The Theoretical.

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The theoretical.

Definition of Renaissance: -

1- The rebirth of scholarship based on classical learning and philosophy.

‫ إحياء العلم القائم على التعلم والفلسفة الكالسيكيين‬.

2- Renaissance gradually became also a rebirth of the human spirit, a realization of the potential
for development.
‫ وإدراًكا إلمكانات التنمية‬، ‫تدريجيا أيًضا ولادة جديدة للروح البشرية‬
ً ‫أصبح‬.

Figures of speech:

1-hyperbole: Hyperbole is a figure of speech that utilizes extreme exaggeration to emphasize

a certain quality or feature.
‫ المبالغة هي شخصية في الكالم تستخدم المبالغة الشديدة للتأكيد على جودة أو ميزة‬:‫المبالغة‬
2-Paradox: A paradox is a figure of speech that appears to be self-contradictory but actually
reveals something truthful.

‫متناقضا مع نفسه ولكنه في الواقع يكشف عن شيء حقيقي‬

ً ‫ التناقض هو شكل الكالم الذي يبدو‬:‫التناقض‬
3-blank verse: is a literary device defined as un-rhyming verse written in iambic pentameter. 4-
simile: Simile is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are compared to each other using the
terms “like” or “as.”

"like" ‫هو شكل من أشكال الكالم يتم فيه مقارنة شيئين مختلفين ببعضهما البعض باستخدام المصطلحين معينة‬
."as" ‫أو‬

5-Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things without the use of
the terms “like” or “as.”
."as" ‫أو‬
"Like" ‫ االستعارة هي شكل من أشكال الكالم يقارن بين شيئين مختلفين دون استخدام المصطلحين‬:‫االستعارة‬
6-metonymy: Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one object or idea takes the place of
another with which it has a close association. In fact, metonymy means “change of name

7-Theme: Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may be
stated directly or indirectly

8-Apostrophe: An apostrophe is a poetic phrase addressed to a subject who is either dead or

absent, or to an inanimate object or abstract idea.

9- Satire: Satire is a literary device for the artful ridicule of a folly or vice as a means of
exposing or correcting it. The subject of satire is generally human frailty

‫السخرية هي أداة أدبية للسخرية البارعة من حماقة أو رذيلة كوسيلة لفضحها أو تصحيحها‬. ‫السخرية هو الضعف البشري بشكل عام موضوع‬
10-Pastoral: Pastoral literature in general. Pastoral is a mode of literature in which the
author employs various techniques to place the complex life into a simple one
11-Heroic couple: means two lines which have to rhyme not contain the Main idea.
12- synecdoche: is a figure of speech in which a part stands for the whole (ten head of
cattle) or in which the whole stands for a part (your school called)
13- Connotation: Connotation refers to the associations and added meanings surrounding a
word that are not part of its literal dictionary meaning, or deno tation.
❖ Carpe diem: -
Carpe diem is a new type of literature imported into England during the Renaissance which
was poetry. Carpe diem is Latin for “seize (take advantage of) the day,” and this poetry dealt
with the swift passage of time and the transiency of youth.
- The Carpe diem theme, which goes back to Horace and other Roman poets who wrote
verses in Latin, achieved great popularity in Renaissance England. The reasons are life
spans were shorter then, the biographies of the authors illustrate the point, Marlowe was 29
when he was killed, Sidney succumbed to a battle wound at 32, Shakespeare lived on 52

 The main features that characterize the literature of the age of reason.
1. The age of head, relying on mind and reasons not emotion.
2. They started to move from the countryside to the city, city was the centre of the
3. Literature are town themes politics, the doing of polite society, they intellectual
topics of men, they talk in the clubs of coffeehouse.
4. Heroic couplet is one of the features of this age which is two lines which have to
rhyme not contain the Main idea.
5. Satire is one of the features of this age, which is a literary device for the artful
ridicule of a folly or vice as a means of exposing or correcting it.

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