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Instituto Universitario de la Frontera. IUFRONT.

Corte 1 – Actividad 2 – Módulo 1

1. Copia y pega tus ejercicios en un archivo aparte.
2. En la Columna 1 y 2 tienes los verbos en Infinitivo.
3. En la columna 3 debes transformar el verbo a presente cuando el Sujeto es 3ra persona singular.
4. En la columna 4 debes transformar el verbo a presente cuando el sujeto NO ES
3PS. (Es decir, cuando es 1ps, 2ps, 1pp, 2pp o 3pp)

Columna 1 Columna 2 Columna 3

Infinitivos Presente - Sujetos 3ps
1 Copiar To copy
2 Abolir To Abolish
3 Acariciar To caress
4 Acceder To access
5 Acercar To approach
6 Aclarar To clarify
7 Acosar To harass
8 Adivinar To guess
9 Adjuntar to attach
10 Agregar To add
11 Alcanzar To reach
12 Amar to love
13 Aplastar To crush
14 Aprobar To pass
15 Atrapar To catch
16 Bailar to dance
17 Bendecir To bless
18 Besar To kiss
19 Borrar To erase
20 Caer To fall
21 Calcular To calculate
22 Cambiar To change
23 Caminar To walk
24 Cargar To carry
25 Castigar To punish
26 Cepillar To brush
27 Cerrar To close
28 Certificar To certify
29 Chocar To crash
30 Clasificar To classify
31 Cobrar To collect
32 Colocar To place
33 Comer To eat
34 Comprar To buy
35 Comprender To understand
36 Condenar To decry
37 Conducir To drive
38 Conectar to match
39 Confesar To confess
40 Conocer To know
41 Conseguir To get
42 Construir To build
43 Contar To count
44 Continuar To continue
45 Correr To run
46 Costar To cost
47 Crecer To grow
48 Creer To believe
49 Cruzar To cross
50 Cruzar To cross
51 Cumplir To comply
52 Dar To give
53 Decaer To decay
54 Decir To say
55 Dejar To leave
56 Demorar To delay
57 Desafiar To defy
58 Descalificar To disqualify
59 Descansar To rest
60 Desear To wish
61 Deshacer To undo
62 deslizar to slide
63 Destruir To destroy
64 Detener To stop
65 Dignificar To dignify
66 Dirigir To address
67 Discutir To discuss
68 Disfrutar To enjoy
69 Dividir To divide
70 Doler To hurt
71 Dormir To sleep
72 Durar To last
73 Ejemplificar To exemplify
74 Embellecer To beautify
75 Embellecer To Embellish
76 Emboscar To ambush
77 Empezar To begin
78 Emplear To employ
79 Empujar To push
80 Encarnar To embody
81 Encerar To wax
82 Encontrar To find
83 Enfocar To focus
84 Enseñar To teach
85 Enterrar To bury
86 Envidiar To envy
87 Establecer To Establish
88 Estresar To stress
89 Exagerar To overdo
90 Exhibir To display
91 Expresar To express
92 Extrañar To miss
93 Falsificar To falsify
94 Fantasear To fancy
95 Fortificar To fortify
96 Freir To fry
97 Golpear To punch
98 Hacer To do
99 Hacer eco To echo
100 Impresionar To impress
101 Ir To go
102 Lanzar To launch
103 Lavar To wash
104 Llegar to arrive
105 Llenar To fill
106 Llevar To take
107 Llorar To cry
108 Marchar to march
109 Memorizar To memorize
110 Mezclar To mix
111 Mirar To look
112 Mirar To watch
113 Mostrar To show
114 Multiplicar To multiply
115 Navegar To surf
116 Necesitar To need
117 Negar To deny
118 Observar To watch
119 Obsesionar To obsess
120 Obtener To get
121 Oír To hear
122 Oler To smell
123 Olvidar To forget
124 Opinar To think
125 Oprimir To opress
126 Pagar To pay
127 Parar To stop
128 Pedir To ask for
129 Pellizcar to pinch
130 Pensar To think
131 Pensar to think
132 Perder To lose
133 Perecer To perish
134 Permitir To let
135 Poner To put
136 Poseer To own
137 Preguntar To ask
138 Preguntar to ask
139 Preocupar to worry
140 Procesar To process
141 Prohibir To forbid
142 Publicar To Publish
143 Pulir to polish
144 QUERER To want
145 Recibir To receive
146 Recordar To remember
147 Rehacer To redo
148 Relajar To relax
149 Renunciar To forego
150 Reparar To fix
151 Responder to answer
152 Restar To rest
153 Restaurar To Refurbish
154 Saber To know
155 Salir To go out
156 Saltar To jump
157 Saltar to jump
158 Secar To dry
159 Sentir To feel
160 Separar To separate
161 Solucionar To solve
162 Sonrojar To blush *HAS
163 Sufragar To defray
164 Sufrir To undergo
165 Sumar To add
166 Tener To have
167 Terminar To finish
168 Tocar To touch
169 Trabajar To work
170 Traer To bring
171 Traicionar To betray
172 Transmitir To convey
173 Utilizar To use
174 Vender To sell
175 Venir To come
176 VER To see
177 Vestirse To dress
178 Vetar To veto
179 Viajar To travel
180 VIVIR To live

181 Glorificar to glorify

182 Angustiar to distress
183 Anular To nullify
184 apostar To bet
185 Apurar To hurry
186 atestiguar to witness
187 avergonzar to embarrass
188 beber to drink
189 blaquear to blanch
190 bucear to dice
191 caer to fall
192 cambiar to change
193 cantar to sing
194 Casar To marry
195 cavar to dig
196 cerrar to shut
197 colgar to hang
198 comenzar to begin
199 comer to eat
200 Comprimir To compress
201 congelar to freeze
202 contar To count
203 converstirse to become
204 cortar to cut
205 crecer to grow
206 descomprimir to decompress
207 despertar to wake
208 dibujar to draw
209 doblar to bend
210 encontrar to find
211 enviar to send
212 escoger to choose
213 esconder to hide
214 escribir to write
215 existir to exist
216 ganar to win
217 gastar to spend
218 Gratificar to gratify
219 guiar to lead
220 habla to speak
221 hechizar to bewitch
222 Implicar To imply
223 Intensificar To intensify
224 Jugar To play
225 Justificar To justify
226 lanzar to throw
227 leer to read
228 levantar to stand
229 llamar to call
230 manejar to drive
231 mantener to keep
232 mentir to lie
233 Modificar To modify
234 morder to bite
235 nadar to swim
236 Notificar To notify
237 Obedecer To obey
238 Ocupar to occupy
239 oir to hear
240 olvidar to forget
241 Pacificar To pacify
242 parecer to seem
243 pelear to fight
244 perdonar to forgive
245 permitir to let
246 poner to put
247 producir to produce
248 progresar to progress
249 quemar to burn
250 requerir to request
251 reunir to meet
252 romper to break
253 Rumbear To party
254 sentar to sit
255 soñar to dream
256 soplar to blow
257 sostener to hold
258 transgredir to transgress
259 traspasar to traspass
260 volar to fly
o el Sujeto es 3ra persona singular.
sente cuando el sujeto NO ES

Columna 4
Presente NO ES 3PS

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