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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Kate LaTour
SCSU Course: Art
Date: 11/30/22
Lesson Title: Wild Things in First Grade
Grade Level: First Grade
Subject Area: Art
Unit of Study: Shapes

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to
subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
We are exploring how to use different materials to create a work of art. Prior to this lesson we were working
with cutting and shaping paper in creative ways. Today we are going to further that by cutting and shaping to
create a work of art.

Language Function (Highlight one or both):
 Syntax OR  Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…)
 Finished example
 Write vocabulary and definition on board.
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Monster – A scary imaginary creature.
 Unique- special; not like other monsters.
 Decorate- Adding color, designs, or adding what you want to your monster.

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

 Roar- loud sounds, yelling. (From book)
 Claws- sharp nails on some animals or monsters. (From book)
 Wild- crazy, uncontrollable (From book)
Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to use Measurement Tool(s): knowledge of shapes, monsters, Informal observation, one on one
 Integrate knowledge and and personal interests/ discussion, class discussion.
personal experiences experiences to create a unique Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
while responding to, artistic work (monster).  Participate in making art.
creating, and presenting  Complete a work of art.
artistic work.  Show understanding of
 Use personal experiences assignment.
and interests in creating Means of Feedback to Student:
media artworks. Help students make choices. Help
place shapes. Talk to them about
what they are trying to create and
how to do that.

Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to answers Measurement Tool(s):

Standard for Academic Lang.: questions about the text Where Informal assessment and class
 Ask and answer the Wild things Are by Maurice discussion.
questions about key Sendak. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
details in a text read  Syntax
aloud or information  Answer questions
presented orally or (participate)
through other media (e.g.,  Discourse
stories, poems, rhymes,
songs). Means of Feedback to Student:
Use prompts to continue
conversations about story.
 Colored paper -variety of different colors.
 Black construction paper.
 Crayons, pencils, markers
 Safety scissors
 Googly eyes
 Pre-cult limbs and monster features.
 Glue sticks


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
5-7 mins Read the book Where the Wild Things Are. Stop to talk Use hand signals and voice to
and discuss monsters’ features. describe monsters.
2 mins Pass out art materials. Make sure materials are labeled
and that there are extras.
7 mins Explain assignment: “Now that we have read our story, Speak slow, keep example hung
we are going to create our own unique monsters! Using in class for all students to see.
the materials, I have laid out you can make a monster
any way that you would like. Use the colored paper to
make the shapes of your monster and glue them to the
black piece of paper. Then begin decorating your
monster. Here is an example.” Show your example.
Explain what you used to create it and give them ideas of
how they can create theirs.
15-20 mins Let students begin working. Be ready to help with gluing, Help students with more difficult
generating ideas, and cutting. tasks. Answers questions for
Encourage students to incorporate interest into their clarification of assignment.
(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)

“Now that we have finished would anyone like to share something they like about their monster?”
Allow students to share their creations. Encourage discussion of different shapes and artistic decisions.
“Congratulations all your monsters are wonderful!” After they dry hang them around the classroom.



*, N., 23, C. J., 25, P. P. J., 10, S., 10, P. P. S., 17, M. A. S., 18, P. P. S., 26, R. F.
O., 11, J., 11, J., 28, T. B. S., 28, S., 14, L. O., 15, O., 18, S.
G. N., 8, L. J., 16, P. J., 15, K. C. A., 5, T. B. S., … 18, C. O. (2022, September 19). Monsters Love
School Art Project. Deep Space Sparkle. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from

(Complete after teaching)

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