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Literacy Narrative

Growing up, I really didn’t speak to anybody outside of my family. You can say that I

was shy in a sort of way, but if needed I would ask even though I would think I would embarrass

myself. So instead of communicating with others, I chose to read and mostly keep to myself.

Some people might think that something is wrong or that I’m bored and have little to say or little

to do, but that is not the case. Mostly I keep myself entertained and this can be best said to most

people that are shy or feel better when being alone. So in the meantime, during grade school, I

would just read. This was very helpful since most of our assignments were about reading books

and then taking a test on the book. There were even prizes if you read the most books and the

highest score when taking the quiz. Learning how to read and tell what is going on, being able to

communicate with others in the long run, and in all expressing myself is what I learned to do

when growing up. Mainly, I have been working on community literacy and currently in the musk

of spreading my creativity over workplace literacy.

In addition, when reading books during grade school, my teachers helped me to start

communicating when we had to express the context of the book and how it made us feel. This

was new to me since all I ever did was talk to a selected friend group and nobody else. So

entirely my communication skills branched off communicating with others in class and talking to

different teachers in the school. Now that I have learned to communicate, I feel very poised and

think of myself as very intellectual. I was wrong, but we don’t have to talk about that. What I

was right about was being able to break down a book and answer questions about it. This led me

to easily research a book and write an essay about it. Though my writing skills weren’t perfect

and still need improvement, I can make things work. It’s like the sum of my entire time going to

school; making things work and trying to do my best. This attitude made me feel like I could do

anything if I put my mind to it. This attitude directly makes my writing and my imagination
Literacy Narrative

when reading at its highest. Personally, I’m not that emotional but am expressive when reacting

to most things. Giving credit to most of the books I read and putting myself into the position of

characters to find a better understanding.

In particular, the idea of communicating with others is important and a needed skill in

today's life. When communicating, a person has to exchange information or ideas while

expressing themselves to give the right correspondence. This led me into learning about

community literacy and what goes into speaking with a variety of diverse people. Learning about

all the different experiences a person can have by just talking to them. Personally, I always knew

there were a vast amount of people in the world, but going into highschool was when I really

learned about the kinds of people and why they do the things they do. Knowing about where a

person comes from and how they live will give a different outlook on that person. Of course we

get brief information since we're not living with them, but on the outside looking in can give us a

different perspective. To my mind I look at it as very interesting since I like to learn about

different people and their cultures. I always wanted to learn another language and meeting

people and learning about them can give me outlooks on what it’s like. This leads into another

kind of literacy that I am still working on: workplace literacy. In my job it’s important to be able

to talk to the customer and see what they need. Little by little in my years of living I learned how

to communicate and overtime it paid off, since now I know how to talk to people and read them

to see what’s the problem.

Undoubtedly, meeting others and communicating with them is what made me myself.

Being able to express myself toward others in a way I couldn't before. I can say that dating all the

way back to when all I used to do was read and not talk to anybody compared to now is a huge

improvement. Now I can develop more friendships and express myself without second-guessing
Literacy Narrative

myself. Working at my job gives me a complete feeling since I know what I’m going to say and

solve problems. If it weren’t for me wanting to learn how to talk to people, I couldn’t have done

most of the things I do today. Developing the skills to communicate is indeed a need for

everybody that is trying to accomplish their goals in the long run. Giving big praise to

community literacy and workplace literacy; those combined a person can do most of the stuff

they do in daily life.

In conclusion, developing skills in communication can deepen your understanding and

the others around you deeply. Having these skills for the rest of your life already helps you

accomplish most of the things in life. Workplace literacy and community literacy has vastly

shaped the person I am today. Starting back when I was younger, not wanting to deal with

anybody else, to now being able to work a job that benefits me and my family. Without learning

these skills, I wouldn’t be able to help the mass amount of people I met and mainly get the things

that I want.

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