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It has 10 phases
Each phase has objectives, steps, input and output
A cycle is the completetion of all phases
TOGAF can be tailored, preliminary phase is used for adoptation

Preliminary Phase

- Define required level of architecture capability
- Define architecture principles
- Where,what,why and how we do architecture

- The TOGAF library
- Other architecture frameworks
- Board stratgies and board business plans, business strategy, IT strategy,
business principles, business goals and business drivers
- Major frameworks operating in the business (SCRUM)
- Goverenance and legal frameworks, including Architecture governance strategy
- Architecture capability
- Partnerships and contracts agreements
- Existing documents relating to architecture capability
- Organization model for enterprise architecture
- Existing architecture framework

- Scope the enterprise organizations impacted
- Confirm governance and support frameworks
- Define and establish architecture team
- Identify and establish architecture principles
- Tailor TOGAF and other frameworks
- Implement architecture tools

- Organization model for enterprise architecture
- Tailored architecture framework
- Initial architecture repository
- Business principles, goals and drivers
- Request for architecture (optional)
- Architecture governance framework

- Principles catalog

Phase-A Architecture Vision

The high level vision including emerging technalogies that impact your industry,
high level description of what the target state will be

- Build a high level aspirational vision of the business value to be delivered
- Obtain approval for Statement of Architecture Work (SAW)

- Architecture reference model
- Request for Architecture Work
- Business principles, goals, drivers
- Organization model for enterprise architecture
- Tailored architecture framework
- Populated Architecture Repository

- Establish an architecture project
- Identify stakeholders, concerns and business requirements
- Confirm business goals, drivers and constraints
- Evaluate capabilities
- Assess readiness for transformation
- Define scope
- Confirm architecture principles, including business principles
- Develop architecture vision
- Define the target architecture value and KPIs
- Identify the transformation risks and mitigation activities
- Develop Statement of Architecture Work secure approval

- Approved statement of architecture work
- Refined business goals,principles, drivers
- Architecture principles
- Capability assessment
- Tailored architecture framework
- Architecture vision
- Draft architecture definition document(version 0.1 of all baseline and target
BDAT documents)
- Communication plan
- Additional content in the Architecture Repository

- Metrices: Stakeholders map matrix
- Diagrams: Business model diagram, Business capability map, Value stream map,
Value chain diagram, Solution concept diagram

Phase-B Business Architecture

-To-be architecture definition of business process

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional)
- Business principles, goals and drivers (A)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Organization model for enterprise architecture
- Tailored architecture framework
- Approved statement of architecture work (phase A)
- Architecture principles (phase A)
- Enterprise continuum
- Architecture repository
- Architecture vision (A)
- Draft architecture definition (A)

- Select reference models, viewpoints and tools
- Develop baseline architecture description
- Develop target architecture description
- Perform gap analysis
- Define candiate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize business architecture
- Create architecture definition document

- Refined phase A deliverables
- Draft architecture definition document
- Baseline business architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Target business architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Draft architecture requirements specification - gap analysis
- Business architecture components of an architecture roadmap

- Catalogs
- Value stream,business capabilities, value stream stages,
organizational/actor, objective,role, business function, location, process,
- Matrices
- Value stream, strategy,capability,business interaction,actor/role
- Diagrams
- Business model, business map,Value stream map, organization map, business
footprint, business service, function decomposition, product lifecycle,
goals, business use case

Phase C Information System Architecture


To develop the target system architecture for both data and application
To identify candidate architecture roadmap items based on gap

Phase C Data Architecture

- To develop target data architecture
- To identify candidate data architecture roadmap items based on gap

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Data principles (TOGAF chapter 20)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Draft architecture documents and draft requirements
- Business related architecture roadmap (B)

- Select reference models, viewpoints and tools
- Develop baseline data architecture description
- Develop target data architecture description
- Perform gap analysis
- Define candiate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize data architecture
- Create architecture definition document

- Refined phase A deliverables
- Draft architecture definition document
- Baseline data architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Target data architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Draft architecture requirements specification - gap analysis
- Data architecture components of an architecture roadmap

- Catalogs
- Data entity/data component
- Matrices
- Data entity/business function, application/data
- Diagrams
- Conceptual data, logical data, data dissemination, data security, data
migration , data lifecycle

Phase C Application Architecture

- To develop target application architecture
- To identify candidate application architecture roadmap items based on gap

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Application principles (TOGAF chapter 20)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Draft architecture documents and draft requirements
- Business and data related architecture roadmap (B)

- Select reference models, viewpoints and tools
- Develop baseline application architecture description
- Develop target application architecture description
- Perform gap analysis
- Define candiate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize application architecture
- Create architecture definition document

- Refined phase A deliverables
- Draft architecture definition document
- Baseline application architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Target application architecture v 1.0 (detailed)
- Draft architecture requirements specification - gap analysis
- Application architecture components of an architecture roadmap

- Catalogs
- Application portfolio, interface
- Matrices
- Application/organization, role/application, application function,
application interaction
- Diagrams
- Communication, Application and User Location, Application use-case ,
Enterprise manageability, process/application realization, software
engineering, application migration, software distribution

Phase D Technalogy Architecture

- Define the target state technalogy architecture

- External reference materials
- Product information on candiate products
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Technalogy principles (TOGAF chapter 20)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Draft architecture documents and draft requirements (B & C)
- Business, data and application components of an architecture roadmap (B & C)

- Select reference models, viewpoints and tools
- Develop baseline technalogy architecture description
- Develop target technalogy architecture description
- Perform gap analysis
- Define candiate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize technalogy architecture
- Create architecture definition document

- Refined phase A deliverables
- Draft architecture definition document
- Baseline technalogy architecture v 1.0
- Target technalogy architecture v 1.0
- Draft architecture requirements specification - gap analysis
- Technalogy architecture components of an architecture roadmap

- Catalogs
- Technalogy standards, technalogy portfolio
- Matrices
- Application/Technalogy
- Diagrams
- Enviornemnt & Location, Platform decomposition, Processing, Networked
Computing/Hardware, Communication, engineering

Look for opportunites using emerging technalogies

Phase E Opportunities & Solutions

- Generate the initial Architecture roadmap
- Identify if transition architecture is required
- Define solution building blocks

- External reference materials
- Product information
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Planning methodologies
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Draft architecture documents and draft requirements (BDAT)
- Change requests for existing business programs and projects
- Candidate architecture roadmap components

- Determine key corporate change attributes
- Determine business constraints
- Review and consolidate gap analysis from phase B to D
- Review consolidated requirements across business functions
- Consolidate and reconcile interoperability requirements
- Refine and validate dependencies
- Confirm readiness and risk for business transformation
- Formulate implementation and migration strategy
- Identify and group major work packages
- Identify transition architectures
- Create the architecture roadmap & implementation and migration plan

- Refined phase A deliverables
- Draft architecture definition document including baseline and target v 1.0
- Draft architecture requirements specification including gap analysis
- Capability assessment
- Architecture roadmap version v 1.0
- Information and migration plan v 1.0
- Technalogy architecture components of an architecture roadmap

- Catalogs
- Matrices
- Diagrams
- Product context, benefits
Phase F Migration Planning

- Finalize the Architecture roadmap and migration plan
- Ensure migration plan is aligned with enterprise approach to change
- Ensure business value and cost of work packages is understood

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Communication plan (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Goverenance models and frameworks
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Draft architecture documents and draft requirements (BDAT)
- Change requests for existing business programs and projects
- Architecture roadmap v 0.1 (E)
- Implementation and migration plan v 0.1 (E)

- Confirm management framework interactions
- Assign a business value to each work package
- Estimate resource requirements, project timings etc
- Prioritize the migration projects
- Confirm architecture roadmap and update architecture definition document
- Generate implementation and migration plan
- Complete the architecture development cycle, lessons learned

- Implementation and migration plan v 1.0
- Finalized architecture definition document
- Finalized architecture requirements
- Finalized architecture roadmap
- Reusable Architecture Building Blocks (ABB)
- Request for Architecture work for next ADM cycle ( if any)
- Implementation of governance model
- Change requests for architecture capability from lessons learned

- Catalogs
- Matrices
- Diagrams

Phase G Implementation governance

- Perform architecture governance
- Ensure conformance

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Architecture definition documents and requirements (BDAT)
- Architecture roadmap v 1.0 (F)
- Implementation governance model
- Architecture contract
- Request for Architecture work for next ADM cycle ( if any)
- Implementation and migration plan v 1.0 (F)

- Confirm scope and priorities for deployment
- Identify deployment resources and skills
- Guide development of solutions deployment
- Perform Enterprise Architecture Compliance Reviews
- Implement business and IT operations
- Perform post-implementation review and close the implementation

- Architecture contract
- Joint agreements between development partners and sponsors on the deliverables,
quality and fitness-for-purpose of architecture
- Read chapter 43 of TOGAF specification
- Compliance assessment
- Change requests
- Architecture-compliant solution deployed

- Implementation and migration plan v 1.0

- Finalized architecture definition document
- Finalized architecture requirements
- Finalized architecture roadmap
- Reusable Architecture Building Blocks (ABB)
- Implementation of governance model
- Change requests for architecture capability from lessons learned

- Catalogs
- Matrices
- Diagrams

Phase H Architecture Change Management

- Maintain architecture capability
- Execute architecture governance

- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work (optional) ( Preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment (A)
- Organizational model for enterprise architecture ( Preliminary phase)
- Tailored architecture framework (preliminary phase)
- Statement of architecture work (A)
- Architecture vision (A)
- Architecture repository
- Architecture definition documents and requirements (BDAT)
- Architecture roadmap (F)
- Change requests - technalogy changes, business changes, lessons learned
- Implementation governance model
- Architecture contract (Phase G)
- Compliance assessment (Phase G)
- Implementation and migration plan v 1.0 (F)

- Establish value realization process
- Deploy monitoring tools
- Manage risks
- Provide analysis for architecture change management
- Develop change requirements to meet performance targets
- Manage governance process
- Activate the process to implement the change

- Architecture updates (maintenance)
- Change to architecture framework and principles (maintenance)
- New request for architecture work (for major changes)
- Statement of architecture work (if updated if necessary)
- Architecture contract (if updated if necessary)
- Compliance assessment (if updated if necessary)

- Catalogs
- Matrices
- Diagrams

Does a proposed change require a new ADM cycle?

10. Requirements Management

Technically its a phase which is continously running to adopt to any change

required in any phase
Process that manages the repository

- Ensure process is sustained through all phases
- Manage change while ADM cycle is in progress
- Provide requirements to each ADM phase
- Manages the flow of requirements

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