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Muscle is a tissue; it is mndc of mnny cells nrranged to form
Types of musclcs

:1- Skeletal muscles (striated muscles)

- Attached to bones.

- Voluntary muscles, under our conscious

control. They only contract when
messages are sent to it along nerves. They
can contract quickly and very strongly.

b- Smooth muscles {un striated)

- Found in organs . example: walls of the


- Involuntaty muscles, not under our

conscious control.
- They contract and relax slowly &

c- Cardiac muscles

- Found in heaii only.

- Involuntary muscles, nervous impulses
from the brain can alter its rate of

1- Muscles cause movement by contracting. iVIuscles need
energy which they get from respiration.
2- Muscles have a g~od supply of blood to bring food and
oxygen to them.
es have plenty of mitochondria to make ATP.
t.(uscles are attached to bones by tendons.
nistic musclcs

Work in pairs one causing a joint to bend & the other causing it
to straighten.

Example one:
- When the biceps contract the triceps relax & vice versa.

- The two muscles form an antagonistic pair of muscles.

Functions of antagonistic muscles:

1- When the body is at rest both the extensor and flexor muscles
are equally contracted so they hold the body in position.

2- They bring the limb back to its position.

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