Yaqeen Institute Ramadan Series

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Yaqeen Institute Ramadan Series:

Judgement Day Ep. 1

- How many deeds have we produced and raised?

- How is it going to be like to meet them for the first time?

- The Prophet said: The deceased is followed into the grave by three things; his family, his wealth
and his deeds. So his family and his wealth turn back from his grave but his deeds stay with him.

The day where wealth and children are of no benefits. Deeds are going to be our comfort and our

When people who turn away from Allah's remembrance, he/she enter the grave and Allah places 99
dragons over them. Each dragon is like 70 serpents with 7 heads stinging them.

Our good deeds first guard us from any punishment and then come to us bearing good news and
bringing benefit to us in the grave.

Judgement Day Ep 2

- The deed you die upon will be a deed you will be raised with. Live a life that you want to die and be
raised in. Accompany those you want to be accompanied by in the Hereafter.

- Our last moments here are our first moments there.

- The trumpet will be blown twice, signaling everyone's death and everyone's resurrection

Du'a for reaching Ramadhan

Allahumma baarik lanaa Rajab wa Syaa'ban wa ballighnaa Ramadhan (not authentically narrated
from the Prophet saw)
Allahu salimnii ilaa Ramadhan wa sallim lii Ramadhan wa tasallamhu minni mutaqabbalaa (from the

Dua to start Ramadhan right

Allahumma adkhilhu alainaa bilamni wal imaani wassalaamah wal islam wa jiwaarin minas syaithaani
wa ridhwanin minarrahmani

Dua for breaking the fast

The thirst is gone, the veins have become moistened and the reward is established if Allah wills.

Dua for an Iftar host

Afthara indakumusoimun wa akala ta'aamakumul abrar wa sollat alaikumul malaaikah

Whoever feeds a fasting person, he receives the reward that the fasting received without anythin
being decreased from it

Dua Qunoot to transform your Witr

The dua' includes 5 requests:

- Guidance from Allah

- Spiritual and physical health

- Allah to be our close ally and companion

- His blessings in the bounties He has given

- Refuge from any evil He has decreed

Dua for Laylatul Qadr

Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu anna

Oh Allah, you are All-Pardoning, you love pardoning so pardon us!

Juz 1 with Dr. Tasneem Alkiek

- This series focuses on the Hereafter, as past years' looked at the companions of the Prophet
Muhammad and the seerah of the Prophet Muhammad

- Taqwa is to abandon the seen sins even in the unseen, even if no one sees you and even if we don't
see Allah

- Taqwa = God-consciousness to leave sins (tarkul maasii)

- We don't need to see things to believe it or to work for it

- Those who are guided are those who are successful, they do not engage in trade to buy
misguidance with the guidance they received, they do not engage in trade to buy this dunya by
selling the Akhirah and those who bought punishments and torture in return for His forgiveness

- Some of us may need a level of motivation to start baby steps and to start to be consistent

- Some of us need a level of discipline to start being consistent

- Some of us need patience to persevere

- The first chapter of the Quran teaches us to detach from the world

- Verses 1 to 4 of Al-Fatihah teaches us His names (rabbul alamin, ar-rahman, ar-rahiim, malik

- We then acknowledge that it is Allah we worship and it is You that we ask for help from (inhisaar in
the precedence of the dhomir over the verb)
- We think of who we are worshipping, we then acknowledge that He is the only one we seek help
from, that we turn to, that we put our hope towards and now, we act because we call upon Allah

- Now that we know what the straight path is, keep us strong and steadfast on it and do not steer us
or deviate us away fom it ya rabb

- If this du'a that we recite in all of our 5 obligatory prayers is read with sincerity and application,
Allah will answer this prayer and give us strength to implement and execute it

- Do we believe Allah as much as we believe in Him?

- Do not just take advantage of patience and prayer but find help, relief and contentment from these

- Some scholars interpret this patience as fasting because we have to keep a level of self-restraint
from eating, drinking and all kinds of sin

- Prayer is a big deal and is challenging and difficult for most people

- What makes someone a khaasyii'?

Those who are going to be held accountable for what they have done, that they are going to meet

Juz 2 with Dr. Osman Umarji

- Whoever engaged in trade will not get the best of this dunya and the Akhirah

- Instead of getting expanse, they will feel constriction

- The idol worshippers during the Jahiliyyah era when worshipping the idols, they asked for material
and worldly things because they did not believe in the Akhirah

- Rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qinaa azaabannar

- This du'a was revealed to calibrate us into focusing on getting the best in both worlds

- We're asking Allah for the best, it might be less quantifiably but that has barakah but everyone's
version of 'best' might be different

- Best of the Hereafter = jannah and all that leads to it

- Best of the dunya = beneficial knowledge, pure sustenance and accepted deeds amiiiin

- Ramadan should not be seasonal for my good deeds but should be a catalyst to consistent deeds
albeit being small

- Why does Allah ask us to do things we don't like?

- We should not make Islam fit in into how we want our world to be, we should change our
worldview to what Islam says

Judgement Day Ep. 3

- Clothes have a mention of covering our body but can also indicate status or rank

- That is why the ihram wishes to eradicate all forms of statuses and ranks

- Our clothes on the day of Hereafter are sewn by our deeds eg. clothes of piety

- How many people are well-dressed in this life only to be naked on the Day of Judgement? (Hadith
of the Prophet saw)

- Honour can be received by personal piety and by honouring others

- The first person to be dressed on the day of Judgement is Ibrahim a.s (because of how he was
stripped in the world and thrown into the fire without his will and consent)
- Whoever wears a pretentious garment in the world will wear the garment of humiliation in the

- Whoever gives up fine clothes due to humility for the sake of Allah, Allah will call him on the Day of
Judgment and let him pick his garment of choice

- Clothes that are haram such as silk for men, unaffordable clothes that make people feel bad and
clothes worn to show off one's wealth and luxurious lifestyle

- How clothes of honor can be worn on the day of Judgement?

A child's memorization of the Quran will give the parents beautiful garments, a believer who
consoles another and a believer who clothes another naked believer

Juz 3 with Dr. Ahmed Khater and Ustazah Roohi Tahir

- The issue of usury or interest is one of the major and destructive sins

- We should be sufficed when Allah says that He permits trade and forbids interest as He knows what
is best for His creations and what is the best for our interest

- He destroys interest but increases charities (in blessings)

- Ribaa will be a source of problems, sins, punishments and will just seem like material addition but is
a burden for our Hereafter

- Riba during the Jahiliyyah becomes a way to bury people in their debts and is still applicable till

- Those who are poor will get poorer and the elite will be richer due to these usuries

- People played around with financial transactions and can lead to religious corruption
- O Our lord! Do not deviate us from what you have guided us upon, let our hearts stay firm on the
path, to it on it within it

- and Grant us from Your Mercy and You are indeed the giver of bounties

- This is the book in which there is no doubt in the first few verses of Al-Baqarah and in this dua',
Allah will gather us on the Day in which there is no doubt

- It is important for us to remember the day on which we will be accounted for when we are making
dua' as we need Allah's rahmah to save us from the torment of the fire

- People of taqwa =

1) Those who are patient and steadfast

2) Those who are truthful

3) Those who are devout

4) Those who spend in the way of Allah for the reward on the Day of Judgement

5) Those who stay up in the early hours of the morning to worship Allah and to ask for His

- In Ali Imran, there are names and attributes of Allah: Al-aziim, As-samii', Ar-rahiim,

- Allah reminds us of the Day of the Judgement and how we would be confronted with the good and
bad deeds that we have done on this world

- Allah says that we would wish to have a far far distance between us and our bad deeds and Allah
warns us of Himself and the level of justice and fairness that would be manifested on the Day of
judgement that nothing would be left out, every little tiny thing would be accounted for

Judgement Ep. 4

- Love and accompany yourself now with people you wish to be surrounded by in the Hereafter

Judgement Day Ep. 5

- Allah does not take someone as a friend in this world and entrust him to someone else on the Day
of Judgement

- How does returning to Allah sound like? Whether it is a believer or a sinner, the imagery is clear

- Allah will not combine two feelings of fear or two feelings of security (those who fear Allah in this
world will feel secure in the Hereafter but those who feel secure from Allah in this world will fear
Him in the Hereafter)

- The disbelievers will be veiled from Allah on the Day of Judgement but they will feel apprehensive
and even more anxious because they feel his presence

- The believers will find the God laughing on the Day of Judgement

- The best servants of Allah are those who constantly praise Him and those who are completely
immersed in the remembrance of Allah (remembrance has lifted all of their burdens and they arrive
on the Day of Judgement weightless)

Juz 4 with Dr. Hassan Elwan

- Those who have purchased disbelief with belief (gave away their faith), they're not taking away
anything from the religion or hurting the word of Islam

- They are the only ones at loss, they are causing harm to themselves only

- They have nothing for them in the Hereafter (hazzhun)

- Oh Allah, give us what you promised us on the Day of Judgement (through your messengers) and
do not disgrace us on the day of judgement

- Those who believed in Jesus and then believed in me, for him are two rewards and rewards are for
those who believed in the prophets and messengers through the times
- An-Najasyi represented an example of someone who refused to sell of his faith and belief for
wealth and fleeting temporary gains

- The Battle of Uhud shows us the love that someone has for another when we slip, when we make

- When Adam sank into a sea of disobedience, Iblis rejoiced but he forgot that a skilled diver goes
down to the bottom only to come back up with pearls

- Hurry upppp!! to get and chase for the forgiveness of the Lord

- Don't wait because Allah wants to give us His forgiveness

- Allah wants to conceal it and He wants to save us from the consequences

- Allah does not just want to forgive us but He wants to give us Heaven (its expanse is like the skies
and the earth) for us to bask and enjoy ourselves in

- What Allah wants to give us cannot fit in the Heavens and Earth now

- Our mistakes put us in a situation where we can feel Allah's mercy, forgiveness and compassion at
its peak

- When we commit sins or wrong ourselves, we seek forgiveness from Allah and who would forgive
except Allah

- It takes more energy to submit than to be rebellious

- We sleep a third of our lives and what are we doing to invest into the eternal life

- Every soul shall taste death and Allah uses the verb, "taste" instead of feel or go through
- We will taste the separation of the soul from the body and everyone will experience it differently
according to their investments on this world

- Allah will give us our due right on the day that we all will stand infront the Most Just and the Most

- We are unable to fathom the Day of Judgement except with what has been relayed and explained
to us by the Prophets eg. siraat (the bridge), the field of Mahsyar, the miizaam (the scale)

- Allah uses passive verbs in the verses which include words such as 'zuhziha' and 'udkhila' to show
us that these matters are not within our control

- Allah saved and Allah entered these people into Jannah

- There is a story of a man who had his house trespasssed and his belongings stolen. He was told to
praise Allah for that incident. He asked, Why? The person answered, You should be grateful that it
was a person who stole things in your house. That it was not Syaitan who stole your imaan.

Juz 5 with Dr. Tahir Wyatt

- Those who get justice on their side in this world, will not be worth it in the Hereafter because the
truth will be revealed later on

- The most truthful speech is the speech of Allah (man asdagu minaAllahi hadithaa, qiilaa)

- Allah has promised that the Day of Judgement is coming but the hypocrites think that what Allah
and His prophet has promised is delusion

- Allah has no need for us and He does not need to prove anything to us, He brought us into
existence and He upholds the dominion and He does not need to lie to make us believe Him but we
are in need of Him and everything He offers and provides us

- Allah wants to give us reward and He makes it easy for us and He Himself wants us to receive the
good end of things (so ignore those who say why would a Forgiving and Merciful God want to punish
His creations, does He not have love and compassion for us all? DO we not have gratitude for our
Creator to do what He asks of us to prove our loyalty and obedience)
- Allah does not wrong us or anyone, not even the weight of an atom but any good that we do will be
counted and multiplied

- Allah does no injustice unlike the kings in this world who are so powerful and have no checks and
balances to regulate their power

- The hadith of the Prophet's intercession highlights the hope that we have

- If we avoid the major sins (kabaair), Allah will expiate and erase our minor sins (the great hope we
have in getting rid of our sins)

- What is a major sin exactly?

Ibn Abbas: Any sin that Allah has threatened with his punishment and anger

If that sin implies the absence of faith in us

Any sin with a corporal punishment (huduud)

- Allah does not forgive that shirk be committed with Him and He forgives what is less than that for
whoever He wills

- Even without taubah/repentance, Allah may still forgive us

- Oh Allah, make all of my deeds righteous and make them for your sake and do not give a portion of
my deeds to someone else

- Even a person who has committed nifaaq (hypocrisy), if they went to the Prophet and asked him to
ask for their forgiveness, Allah would forgive them even if their hypocrisy was a direct infringement
of the Muslims' privacy and the Prophet (similar to how the brothers of Yusuf asked their father to
ask forgiveness for them because they wronged him)

- Whoever does something evil (to someone else) or wrongs himself (between him and Allah), but
then they seek Allah's forgiveness, they will find that Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful
- Even if we violate our relationship with others or with Allah, Allah will still forgive us if we turn back
to Him and are sincere in repenting

- There is a common theme of hope in these 5 verses in Surah An-Nisaa' (that Abdullah Ibn Masoud
compiled from Juz 5)

- Allah says that they are not true believers until 1) they make you a judge in all their disputes, 2)
they find no discomfort when things are not in our favour, 3) they submit a willful submission

- When we're pleased when we are corrected, that is the right reaction when we find what we are
doing is not within the truth, the way of the Quran and the way of the Prophet

- Ramadhan is not just a season when we do good deeds but it should be a catalyst to change and
remove our bad habits and be consistent with better habits, we should be intentional and conscious
with these actions

- We will realise that over time, we become better people and we will then be able to spend
Ramadhan and our time generally in a better and better manner each year that passes

Judgement Day Ep. 6

- If you talk too much, you're going to mess up more with your words. You can ruin the reputation of
someone, you can spread slander and rumours and false matters.

- Those who scratch their faces and chests with copper nails = those who ate the flesh of others by
backbiting and trampled others' honour. They are punished this way because by backbiting, they
make it harder for those slandered to appear in their society and show their faces and be accepted.
So, the punishment is to scratch and ruin their faces as they did others' in the world.

- The worse people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgement are two-face people.

- The worst person on the Day of Judgement = a husband who shares his wife's secrets, the one who
people stop correcting because they don't want to deal with his foul mouth

- The worst person = the one who uses his tongue to abuse or betray
- The person who has two faces on this world will have two tongues of fire in the Hereafter

- Whoever eavedrops will have lava poured into their ears in the Hereafter

- Whoever defends the reputation of his brother in the world, Allah will defend him in the Hereafter

- Faces that day that are glowing = pleased with their deeds, receiving glad tidings, staring at their
Lord (deeds, rewards, Lord)

- They secluded themselves with the Lord so He clothed them with His light = those who pray
tahajjud and sleep less

Judgement Day Ep. 7

- Grey hair is the warner that we are getting to meeting Allah

- Allah will forgive a person up until they reach the age of 60

- Grey hair can be induced by stress like how the Day of Judgement can make a newborn's hair turn

- Those who are not with the Prophet are those who do not have honour for the elders or take care
of the youth

- Whoever grows a gray strand hair, it will be a light for you on the Day of Judgement

- The most rewarded people on the Day of Judgement are believers who led long lives of

- Those who have been injured for the sake of Allah will have those parts beaming with light on the
day of judgement
- Those who call to prayer will have long necks on the Day of Judgement

- Even if you're alone in the mountains, call the adhan for verily, the sound of the muaddhin's voice
is not heard by a jinn, a human or any creation except that it will testify for him on the Day of

- What consumed your body? Any wrinkles, any grey hair, any stretch marks, any dark circles or
eyebags for the sake of Allah

- These are badges of honour among us

Juz 6 with Sheikhah Ieasha Prime

- Surah Al-Maaidah shows the global outreach of Islam as this is revealed after the Treaty of

- The laws are being very well-formulated and defined post-Uhud

- Nothing in the world is worth the Hereafter even if we had the whole world within our hands

- God is not unreasonable in what he asks of us individually and collectively

- Be mindful as much as we can and only use interest in dire needs and situations but at no period do
we legalise it and become okay with it

- Had they had taqwa, they would have stopped themselves in engaging in usury and the wrongful
appropriation of people's wealth and belongings

- Had they had iman and taqwa, Allah would have forgiven their shortcomings and he would have
entered them into the jannah

- Had they observed the Torah and the Injil, they would have been overwhelmed by the sustenance
that would come to them in all angles above them and below them
- They would have had the good of this life and the hereafter

- Take a step back and detach from this world and look at this life, its purpose and our
responsibilities towards ourselves, our families, our communities and our religion and our God

- We do not pick or choose what we understand about Islam to teach it to others the same way we
do not pick or choose parts of Islam to practise and like and hate

- Rasulullah was instructed to convey and deliver the whole message of Islam, he was not asked to
deliver some of it and to conceal some of it so we are to learn, practise and teach Islam how the
Rasulullah did it

- Allah is the ultimate Protector, the relationship to Allah is primary and should be established as
best we can

- The syariah should not be looked at as rules but as guidelines with objectives that would reap fruits
of labour in the Hereafter

Juz 7 with Imam Tom Facchine

- On the Day of Judgement, the messengers are asked on how they were reacted to when they
conveyed the message of Islam

- Some prophets and messengers have no followers, a few, many, hundreds or thousands standing
behind them

- Some might not have responded in truth, some might have left the religion after

- Verse 116 of Surah Al-Maaidah is not an accusation towards Jesus

- Jesus proceeds to say that he was a witness over his people while he was alive but after he died,
Allah becomes the witness over his people on how his name is being used, how their beliefs might
have deviated from the original true path
- Jesus has no control or any power to change what his people have started believing in and started

- We should recognise and worship Allah in times of ease and hardship

- Some of our supplications to Allah have a reciprocal style, if you give this to us, surely we will

- In the end, He lifts any hardship from you but you still submit to something other than me

- Take care of Allah and Allah will take care of you but what taking care of Allah mean? It means
preserving the deen within us because Allah has no need to us

- Zikr is not just remembrance of Allah by wetting our tongue with praises to Him but by doing
physically what is commanded and stopping ourselves from doing what is disliked or prohibited

- Allah reminds us that there is no shortcut or cheat code when Ibrahim asked Allah if his offspring
and descendants are safeguarded in the Hereafter as he was

- It's amazing how Allah always appeal to us with signs of His greatness with the natural world and
natural formations. Even if it was easy for the earlier nations to immerse themselves in nature, we
now must put in effort to recognise the magnanimity of Allah's power and see all that He has created

Judgement Day Ep. 8

- Some people regret being truthful because it can be a disadvantage in this world but Allah
mentions in the Quran that the truthfulness will be a benefit on the Day of Judgement

- Banners will be raised above treacherous people for everyone around to know

- Only those are distinguised in those stations will have banners raised above them eg. martyrs,
merchants who were truthful in their dealings, those who were forgiving
- Whoever forgives and reconciles, then his reward is upon Allah. Allah will put it upon himself to
compensate us for our grievances with those who have lashed at us, backbited us or made our lifes

- We should try our best to forgive the living and the dead who have hurt us

Judgement Day Ep. 9

- Glad tidings to those who walk hambly on Earth, they will inherit pulpits on the Day of Judgement

- There are 3 people who will be spared from the shock on the Day of Judgement; a man who recites
the Quran sincerely for the pleasure of Allah and guides people with it, a da'i who calls people to the
5 prayers, a servant who sets things right between him and His lord and between him and people
entruested to him

- The most hated people are the tyrants and Allah will not wait for the questioning to punish them

- The arrogant people will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement as atoms and people will trample
them for the disgrace they bring to Allah

- Those who were just will be on the pulpits of light = who practised justice in their judgement in
their families and in all that they did

- Close friends are going to be angry at each other except the pious

- Those who loved each other for My sake will get pulpits of light, they are going to be admired by
the Prophets and the martyrs

- Those who will be given pulpits of light on the Day of Judgement did not search for positions or
ranks in this world nor did they betray the trust of leadership given to them in this world nor did
they look for lowly worldly motives to satisfy

Juz 8 w. Sheikh Ismail Kamdar

- Surah Al-A'raf is named after a specific station on the Day of Judgement

- The miizan or scale will be precise and it will be just in measuring the good or bad deeds a person
has committed in his life

- Everyone will be accountable for their own deeds, the leaders and followers will blame each other
for leading each other astray and believing in the falsehood

- The people of A'raaf have their good and bad deeds at an equal amount so their good deeds cancel
the punishment they would have gotten if their bad deeds outweighed the good

- They are left in limbo as they see people entering Jannah and those who enter Jahannam

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