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Fall 2022-2023

Section: B1, Group: 07


To determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material of a wire

Supervised By


Submitted By

Name ID Contribution
1. Kazi Ershadul Islam 22-48333-3 Calculating
2. Istiak Ahmed Ovie 22-48317-3 Calculating
3. Anik Sarker Rudra 22-48296-3 Data recording
4. Nazmul Haque Noyon 22-49988-3 Taking temperature

Date of Submission: November 14, 2022


TOPICS Page no.

I. Title Page 1

II. Table of Content 2

1. Theory 3

2. Apparatus 5

3. Procedure 6

4. Experimental Data 7

5. Result 8

6. Discussion 8

7. References 8

 Theory:
Temperature coefficient of resistance is the property of the material of a substance. It is
the measure of change in electrical resistance of any substance per degree of temperature

Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1: A graph that shows the changes in resistances of a conductor and a
semiconductor with temperature. For conductor the resistance increases linearly and for
semiconductor the resistance decreases exponentially with the temperature.

For a conductor the resistance increases with increase of temperature, as the figure 5.1
shows. If R1 is the resistance of a conductor at temperature θ1 and at a higher temperature
θ2 the resistance raises to R2, then we can write
R2=R 1 [ 1+α ( θ2−θ1 ) ] --------- ( 1 )

Where α is the temperature coefficient of the material of the conductor.
Rearranging Eq. 1, we get
R2=R 1+ α R2 ( θ 2−θ1 )
α R 1(θ ¿ ¿ 2−θ1 )=R2−R 1 ¿
R2−R1 ∆R
α= = --------- ( 2 )
R1 ( θ 2−θ1 ) R∆θ

Where ∆ R ( ¿ R2 −R 1 ) is the change in resistance due to the change in temperature

∆ θ ( ¿ θ 2−θ1 ).

In Eq. (2) if we put R1=1 Ohm and ∆ θ=1 ℃ we get α =∆ R , thus we define the
temperature coefficient of resistance of a substance as the change in resistance per unit
resistance (per ohm) for unit change in temperature (per ℃ ). Also, we find the unit of α
as per ℃ .

For a conductor, if we know the resistances R1 at a temperature θ1 and R2 at a higher

temperature θ2 , then we can calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance of its
material by using the Eq. 2. The unknown resistance can be determined by a meter bridge
that works with the Wheatstone bridge principle.

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.2: A meter bridge can be used to determine an unknown resistance by using the
Wheatstone bridge principle.
In the meter bridge circuit as in fig. 5.2, for the null deflection in the galvanometer we get
Q ρ ( 100−l ) ∕ A 100−l
⇒ X= × R= × R= × R -------- ( 3 )
P ρl ∕ A l
Where ρ is the specific resistance of the material and A is the cross-sectional area of the
wire of the meter bridge.
According to Eq. (3) if we know th3e length of the balance point, I and the resistance, R
we can determine the unknown resistance X .

 Apparatus
 Power supply
 Meter bridge
 Galvanometer
 Jockey
 Resistance box
 Coil of conducting wire
 Commutator
 Thermometer
 Beeker
 Water
 Electric Heater

 Procedure
 The apparatus as the circuit diagram shows in figure 5.3 had been set up by us.
 Firstly, the coil of the wire in the left gap G1 had been connected and keep it inside the
Beeker at room temperature. Then we had noted the temperature, θ1 from the
thermometer. We had connected the resistant box in the right gap G2 of the meter bridge.
By closing the nobs in different positions of the commutator, we had changed the
direction of current flow in the circuit. We had taken different resistances (8,10,12 ohm)
from the resistance box to find the positions of the wire of the meter bridge for direct
current as well as reverse current.
 The coil of the wire connected in the right gap G2 and resistant box in the left gap G 2. The
balance and reverse current was found by us for 8.10,12 ohms.
 We had poured hot water in the Beeker to raise the temperature and had noted the high
temperature, θ2 from the thermometer. For different resistances (8,10,12 ohms), we had
balanced point and founded for direct current as well as reverse current by connecting the
coil of the wire in the left gap then in the right gap.
 The value of unknown resistances for left gap and right gap was calculated by using the
two equations given in the calculation part. We also had calculated the temperature
coefficient,α .

 Experimental Data

Known Position Position Balance Mean 100-l X Mean

Resistance of of l X

R unknown (cm) (Ohms) (Ohms)

point, l (cm)

(Ohms) Resistance (cm)

x Direct Reverse
current current

8 Left 58.5 58.2 58.35 41.65 11.21

Right 43 43 43 57 10.60

θ1=25° Left 51.2 51.2 51.2 48.8 10.45 X 1 =¿

10 10.19

Right 49.9 49.9 49.9 50.1 10.04

12 Left 46.6 46.7 46.65 53.35 10.49

Right 58.8 59 58.9 41.1 8.37

8 Left 60.5 60.7 60.6 39.4 12.30

Right 38 38.2 38.1 61.9 12.99

θ2=80.15° Left 53 53.3 53.15 46.85 11.34 X 2 =¿

10 10.19

Right 45.2 45.3 45.25 54.75 12.09

12 Left 45.9 46.2 46.05 53.95 10.24

Right 51 51 51 49 11.53

 Calculation:

l 58.35
 For Left gap: X= × R= × 8=11.21 Ω
100−l 100−58.35
100−l 100−43
 For right gap: X= × R= ×8=10.60 Ω
l 43

x 2−x 1 11.74−10.19
 Temperature coefficient of resistance, α = =
x 1 ( θ2 −θ1 ) 10.19 ( 80.15−25 )
¿( 2.75× 10−3)℃

 Result

Temperature (℃ ¿ Resistance(ohm) Temperature coefficient

of resistance (/℃ ¿

25 10.19
80.15 11.74

 Discussion
 We connected the wires correctly to all the connectors and also set the voltage
correctly, so we did not face major issues while doing the experiment.

 We have done the task as accurate as possible. And find the unknown resistances and

 References
 Physics-1 Lab manual.
 Temperature coefficient:
 Meter Bridge:

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