are
Fig. 12.Mechanism of the crossed straight-leg-raising test. sufficient to actually compress the nerve com-
As the unaffected leg is raised, the movement of the roots is p l e ~ ~except
' . ~ ~in rare cases but, as will be
transmitted across to the other side. Redrawn from S ~ h a m . ' ~ shown later, slow diffuse intermittent54.75

compression may have very significant effects

nerve roots may follow acute herniation of the on nerve root pathology.
disc into the epidural space or s p o n d y l ~ s i s . ~ ~ Actual nerve root damage secondary to com-
A dorsolateral protrusion may bulge toward pressive lesions is dependent upon magnitude,
the intervertebral foramen pressing upon the rate, angle, and area of application, as well as
ventral root and then the spinal ganglion and the the duration of the compressive force.75-83, 98

spinal nerve, at the same time pushing the entire The nerve may respond to injury in two ways:
complex up against the dorsolateral margin of focal demyelination and remyelination in a mild
the intervertebral foramen near the apophyseal injury or degeneration and regeneration in a
joint of the same side. Lindblom and R e ~ e d ~more ~ severe injury.75.83, 98
found that, in protrusions of this type, the point Slow diffuse intermittent compressive forces
of compression was always somewhere on the would probably result in segmental demyelina-
distal half of the spinal ganglion and the first tion at varying degrees of remyelination. This
centimeter of the spinal nerve. has been demonstrated by Lindblom and
Lumbar spondylosis is defined as vertebral in human lumbar nerve roots. Severe

acute compression may lead to actual axonal source of pain, what then makes it pain-sensi-
interruption with subsequent regeneration of ax- tive?
ons and with possible misrouted regenerating The following theories have been advocated:
fibers leading to neuroma f o r m a t i ~ n . ~ ~ . ~hyperalgesia,
'.~~ the concept of the "artificial syn-
Dorsal roots are more sensitive to conduction apse" and the loss of afferent input, or the partial
block than are peripheral nerves.76S h a r p l e ~ s ~ ~ block theory.
has shown that pressures as little as 10 mm Hg
maintained for 10-30 minutes will reduce com- Hyperalgesia
pound action potentials. Much evidence exists
that this is due to mechanical deformation rather The concept of hyperalgesia5*.53. 68769. 74 'tn-
than ischemic d e f o r m a t i ~ n . ' . ~Under ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ changes in sensation, namely the lower-
~ . ~ ex- volves
perimental conditions, large-diameter fibers (mo- ing of the threshold for the production of pain,
tor, proprioception, and touch) were found to which is a regular concomitant of inflammation.
block first, due to mechanical deformation, and What this means is that pain will result from
smaller-diameter fibers (temperature and pain) normally nonpainful stimuli, i.e., straight-leg rais-
later. Conversely, anoxia appears to affect the ing, in areas of hyperalgesia.
Howe et al.4' found that chronic injury to dor-
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smaller fibers first.25,72. 76 It has been sug-

g e ~ t e dassuming
,~~ that the lesion is mechanical, sal roots markedly increased their sensitivity to
that it may be possible to monitor the degree of mechanical pressure and that repetitive firing
compression by monitoring the nerve function persisted as long as the stimulus was applied.
which has been lost, due to this serial blocking Lindblom and R e ~ e found
d ~ ~in their study that
of conduction. the damage inflicted during disc protrusion was
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

In cases of "compression," is the actual the result of repeated small trauma over a rela-
compression a prima;? source of x n d would tively large area. Injury secondary to friction
straight-leg raisina i m e it? In the past, ra- would be an example of chronic trauma.
dicular pain was attributed to compression of a Per168369 suggests that tissues subjected to
nerve root by a herniated int~ru.r&b& disc. unusual stresses could lead to inflammation and
More recently, Wall et a1.96and 47, 61. 76 subsequent liberation of substances4g capable
have stated that acute damage in itself does not of altering their excitability, thereby rendering
produce a chronic discharge of afferent im- these tissues responsive to stimuli which previ-
pulses. Most recently, Howe et al.40have found ously could not generate impulses (Fig. 13).
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

that: 1 ) as did Wall et al.96acute compression of Therefore, a situation exists where normal me-
dorsal roots and ~erieheraln e r w not pro- chanical stresses can evoke repetitive action
duce sustained repetitive discharge; 2) the dor-
sal root wnglion produced long periods of sus- NOXIOUS STIMULUS TISSUE DAMAGE
tained d i s ~ l l o w i n g ~ r e s s i o n ;
p n d 3) c h r o n i w r e d dorsal roots axons
exhibit increased mechanosensitivity and pro-
duced p r ~-g e s w h ? ? ~ f s t i m u l a t e d . AGENT FOR I N F L A M K ~ T I O N


In the context of this discussion, the following
definition seems very apt: "Pain is that sensory
experience evolved by stimuli that injure or \ / INFLAMMATION

threaten to destroy tissue, defined introspec-

tively by every man as that which hurts."60 94
Specifically, when considering limitation of
straight-leg raising, the limitation is a reflex re- PERIPHERAL AND PRODUCTS OF
action to sensory input or a mechanism to pro- CENTRAL PATHWAYS INFL&PIATION
tect us from injury.14 FOK PAIN
It is important to remember that compres- Fig. 13. Representation of possible steps linking nociceptor
sing or stretching a normal nerve is not pain- activation to inflammation from trauma or disease. From
fU1.41.68,74.87 Assuming that the nerve is the Perl. 69
URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

I S m a l l and

(High (Low
threshold) threshold)
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-intraneural fibrosis

Fig. 14. The artificial synapse. Graphical representation of the possible mechanism of pain production in which neural activity
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

in the spinal nerve is funneled into incoming small and unmyelinated fibers in areas of pathology. Redrawn from Murphy."

potentials in an area previously capable of pro- forces.62 It has been suggested that damage to
ducing only transient burst potentials. a nerve might preferentially block inhibitory im-
pulses, allowing the excitatory impulses which
Artificial Synapse normally arrive from the periphery to bombard
the disinhibited central cells. The resulting in-
It has been demonstrated that, under certain crease in discharge from these disinhibited cells
conditions, axons within nerves can be stimu- would render such an area tender and painful.
lated by the activity of adjacent ax on^.^^, 29. 7'
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Per168points out that this proposal is inconsistent

This means that under conditions such as local with clinical observation in that sensory loss
injury the insulative property of the myelin sheath and/or paresthesia should be a prominent fea-
in a nerve is lost or reduced, and neural activity ture when actual nerve root compression is pres-
in one fiber may activate another (Fig. 14). Granit ent.
et a1.28have shown that pain fibers are the most
susceptible to stimulation by this process and Venous Distension
that nerve impulses originating in motor fibers
Wykeio3 states that pain associated with
can activate sensory fibers of the same segment.
straight-leg raising is not due to traction on nerve
This fiber interaction is termed an "artificial syn-
roots. Since the epidural venous plexus is in
apse." The implied effect6' is a situation where
continuity with the veins of the retroperitoneal
neural activity within a spinal root is funneled
and retropleural spaces,I6 pressure on these
into the pain-carrying fibers, thereby disrupting
vessels would impede flow from the epidural
the spinal internuncial pool and enhancing the
veins causing them to distend. As was mentioned
/sensitivity of the spinal root to irritation. Wallg3
earlier, the venous plexus is a potential source
states that this phenomena is of short duration
of pain i t ~ e l f , ' ~ " ~and most certainly this ac-
counts for one of the mechanisms producing
Partial Block pain on coughing, sneezing, or straining, but the
increase in intraabdominal pressure during
Wallg3 and Wall et al.96, in their gate control straight-leg raising, especially when less than
theory of pain, have suggested that the cells 30°, might be insufficient to produce the dra-
which trigger pain reactions are subject to a matic painful reaction often observed.
balance between excitatory and inhibitory To summarize, t h e y s t r a i a h t -
leg raising would seem to be due to local in- centaae w t i o n found at sur-
creases in tension on an hyperalaes~cnerve roo gerv:-2) disc herniation was found in 87% of
In oQvious cases of disc protrusion, the se- patients with positive cro- rais-
quence ot evenrs ieaaing to a painful state would in&; 3 ) negative straight-leg raisylgwas-feund in
be 1) disc protrusion producing the local tension 45% of the cases reviewed; 4 ) positive straight-
changes> nonspeclt~cinflammation, 3 ) e s i - Tg \
raising was found i n p h of c a ~ e s m ~ c
bly epidural edZiTa, and 4 ) adhesion formation hernigtlon; ana s ) d a i g h t - l e g raising
and intraneural f i b r o ~ i s . ~
In' the absence of disc wax%mdTo be tn2 most definite clinical sign of
Z t r u s l o n , aaneslon tormation frequently asso- disc herniation.
ciated with spondylosis and subsequent apo- In an earlier study, H a k e ~ i u s
~ ~ that uni-
physeal joint arthrosis may alter the normal root lateral straight-leg raising was positive in 89% of
mechanics initiating the sequence just de- the cases reviewed. From this, it was concluded
scribed. that straight-leg raising alone did not provide any
The sequence need not start with changes in guidance in the selection of patients for surgery.
root tension. It has been suggested that a chem- SprangfortB4 in a study of 2,157 cases with
ical product of disc degeneration itself (the au- confirmed lumbar disc herniation found that: 1 )
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toimmune m e ~ h a n i s m ~ , 'might~) initiate inflam- positive straight-leg raising test was seen in
p a t i o n leading to adhesion formation and, ulti- 98.6% nf the patients; 2 ) t h e p c e of the
' mately, fibrosis, which then would alter root ten- sign core-e
l level of hernia-
sion locally. tion as one moved cranially; and 3 ) t h e s i g n
Whatever the predisposing factors, pain is per- when correlated with age decreased constantly.
ceived when abnormal stresses are applied to From this, it wasI-o
c young
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

abnormally sensitive structures. people, the sign has no specific value for the
diagnosis of disc herniation; 2) in young people,
INTERPRETATION a negative straight-leg-raising test excludes the
diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation; 3 ) after age
Charnley" has stated that, in its correct per- 30, positive straight-leg raising is seen less often
spective, the straight-leg raising test, when re- but its diagnostic value increases; and 4) after
corded quantitatively in degrees, is of such im- age 30, a negative straight-leg-raising test no
portance in the diagnosis of disc protrusion that longer excludes the diagnosis of disc herniation.
its value should be regarded as being greater Spengler and Freeman8' in analyzing two
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

than all of the other clinical or radiological signs groups (50 and 23 cases) operated on for sus-
put together. pected disc protrusion (Table 3) concluded that:
In reviewing the literature, the previous state- 1) a positive ipsilateral straight-leg-raising test
ment proves not be as conclusive as previously had minimal value in differentiating a patient with
believed. herniated disc from other patients with low back
Hakelius and Hindmarsh3' in a retrospective pain and sciatica; and 2 ) the crossed straight-
study of 1,986 cases operated for suspected leg-raising test was a much more specific crite-
lumbar disc herniation (Table 2) compared the rion for a disc protrusion.
straight-leg-raising test to operative findings. ~ u d g i n using
s ~ ~ the Vecchio formulag2for cal-
The conclusions drawn from this study were culating the predictive value [the ability of a test
that: 1 ) the degree of limita- to detect the presence (or absence) of a disease

raising was inversely proportional to the per-

when the disease is in fact present (or absent)]

comparison of straight-leg raising to operative findings *

Positive (%) Other (%) Negative (%I

Lasegue t30° 85 (600/707) 8 (56/707) 7 (51/707)

Lasegue 30-60' 76 (629/835) 16 (105/835) 16 (101 /835)
Lasegue 60-90" 63 (182/291) 18 (53/291) 19 (56/291)
Lasegue positive total 77 (141 1 /I833) 12 (214/1833) 1 1 (208/1833)
Lasegue negative 45 (56/126) 20 (25/126) 35 (45/126)
Lasegue crossed 87 (407/468) 7 (32/468) 6 (29/468)
* From Hakelius and Hindmar~h.~'
130 URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

Comparison of straight-leg raising to surgical findings *
Surgical findings
Unilateral straight-leg rais- Crossed straight-leg
Lateral re-
LE:Ed:!l cess steno-
Normal Total
ing raising

Group 1 43 3 2 2 50 50 (average, 39") 30

Group 2 5 18 - 3 26 26 -
* Summarized from Spengler and FreemamS2

. .
5 ) after age YU, u n i l a _ t ~ a ~ ~ a i gis k t ~ g
seen less oftsn but its diagnostic value in-
>vd 6) afier a g ~ 3 O ~ e-- pativ s6aight-
leq-- ralslnq- no longer
- excludes disc protrusion.
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Edgar and Park'" have demonstrated a rela-

tionship between the pattern of pain on straight-
leg raising and the position of a disc protrusion.
Reference is made to two coordinates, horizontal
and vertical. Within the horizontal axis, the pro-
trusion may be located in a central, intermediate,
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Fig. 15. Location of central, intermediate, and lateral protru- or lateral position (Fig. 15). As illustrated in Table
sions in relation to the dura and nerve roots. 4, centrally located protrusions produced low
back pain only, intermediate protrusions low
TABLE 4 back and leg pain, and laterally located protru-
Relation of position of protrusion as found at operation to sions leg pain alone.
the pattern of pain produced by straight-leg raising in 50
The centrally located protrusions contgicted
cases of lower lumber disc prolapse *
the dura only. lntermediate protrusions impi
Number of cases

Distribution of pain
upon dura and nerve roots while the lateral pro-
. t r u s l o n 8 c t e d the nerve-s
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Position of lesion 1

Low back Lzrdq:gk Leg alone

The production of radiating= has already
been presented in preceding sections. The pro-
Central 7 1 0
duction of back pain in this context is probably
Intermediate 2 21 4 due to dural irritati~n."~ ' 0 3 Subtle variations may
Lateral 1 1 14 exist which contribute to back pain concurrent
* From Edgar and Park.''
with leg pain. Adhesions of the dura or dural
sheath in the spinal canal to the annulus fibrosus,
to the ligamentum flavum, or to the capsules of
for myelography in the diagnosis of disc protru- the apophyseal joints may all be responsible for
sion found that myelography was not necessary back pain during straight-leg r a i ~ i n g . ~
for patients who had good neurological signs or The vertical coordinate referred to the level of
a crossed straight-leg-raising test. The probabil- protrusion. Straight-leg raising was found not
ity of disc protrusion based on clinical examina- to be an accurate predictor of level of protru-
tion alone being 0.81 to 0.98. sion.'*~34
To summarize: 1) m h t - l e g rais- The crossed straight-leg-raising test produced
i n g p e c i a l l y in young -fit similar patterns (Table 5). These figures also
valye in the dmnosis of disc protysion; 2) confirm the observations of S ~ h a m who ' ~ stated
negative straight-leg raising, ewe-g that this test when positive is strong evidence
Eeople. usuallv excludes the diagnosis of disc
protrusion; 3) the dearee of limitation of straight-
- that the protrusion will be located more medially
(Fig. 12).
leg raising-ely proportional to the'pro- To summarize: 1 ) passive straight-leg raising
M r o t r u s i o n ; 4 )W s s e d may produce leg pain, back pain, or a combi-
straight-leg-raising test is a much more definite nation of both; 2) centrally located protrusions
Incidence of limitation of well-leg raising and pain pattern related to the position of the disc protrusion at operation in 50
cases *
Pain distribution
Number with limitation
Site of protrusion Number of cases Percentage
of well-leg raising
Low back Back and Opposite leg
site leg

Central 8 5
Intermediate 27 13
Lateral 16 4

* From Edgar and Park."

produce mainly back pain; 3 ) intermediately lo- teered as to why the crossed straight-leg-raising
cated protrusions produce back and leg pain; 4 ) test is more reliable than the unilateral variety.
laterally located protrusions usually produce leg

JXWM&@~ EacK pain oDserved during straight-

leg raising is probably due to tension on sensitive SUMMARY
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dura: 6 ) leg pain observed during stra~ght-leg

raising is probablv Jue to tension on sensitive A brief historical review has been presented.
nerve roots; 7) pain patterns &served during The pertinent anatomy and physiology of the
sfFaight-leg raisingamw&-w accurate predictor lumbosacral spinal nerve roots and related struc-
of the level of disc protrusion; and 8) a positive tures have been reviewed. The mechanics of
. .
crossed i f s t usually indi- nerve root tension under normal and pathologi-
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

cates a more centrally located prolapse. cal conditions has been described. The effects
of compression, inflammation, and apophyseal
joint changes have been discussed. Pain and
DISCUSSION pain mechanisms have been outlined. Interpre-
tation and conclusions are as follows.
The straight-leg-raising test is routinely em- 1) Unilateral passive straight-leg raising may
ployed when assessing patients with low back produce leg pain, back pain, or a combi-
pain. In most cases, the test is recorded as either nation of both but, especially in persons
positive or negative. In some cases, the degree under 30 years of age, has no specific
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

of limitation may also be recorded. value in the diagnosis of disc protrusion.

If asked to interpret the test, most clinicians 2) Negative straight-leg raising, especially in
state that a positive straight-leg-raising test is persons under 30 years of age, usually
indicative of a "disc lesion." Considering the excludes the diagnosis of disc protrusion.
data reviewed, this statement in many cases is 3) The degree of limitation of straight-leg-rais-
incorrect. ing is inversely proportional to positive disc
The data does suggest trends. In cases where protrusion.
a disc lesion is present, straight-leg raising is 4) After age 30, unilateral straight-leg raising
restricted. Conversely, where restriction of is seen less often, but its diagnostic value
straight-leg raising is absent, no disc lesion ex- increases.
ists. But, at best, a positive unilateral straight- 5) After age 30, negative straight-leg raising
leg-raising test only indicates stress applied to no longer excludes disc protrusion.
abnormally sensitive tissues within the neuro- 6) The crossed straight-leg-raising test is a
meningeal pathway. A disc lesion is not a pre- much more reliable clinical sign of disc
requisite of pain on straight-leg raising and, even protrusion.
if present, need not necessarily have anything to 7) In cases of proven disc protrusion:
do with causing the pain other than possibly a) centrally located protrusions produce
making it ~ o r s e . ~ ' mainly back pain during straight-leg rais-
The crossed straight-leg-raising test appears ing probably due to tension on sensitive
ble Tnndicamr of disc protrusion, dura;
6) intermediately located protrusions pro-
duce back and leg pain during straight-
gree of limitation nor is any explanation volun- leg raising;
132 URBAN JOSPT Vol. 2, No. 3

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