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Angels in Your Presence S1

Ep 1

- Every single person has two guardian angels that protect them
- Guardian angels are always with us, throughout the day and night

Ep 2

- Allah asks the angels who record our sins to hold their pens for 6 periods of time, if they
repent from the sin, it’s as if they never committed the sin

Ep 3

- Allah will ask angels to seek forgiveness for us if we fast in the company of those why are
eating till they had their fill (voluntary or obligatory fast)
- The angels pray for us in our pre-morning meal, while we fast in the company of those who
don’t and they also pray for those who cooks breakfast for those who fast

Ep 4

- Our actions are determined with our endings

- An angel comes to us to ask us to end our night well while a devil does the opposite
- An angel prays for us if we end our night with wudu’ and purification and reading our Ayatul
- If we die that night in a state of remembrance, we would end our lives on a good note but if
we wake the next morning, we would come back to Allah

Ep 5

- Be sincere and moderate in our goods and use the best times before morning and after
evening before dusk to get ahead
- Wake up before sunrise to prevent having the devil’s urine in our ears
- Wake up before sunrise to be protected and blessed by the angels and to get their prayers

Ep 6

- When we remember Allah when exiting our house, the angels guide, defend and protect us
as we go about our day (Bismillah, tawakkaltu alaAllah wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa
Ep 7

- Refresh our intentions when going out as that determines whether an angel or devil follows
us along with a banner

Ep 8

- Our best character is tested when we deal with someone who has bad character
- When we might be losing it and start feeling angry, control ourselves by yielding to the
angels who are responding on our behalf
- Do not allow Shaytaan to take the driver’s seat and come into the scenario to egg us on

Ep 9

- It is an encouraged practice to defend our brother/sister in their absence, Allah will also
defend our face from fire on the Day of Judgement
- This practice also serves as a check and balance to send across the message that backbiting
and gossiping should not be normalised and is not acceptable in Islam
- Allah will also send an angel to protect our flesh from fire on the Siraat on the Day of

Ep 10

- When we dedicate our prayers to sending peace and blessing upon the Prophet pbuh, Allah
will take care of all our concerns and forgive all our sins
- This hadith is tied to the hadith of praying for another behind their back and it’s amplified by
the fact that Allah will then send his peace and blessings back to the person ten times + ease
of affairs + forgiveness for sins

Ep 11

- When we are sick, Allah sends 2 angels to be by our side to monitor our responses to those
who visit us
- If we praise him and thank him for what we still have, Allah will have enter Jannah if we die
as a result of the illness
- If we live, Allah will restore us into a better condition and wipe out our sins
- Allah is narrated in a hadith to be asking his servants why they did not feed/nourish/visit
Him (feed those who were hungry, quench those who were thirsty and visit those who were

Ep 12

- Visiting those who are sick for the sake of Allah will make 70000 angels pray for us and seek
forgiveness for us + a special garden in Paradise
Ep 13

- When the soul leaves the body, the eyes follow the soul
- When someone is dying, do not supplicate anything but good as there is a group of angels
will say Ameen to the supplication

Ep 14

- One can feel disconnected from the spiritual aspect of charity

- Divine equation: 1/3 for family, 1/3 to grow, 1/3 to give

Ep 15

- Allah and His angels send their blessings upon those in the first row (those who strive to be
early for prayer)
- Allah and His angels send their blessings upon those in the right side of the row
- Allah and His angels send their blessings upon those who complete the rows and fill in the

Ep 16

- Every Friday, the angels stand at the gate of every mosque and they record who comes
chronologically (the one who comes first is as though they sacrifice animals for the sake of
- When the call to the Friday prayer is made, the angels roll their scrolls and listen to the
- Friday is also a special day in Paradise, Allah addresses all the people in Paradise on Friday
(our stations in Paradise on Friday are determined by how we hasten to the Friday prayer on

Ep 17

- What makes or breaks our prayer is what we do before and after prayer
- How to keep our habit of remembrance/recitation is to connect it to our 5 daily prayers
- The angels pray for us as long as we keep our ablution or stay in our place of prayer
- 3 important practices to gurad ourselves against our nafs: 1) Do our wudu thoroughly, 2)
Increase our steps to the mosque, 3) Stay in the mosque in between 2 prayers

Ep 18

- Freshen our breath before we go to the mosque or before we pray

- The angels do not like bad breath, so freshen your breath to be in the company of angels
- Purify your mouths for the Quran for it to enter the chest of the angel infront of you
Ep 19

- The amount of angels that descend to earth on Laylatul Qadr causes the sun’s rays to be less
bright due to the traffic
- There are more angels that descend on Laylatul Qadr than rocks on Earth, than stars in the

Ep 20

- The heavens are creaking as there is so little space unoccupied by angels prostrating and
worshipping Allah
- If our ameen after Surah Al-Fatihah coincides with ameen of the angels, Allah will forgive our
previous sins

Ep 21

- Turn our houses and rooms as places of prayer, barakah and praise for Allah
- Even if we frequent the mosques for prayer, have a share of our prayers to do at home
- When we pray at home, we are not alone except that angels pray to our right, our left and
behind us

Ep 22

- Praying in isolation in a place where there is nobody gives us double the rewards the
congregation prayer (due to the sincerity and God-consciousness we have)

Ep 23

- When we remember Allah in an assembly, Allah remembers us in a great assembly of the

- Allah will make the angels bear witness that He has forgiven those who gather in
remembrance of Allah

Ep 24

- If Allah loves someone, Allah calls Jibril to tell him to love that person as well
- Jibril then calls the other angels and tell them to love that person as well
- Love and acceptance is placed in people’s heart for that beloved person
- If people are impressed by us, be impressed by the hijab that Allah has put from them
knowing our flaws and mistakes
- Nothing else is worth pursuing if Allah loves us and is pleased with us
Angels in Your Presence S2

Ep 1

- The Angels would shake our hands if we were to maintain our state in the Prophet's absence and

- If you are in a state of zikr, then you are in the presence of angels

- Being in a state of humility does not mean wearing raggedy clothes and inflicting poverty on
ourselves, it is okay and it is even loved by Allah to show the effect of his ni'mah on us

Ep 2

- Khubaib Ibn Adiy's story

Ep 3

- Usayd ibn Hudair's story

- Where the angels are, tranquility descends

- Homes are expanded in the recitation of the Quran

Ep 4

- Jarir ibn Abdillah's story

- His face had been touched by an angel, his face had extreme beauty

Ep 5

- Fasting on a hot day is special as Allah will nourish us on the Day of Great Thirst

Ep 6

- Zayd ibn Harithah's story

Ep 7

- Abu Mi'laq Al-Ansari's story

Ep 8

- Angels accompany us when we are sick as we are in a constant state of expiation of our sins
Ep 9

- Khadijah is promised a house of jewels in Paradise for providing the first house for the ummah of

Ep 10

- Aishah's story

Ep 11

- Hafsa bint Umar's story

Ep 12

- Dihyah's story

Ep 13

- The Angel Jibreel would appear as Dihyah in human form and his thobe would be immaculately
white while his hair would be exceedingly black

Ep 14

- Abdullah ibn Abbas' story

- He was able to see Angel Jibreel twice, in the presence of his own father who did not see Jibreel

- He also narrated the tahajjud of the Prophet saw

- His vision also deteriorated towards the end of his life

Ep 15

- Hasan ibn Thabit's story

- He was about 7 years older than the Prophet saw, he could recall the moment of the Prophet's

- He lived 60 years before Islam and 60 years after Islam

- His genre of poetry was satire

- He was initially hired to use poetry against the Prophet but when he saw the Prophet, he appointed
himself as the poet of the Prophet saw
- He used his talent to defend the Prophet saw

- He studied the lineage of the people in Makkah and he made sure to not insult anyone remotely
related to the Prophet like pulling hair out of dough

Ep 16

- Angels Jibreel, Mikaeel and Israfeel were present on the day of Badr (they had their roles like
making rain fall, making the wind turn into a storm)

Ep 17

- There were 5000 angels in the Battle of Badr and some of them took the form of men

- Badr was the worst day of Shaytan's experience (besides the day of Arafah where humans are
atoned for all their sins)

- Al-Zubair was the disciple of the Prophet and he called for anything the Prophet wanted, he even
drew his sword first to defend the Prophet

Ep 18

- Hayzum was an angel from the third heaven

- Abu Yusr and al-Abbas' story

Ep 19

- Where were the angels in the battle of Uhud?

- The Muslims collectively lost the angels' support when some disobeyed the command of the

Ep 20

- Jabir ibn Abdillah's story

- Jabir had 9 sisters and so his father instructed him not to join in battle

- Allah spoke to Jabir's father directly

Ep 21

- Hanzalah was known as the man who was washed by the angels

Ep 22
- Allah sends angels to assist in the Battle of Khandaq and Hunayn

Ep 23

- Saad ibn Muaz was the chief of Al-Aws in Madinah

- The Prophet congratulated Saad on his deathbed and it was narrated that 70000 angels came down
for his janazah

- The believing soul would want to be hurried to his grave to enjoy his blessings

Ep 24

- Anywhere the angels are present, the shayateen are not

- Umar had so many miracles bestowed upon him known as the karamatul awliya'

Ep 25

- Uthman changed the demeanor of the angels

- The Prophet fixes up his house and propers his garments before Uthman comes to meet him, he
was shy infront of Uthman the way the angels are shy infront of him

- Uthman embodied haya in public and in private, he was bashful from sinning and doing wrong in
the presence of Allah

Ep 26

- The emphasis of the neighbour are recorded in many authentic narrations

Ep 27

- Abu Dzarr Al-Ghifari's story

Ep 28

- Umar ibn Abdul Aziz's story

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