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Fabiola A.

Alvarado Rodriguez
ENGL 4021 L03
Prof. Le Compte


1. Venue

Definition: The place where a public event or meeting happens (Cambridge
• Sentence: A convention center is a great venue for events that gather lot of people
2. Adjournment

• Definition: The temporary ending of a meeting or trial. (Cambridge dictionary)

• Sentence: The ENGL 4021 adjournment time was usually at 2:50 pm

3. Gist
• Definition: The main subject, without details, of a piece of information.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
• Sentence: During Juan’s presentation he didn’t get to the gist of his topic until the
end of it.
4. Permaculture
• Definition: System for growing crops, plants, etc. that cause little damage to the
environment and can therefore continue for a long time.
• Sentence: If all farmers follow a permaculture system there will be less pollution
in our environment due to the use of toxics agents in agriculture.

5. Monoculture
• Definition: the practice of growing only one crop or keeping only one type of
animal on an area of farmland.
• Sentence: The people who has monoculture crops are usually the people who
exports and sell the product produced.
6. Patents
• Definition: The official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular
number of years.
• Sentence: Every exclusive brand has patented their designs so anyone could use
the same one.

7. Globalization
• Definition: A situation in which available goods and services, or social and
cultural influences; gradually become similar in all parts of the world.
• Sentence:
8. Cannabinoids
• Definition: A type of chemical in marijuana that causes drug like effects all
through the body, including the central nervous system and immune system.
• Sentence: Cannabinoids are proved to reduce symptoms on patients of immune
diseases like lupus.

9. “Roundup’
• Definition: A famous herbicide by Monsanto.
• Sentence: The use of “Roundup” is prohibited in many European countries.

10. Seed Banks

• Definition: is a place where seed are stored to preserve genetic diversity for the
• Sentence: Seed banks may be helpful if a catastrophe happens because the seeds
preserve will be the food supply available.
11. Cognates
• Definition: of the same or similar nature
• Sentence: Words like banana and adult are English- Spanish cognates because
they sound the same and mean the same.

12. False cognates

• Definition: a word in one language that is similar in form or sound in another

language but has different meanings and is not etymologically related.
• Sentence: The word assist is a false cognate because in English it means to help
in something and in Spanish asistir is to attend to a place.

13. Terminator gene

• Definition: is a specific sequence inserted by scientist into seed’s DNA that

renders the seed and the crop it produces sterile.
• Sentence: Scientist commonly use terminator genes to end or prevent something
from reproducing.

14. Held
• Definition: past tense of hold, it means kept or maintained.
• Sentence: The United State congress held a reunion to discuss problems about the
bullying problems in elementary school.

15. Upcycling
• Definition: The activity of making new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used
thing or wasted materials
• Sentence: I realized an upcycling project using corks and cardboard to build a
coaster for cups or mugs.


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