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I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, (name ni

ma’am) for her guidance and support during my research project. Without her help, I
would not have been able to complete this project. I would also like to thank my
parents for their support and encouragement throughout my studies. Finally, I would
like to thank my friends for their help and patience during the editing process of this

To my relatives my family is the constant in my life, it exists when I close my eyes and
reappears when I open them. I wouldn't trade my family for anything, and I consider
myself the luckiest girl on the planet to have them. Thank you for being my rock,
inspiration, biggest fan, and biggest support system.

A state university leading in research and Innovation for human empowerment and
societal development

To advance the university through Innovative human resource, responsive research
sustainable production and demand-driven. extension services

1. To develop educators responsive to the educational needs of the Philippine
society imbued with sincerity for service to bring about the holistic development
of the learners.
2. To develop teachers in basic education by providing advanced professional and
academic training designed to hamess the potentials and capabilities of
Biliranons and the people of Northwestern Leyte.
CMO No. 74, s.2017
a. Demonstrate in depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning
b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of
the different subject areas
c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes
d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and
technology to accelerate learning and teaching
e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher both as an individual and as a
f. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
PART 1. It’s All About ME, MYSELF, I and MYSELF!

Who Am I

I'm Danit M. Buscay, a first-year college student. I'm an introvert who dislikes going out
of the house and dislikes being in crowded places. I enjoy staying at home because it
is so peaceful. I enjoy being alone, and I am frequently alone at home because my
parents are at work. When I'm bored, I go to my cousin's house and we talk a lot, play
badminton, and watch movies. I have a few close friends because I’m too shy to
approach them. I always wait someone to approach me. I’m insecure when I see
someone who’s extrovert, I always imagine that I’m an extrovert person talking to other
people but in reality I can’t do that because I’m too shy, but I strive to be like that in
order to make more friends. I’m a secretive person and have a lots of problems, It is
normal to have problems, we all do, but in different ways but I choose a trusted people
to open up to. My cousins always say I'm very observant, and I agree because I notice
it as well. I always notice people around me and their moods, as well as their physical
appearance and attitude. My hobbies are watching anime, kdrama and reading
manhwa. My sport is badminton, and I enjoy playing it especially with my cousins and
friends because it is more fun to play with close friends. I always take photos the sky
and sunset because it is so relaxing to see such a beautiful view. I live near the ocean,
so I sometimes sit in the stone and smell the sea while watching the sky and the
ocean. It's very relaxing. We have a dog and a cat, both of which I enjoy petting. I
always pet them because they are so adorable. I enjoy listening to Taylor Swift and
Greg Francis Dagatan's music because they are both excellent. I always listen to
music when I'm going to sleep or when I have something to do because it helps me
focus on my work, and I always enjoy doing it while listening to music.My life goal is to
complete my studies and build a new house for my parents. I want to complete my
studies so that I can treat my parents with my earnings. My dream job is to be a
teacher because teachers inspire and guide children, I want to inspire and guide
students so that they will become good people someday and I think being a teacher is
a cool job.
My Own Philosophical of Life

My philosophy of life is regarding how we see the things and the perspective involved
in seeing our holy world!! One of the things I really like about camera is the manual
focus feature. You know, when you slowly rotate your camera lenses until your image
is perfectly clear. You go from a blurred, foggy image, slowly turn your fingers around
the lenses, and voila: you have a brand new, crystal clear image, ready to be captured
by a single, gentle touch of your finger. You’ll be surprised to learn that everybody have
this feature, this manual focus. Only it’s not about photos. It’s about your life, and the
way you live it. Most of the time you live a blurred life. Everything around you is
unclear. You just have enough information to know a little bit about your surroundings,
but you are moving in a foggy world. By the way, living in a blurred world is frustrating.
Not knowing who you’re really talking to, not knowing where you are really heading, not
knowing if the person in front of you is smiling or frowning, that’s really bad. But this is
how it is and it’s pretty much everybody’s story. I’ve been there, you’ve been there, and
even now, the vast majority of people is there, moving around with a blurred image of
their lives. And they have this foggy image because they don’t use the manual focus
feature. Their life camera is not calibrated. In other words, they’re not using their full
potential. They’re looking at a blurred scenery, truly believing that this is all what they
are getting from this life. A blurred job, a blurred relationship, a blurred income. A life
blurred completely. They don’t have the courage to touch the lenses and really see
what’s going on around them. Whenever you clear your lenses, something magical
happens. You start to see things the way they really are. Some people call this “having
an aha” moment. Some people call this an epiphany and even other people call this
“seeing God”. If you ask me, they’re all right. With the mention that everything was
there before, only blurred. Your real life mission was always there, only you couldn’t
see it because of the fog. Your perfect partner was there all the time, only she was just
invisible, melted in a sea of dissipated contours. Everything was there before, but you
couldn’t see it, because you were not properly focused. Now, what could you do in
order to start improve your life lenses? Make Sure It Still Works Yes, the most common
problem is a broken camera objective. It doesn’t work anymore. It’s stuck. Only you
think it’s still working at full capacity. The best way to verify your camera integrity is to
try moving it a little bit forward and backward. That translates in what people usually
call “pushing your luck”. For instance, if you are in a job you don’t like, try upsetting
your boss. Or be late a couple a days. Is this really making a difference? Or everything
is basically the same, no difference? On the other hand, if you do like the job but you’re
unsure if it really fits you, do allocate some extra time. Work extra hours. Is this really
making a difference? How do you feel? There is any change at all in your life? This
type of small steps helps you verify if the camera is actually working. If it’s not, you’ll
experience the same type of sensation you have in a dream, when whatever you do
has no consequences. If there is any reaction at all from your environment, you’re
lucky, you have a working camera. If not, you’re stuck. Your camera objective is
broken, you live a blurred life and you didn’t even know. You need to take immediate
measures to fix your camera. Usually, this means buying a new one. Which, of course,
translates in starting a completely new life. Make Sure Your Lenses Are Clean
Sometimes, wherever you point your camera, you get the same result. The reality has
the same shape. No matter what you try to shoot, you get the exact same picture. That
means your lenses are dirty. There is clogged dirt on the lenses which is preventing
you to see the world as it really is. The most common dirt your lenses can accumulate
in time is called prejudice. Or pre-made judgement. If you already make your
judgement in regard to whatever crosses your mind, your camera will obey and show
you exactly what you think you know. It will show the dirt you have on the lenses, not
the reality. Assessing this can be difficult. You trust your camera so much that you
don’t even bother to check it out from time to time. Things are changing, reality is
changing. Some judgement that was ok when you were a kid is not working anymore
now. And this is something natural. You lived for so long that your camera accumulated
a lot of dirt. Clean it up. And the only way to give a professional cleaning to your life
lenses is to go out and experience more. You can’t tell if your lenses are clogged with
dirt if you don’t check them out. Verify them against what you thought you know.
Experiment. Learn. Make Sure You Shoot The Right Subject.
PART II. My summary and reaction to Lesson


I learn the importance of making the right choices early in life. My father used to tell
me, "You are what you do. guess this made me develop a cautious attitude towards
making decisions and evaluating issues before coming to a conclusion. have grown up
to see things from different points of view. do not accept a view because of who said it,
rather, i put all things into scrutiny in order to hold on to that which is true. Before
making a decision, draw up a probable conclusion on the eventualities and weigh up
the effect of my actions. believe the wisest of men can learn from a fool and in view of
this, do not write-off anybody. carefully and critically examine a pre-existing belief
before incorporating it as my belief system. As have discovered, many of the things
people believe are lies and illusions. do not attach sentiments to whatever do because
this will lead my judgement astray. In the words of Socrates, the Great Greek
philosopher, "The unexamined life is not worth living" One of the major things that
distinguish man from other animals is his ability to ruminate. To be is to be conscious
and to be conscious means to be fully aware and thoughtful. In a world where different
belief systems are flying around, man needs to test all things and hold on to that which
is certain. We should pattern our lives in such a way that we separate truth from illusion
and make decisions after careful or critical consideration.

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