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Annexure – I

Format for Micro-Project Proposal in about 2 to 3 pages to be submitted at end of first two weeks
of the semester

PART A – Micro-Project Proposal

Analog Clock

1.0 Brief Introduction

In this micro project, we will use the functions we studied to draw basic shapes. This micro
project will address the practical implementation of transformation operations studied.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project

This Micro-Project aims at:
1. use the functions we studied to draw basic shapes
2. practical implementation of transformation operations studied

3.0 Intended Course Outcomes

a) Manipulate visual and geometric information of images
b) Develop programs for 2D and 3D transformation

4.0 Literature Review

Transformation means changing some graphics into something else by applying rules. We can
have various types of transformations such as translation, scaling up or down, rotation, shearing, etc.
When a transformation takes place on a 2D plane, it is called 2D transformation.

Transformations play an important role in computer graphics to reposition the graphics on the screen
and change their size or orientation.

Rotation about arbitrary point

To rotate an object about an arbitrary point (xp, yp), we have to follow three steps:
1. Translate the object so that point (xp, yp) is moved to the origin
2. Rotate the object about origin
3. Translate the object so that the point is back to its original position
See above figure explaining the whole process.
The matrix representation can be found as:

1 0 0 cosθ sinθ 0 1 0 0
[ 0 1 0] . [−sinθ cosθ 0] . [ 0 1 0]
−xp −yp 1 0 0 1 xp yp 1

cosθ sinθ 0
=[ −sinθ cosθ 0]
xp(1-cosθ)+yp.sinθ yp(1-cosθ)-xpsinθ 1

4.0 Proposed Methodology

In order to create any application/program following steps are followed.
 Defining and Analyzing the Problem. In this step, a programmer studies the problem
 Designing the Algorithm and drawing flowcharts
 Coding or Writing the Program
 Test Execution
 Debugging
 Final Documentation.
We will follow the same above steps to create the micro project

5.0 Resources Required (major resources like raw material, tools, software etc.)
S. No. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks
1 PC Core i3, RAM 4GB 1
2 Operating System Windows 7 1
3 Software Turbo C 1

6.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 Weeks)
S. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
No. Start date Finish date Responsible Team
1 Analysis 01/09/2022 15/09/2022
2 Study Rotation transformation 16/09/2022 22/09/2022
3 Draw the object on graph paper and 23/09/2022 29/09/2022
find its dimensions
4 Write algorithm and draw program 30/09/2022 06/10/2022
5 Coding and testing 07/10/2022 13/10/2022
6 Coding and testing 14/10/2022 20/10/2022
7 Coding and testing 21/10/2022 27/10/2022
8 Coding and testing 28/10/2022 03/11/2022
9 Report writing 04/11/2022 10/11/2022
10 Demo and Submission 11/11/2022 17/11/2022

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