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Master of Science in Computer Engineering (Cyber Security), Syracuse University Jan 2018 – Dec 2019
Relevant Courses: Internet Security, Computer Security, Machine Learning for Security, Object Oriented Design,
Advanced Computer Architecture, Design Analysis & Algorithm
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, University of Pune Jun 2013 - Jul 2017
Relevant Courses: Computer Networks, Data Structure and Problem Solving
Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Haskell, HTML
Database Systems & Tools: MySQL, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Wireshark, Netcat, Scapy, Microsoft Office
Operating System: UNIX, Windows, NachOS, Linux Ubuntu
Internet and Network Security, Syracuse University Jan 2019 – Present
• Conducted sniffing and spoofing attack on TCP/IP, ICMP, DNS and UDP packet using Scapy and python tool by
studying them using Wireshark
• Implemented attacks on various ports and protocols such as TCP, TLS and researched their prevention techniques
• Developing a VPN project to build a Virtual Private Network with internal client-server NAT network on VirtualBox
along with an encrypted channel of communication
Computer and Web Security, Syracuse University Aug 2018 – Dec 2018
• Conducted attacks in SEED lab environment using vulnerabilities of environment variables, capabilities leak, buffer
overflow, format string, dirty COW in Linux Ubuntu and exploited bash shell after injecting malicious code
• Performed Cross-site Request Forgery, Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Attacks using HTML, Ajax and JavaScript
vulnerabilities in SEED lab environment
• Studied advantages of kernel-randomization, stack-guard implementation, same-site cookies and encoding of data as
countermeasures in new updates
Exploiting GPU's for Cryptography, Syracuse University Jan 2018 - May 2018
• Produced a research paper on executing various cryptography algorithms such as RSA, AES using GPU for enhancing
speed of encryption for security
• Theorized on benefits of using CUDA GPU’s thread system and parallelization for better results
Design a Remote Repository Management System, Syracuse University Jan 2018 - May 2018
• Developed a repository management system to handle files and queries for a back-end NoSQL database using XML
• Operated multiple client-server using version controlling on files payload for read-write operations
• Designed project using Visual Studio and Windows Communication Foundation
• Developed a graphical user interface and performed unit testing and integration testing
Detect the User's sentiments using Android Devices, University of Pune Jun 2016 - Apr 2017
• Developed analysis of typing speed, typing pattern & sensors in android device by integrating polarization algorithms
in a chatting application
• Developed with Android studio, XAMP server and Java Database Connectivity along with self-learning loop to
generate a threshold and feedback system

• Member of Orange Hackers Association, Syracuse University Jun 2018 - Present
• Co-organized Texephyr; an inter-state technical fair for Code-storm event, Pune Sep 2016
• Organized Brute-Con Ethical Hacking Conference, Pune Apr 2016
• Recognized for assisting in Organizing Teknothon; an inter-college technical fest, Pune Mar 2015
Published a Research article in IJESC Volume7. Feb 2017
• Designing a system which can detect the sentiment of the user by his behavior with android device

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