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Research Methodology (RES-4701)

1. Ch-6+8 ; Secondary Data + Primary Data

 What is meant by primary data? [S-17]
 Distinguish between primary data & secondary data. [S-16]
 Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of primary data. [S-16]
 Write down the methods of collecting primary data. Which method do you consider
the best in the context of Bangladesh and why? [S-17/A-16/A-15]
 Discuss personal interview method. Mention its merits & limitations. [A-16/A-15]
 What are the issues to be considered while editing primary data? [S-17]
 Define secondary data. [A-16/A-15]
 Discuss the points to be considered for collecting secondary data / in field business
research. [S-16/A-15]
 Point out some important national & international sources of secondary
data? [S-17/A-16]
 Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of secondary data. [S-17/ A-16]
 Explain case study method. mention its merits & limitation. [S-17/A-16/A-15]
2. Ch-9+10 ; Fieldwork + Editing & Coding
 What is field work and who are field workers? [S-17/A-16/S-16/A-15]
 Mention its importance in business reserch. [S-16]
 Why field work essential for conducting a business reserach? [S-17]
 Discuss in details the tasks for field work management. [S-16/A-16]
 Discuss in details the field work management for conducting a survey to study the
price hike of essential product / Particular product. [S-17/A-15]
 What is meant by editing? [S-17/A-16]
 Explain field editing & central editing. Which one is relatively preferable and
why? [S-17]
 Distinguish between field editing & central editing. [A-16]
 Explain the terms: [A-16/S-16]
(i) Coding (ii) Code book (iii) Cross tabulation (iv) Editing (v) Classification
(vi) Tabulation.
3. Ch-12 ; Report Writing
 Define a research report /What is research report? [S-17/A-16/S-16/A-15]
 Explain the significance of report writing. [S-17/A-16/A-15]
 Define technical report & popular report. [S-17]
 Distinguish between technical report & popular report. [S-16/A-15]
 What is the difference between a reference list & a bibliography? [A-15]
 Describe briefly the standard format of a research report. [A-16/S-16/A-15]
 Select a research topic for partial fulfillment of BBA internship and sketch its
standard lay-out. Discuss in brief the main steps of a technical report. [S-17/A-15]

1 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41

 How will you cite/quote a book and an article in the section of bibliography of your
internship report? [S-17]
 How will you cite/quote a book and an article as reference? [A-16]
4. Ch-7 ; Sampling
 Define sampling, simple random sampling & stratified random
sampling. [S-17/A-16/A-15]
 Define stratified random sampling & cluster sampling with examples. [S-16]
 Mention the advantages of sampling. [S-17/A-15]

5. Ch-11 ; Data Analysis

 What is hypothesis? [S-17]
 Discuss about the null hypothesis & alternative hypothesis. [S-17]
 Discuss about the parametric tests of hypothesis. [S-17]
 What is F-statistic? Mention some of its use. [A-15]
 What is meant by bivariate data analysis/Define bivariate analysis with
 Define contingency table. [S-17/S-16]
 Construct 4x4 contingency table. [A-16]
 Construct 4x2 contingency table regarding admission at IIUC. [S-17]
 Define a test statistic which is usually used to test independence of two attributes in
a contingency table and give its other uses in test of hypothesis. [A-15]
 Discuss the procedure of testing the equality of two population proportions. [S-16]
 How will you test equality of two population proportions? [A-16]
 Define multiple/multivariate regression with an example. [S-17/A-16/S-16/A-15]
 Write down a multivariate regression model. [S-17/A-16/A-15]

2 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41

Ch-7 ; Sampling [MATH Only]



3 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41



4 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41

Ch-11 ; Data Analysis [MATH Only]



5 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41



6 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41



7 Prepared by: Muzahidul Islam Chowdhury #B153028 #BBA’41

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