Clubs Handbook

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GLOW and YMLP Clubs

Leadership Handbook
Table of Contents
GLOW and YMLP Clubs Welcome Letter 3
GLOW and YMLP Clubs: The Basics 4
>What is GLOW and YMLP Club? 5
>How to Start A Club in Your Community 6
Club Leader Descriptions 8
>All Club Leaders 9
> Club Logistics Leader 10
> Club Outreach Leader 10
> Club Program Leader 10
Contracts and Agreements 11
> Short Term Contract 12
> Club Mentor Agreement 13
> Leader Contracts 14
GLOW and YMLP Club Sessions and Events 15
> Yearly Schedule 16
> Curriculum Approval 17
> GLOW & YMLP Club Service Project 18
> GLOW & YMLP Club Service Project Grant 20
Club Reporting Forms 21
> Fall and Spring Report Form 22
>5 Month Plan 24
Social Media Rules and Guidelines 27
> General Social Media Policies 28
GLOW and YMLP Inclusion Policies 30
> Joint Clubs Policy 31
> Associate Clubs Policy 31
> English Language Policy 32
GLOW and YMLP Contact Information 33

Hello Current and Future Clubs Leaders,

Camp is finished, but there is still work to be done. GLOW and YMLP Clubs are the best way to continue the learning,
relationship building, and community engagement started at camp. As ambitious, creative, intelligent, and open-minded
young leaders, you are the key to implementing new ideas in your communities and seeing their impact firsthand.

But how do you bring your camp experience to your home community? Well, that is what this handbook is here to help you

The GLOW and YMLP Leadership Handbook is designed to help you start on a rewarding journey of personal and community
development. Everything you need to know to start a GLOW and YMLP club is included. We are ready to help and address any
questions or concerns you may have. Good luck and we promise it will be an amazing journey!


Your GLOW and YMLP Club Coordinators.

GLOW and YMLP Clubs: The Basics

YMLP Club Kocani

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

- Mahatma Gandhi
Indian Civil Rights Leader
Movement of nonviolence and pacifism

What are GLOW and YMLP Clubs?
GLOW and YMLP Clubs in Macedonia act as meeting places in communities all around Macedonia where young men and women can meet every
month to discuss the topics that interest them. And, it is in these meetings that our members receive the training to become real leaders of their

Mission of GLOW and YMLP Clubs

GLOW and YMLP Clubs in Macedonia empower youth to start and maintain locally -oriented leadership clubs in their community. With a strong
commitment to equality and diversity, GLOW and YMLP clubs focus on important aspects of community development; including youth leadership,
civic engagement and volunteerism, environmentalism, and personal development. Local GLOW and YMLP clubs prepare and propel youth to
cultivate their leadership skills so that they may become the leaders in their homes, schools, communities, and in the world.

Vision of GLOW and YMLP Clubs

By sustaining and strengthening our local clubs as well as expanding to new communities, GLOW and YMLP will create a network of Macedonian
young adults committed to personal and community development. They will gain skills from their involvement in leadership training and character
building opportunities that will foster a new generation of Macedonia dedicated to improving their country and empowering others to do the

Key Values of GLOW and YMLP Clubs

• Caring – for yourself, community, and others
• Honesty – be truthful in what you say and do
• Respect – treat all people – yourself and community – with dignity and acceptance
• Responsibility – be accountable for your promises and actions
• Courage – face challenges and lead
• Creativity – find new solutions to existing problems
• Passion – find your inspiration to create change

How to Start A GLOW or YMLP Club
in Your Community

Step 1: Find a Mentor

All Clubs should have a mentor over 19 years old to support the club. The Mentor can be an older GLOW or YMLP alumna, someone from an NGO, a
Youth Council, or last year’s club leader if they are of age. The Club Mentor can be a Peace Corps Volunteer in your community, but preferably a
Macedonian member of your community.

When you think you have found a mentor, email and ask for a contract for your mentor to sign.

Step 2: Choose Club Leaders

All GLOW or YMLP Clubs have three leaders; a Program Leader, an Outreach Leader, and a Communications Leader.

If there are more than 3 camp alumni starting the club, there should be a vote or discussion about who will hold these positions in the club. Before
voting, please make sure everyone interested in having a position has read the descriptions and expectations of leaders found in this handbook. All
club leaders should be Camp GLOW or YMLP Camp alumni but other youth in your community can be club leaders if there are not enough
interested camp alumni. Once you have all of your club leaders, create a Facebook group for your club and invite anyone you think may be
interested in joining your club. Consult the Social Media Policy in this Handbook for guidelines on your Facebook group.

Step 3: Find a Location

It is important for your club to have a place where you regularly meet so that new members interested in the club know where to go for meetings.

Your club mentor should help you find a space in your community. Many clubs in Macedonia meet at a community center, an American Corner, or a
local youth NGO.

When you contact the places you might want to have meetings, tell the organizations why you think GLOW and YMLP are important. Let them
know that by letting you meet there they are becoming part of a greater network of organizations throughout Macedonia.

Step 4: Register Your Club

You can sign up to start your GLOW/YMLP Club by filling out a quick form online with your contact information, and the contact information of the
other leaders and mentors. After you sign up, one of the Peace Corps Clubs Coordinators will contact you in order to help you get your club started!
You can find the form at []. Below you can see what it looks like. If you do not hear from a club
coordinator within 2 weeks, feel free to reach out by emailing

Step 5: Have Your First Meeting
Decide as a group when you will have your first official club meeting.

Your first session should be an introduction to the GLOW or YMLP Club in September. Make sure to tell your new members about GLOW and YMLP
in Macedonia and what it can bring to your community. At the end of your first meeting, spend some time asking your members what topics they
would like to discuss in sessions so that you can all decide together.

Make sure not to talk about Camp GLOW or YMLP Camp more than 30 seconds in your meeting. Not all girls and boys who go to club meetings can
go to camp so please do not set up false expectations.

Step 6: Schedule Your Meetings

After your first meeting, the group leaders should make decisions about the next meetings of the club. Follow the schedule provided for you, and
make a list of what you need to do before the meeting to be prepared.
Make sure to divide the responsibilities between the club leaders so that all of the work does not become the responsibility of one person.
Remember, this club is for YOU. Your Mentor is there to help but the club leaders should be responsible for the preparation for each meeting.

Important Information
• A few days before each meeting, contact the person at your meeting space and remind them about your next meeting. Make sure the
time and location still works for them and thank them.
• Promote each meeting for a few days before the meeting. You can create a flyer online and share it on Facebook. Ask members to share
the flyer on their profiles. (You can find example flyers later in this handbook).
• Don’t forget to practice your entire session for the next meeting at least once before the real session. It is good to practice before you
meet with the whole group.

GLOW and YMLP Club Leader Positions

GLOW Club Shtip

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination;

never limit others because of your own limited imagination.”

- Mae Jemison
American physician and NASA Astronaut
First African American Women to travel in space

All Club Leaders
All club leaders are expected to work together to set up the club and do the work necessary to continue it runs well. Running a GLOW or YMLP club
is a team activity, and all responsibilities are shared to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to share their ideas and develop personally as
individual leaders.

Preferred qualifications
• Has attended Camp GLOW or YMLP Camp
• Was selected from her peers to be a Leader
• Demonstrates responsibility with deadlines and a desire to make her community a better place
• Exercises excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Works well alone and in a team

When the club is first starting

• All club leaders are required to work closely with the Club Mentor as well as the other two leaders
• Brainstorm with other leaders and Mentor about topics and activities for future club sessions
• Start promoting the club as soon as you have a mentor and continue to promote the club to those who may be interested
• Work together to review the 5-month plan form for the club and make sure the final copy is submitted through the Google Form

Running your club

• Regularly check the responsibilities of a GLOW or YMLP Club Leader to make sure that your club is completing all necessary tasks
• Club leaders should meet before scheduled club meetings to practice for the next session.
• All leaders should arrive to each club event at least 15 minutes before the session is scheduled to start and be the last to leave (there to
set up and clean up!)
• Make sure to take pictures of your events and post them to your club’s Facebook group
• Evaluate sessions after they are over and everyone else has left. What went well? What could be better at the next session? Was there
anyone at the session that did not speak up or looked uncomfortable? What can the club leadership do to help that person feel more
comfortable at the club?

Logistics Leader
The Logistics Leader’s main job is to keep the club organized. This includes taking notes at all leadership meetings, emailing the leadership team
about next steps after meetings, keeping track of meetings and attendance, and always looking to improve the club through the reflection and
evaluation of activities. This person is also in charge of collecting, recording, and handling the club funds if they exist. They also, with the other
leaders and the mentor, are responsible for the execution of the service project.

Outreach Leader
The Outreach Coordinator oversees and maintains all aspects of the club outreach, including developing and getting approval of flyers, promoting
the club throughout schools and the community and reach out to potential new members.

Program Leader
The Program Leader oversees and maintains all aspects of the Club GLOW or YMLP Club program; including scheduling, session topics, logistics
(with outside speakers, partnerships with organizations, etc.), and continuously working to improve program activities. This person is also in
charge of finalizing the club’s 5-month plans.

GLOW and YMLP Club
Contracts and Agreements

YMLP Club Shtip

“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.”
-Arnold H. Glasgow
American businessman and humorist

The active Partner NGO/organization in Macedonia,
and the Club Mentor
Name of NGO/organization and organization representative: ________________________________

For the following services:

The partner NGO/organization will work with the club in ___________________ for at least one year, beginning in the month _______________ of the year
___________ .

• Allows the GLOW/YMLP club to meet in their space at predetermined time and dates
• Gives one week advance notice to clubs leaders and mentors if the space will not be available on a prearranged date
• Communicates with club leaders and mentor about expectations during usage of the space

Date / /____

____________________________ _________________________
Club Mentor’s signature NGO Representative

Club Mentor Agreement
(with Local Club Leaders)

I will be on time for meetings, which will be held twice a month for approximately one hour. I realize that my local club cannot meet
without a Leader and a Mentor present. In order to properly plan meetings, I will let my Leader(s) know in advance if I cannot attend
an upcoming meeting so they can find an approved adult volunteer or cancel that week’s meeting.

I agree to always set a good example for each member who attends the GLOW or YMLP Club. I realize my Leader(s) look up to me as an adult mentor and they value my opinion.
I will hold my Leaders accountable to high moral standards, keep track of their hours of community service each semester, and remind them to submit their Monthly Reports no
later than the 5th of the following month. It is my job to encourage and support my Leaders to create a club that will be successful and sustainable for years to come. I realize
that my Leaders have been told to come to me immediately with a situation they are not prepared to handle. In this rare circumstance, I promise to help those who seek my
assistance to the best of my ability. I will try and create a safe space for my leaders. If I encounter a problem that I am unsure how to approach or resolve, I will contact the Clubs
Coordinators for advice or guidance. If we need to meet for community service projects, create posters, plan future meetings, etc., I will do my best to arrange my schedule to be
there for my Leaders. I have these leaders’ best interest at heart and want to support them.

We agree to work together and maintain a constant line of communication regarding our local club. Together we will take advantage of the resources available through the
secret Club Leadership Facebook group. We will download session plans, share suggestions, upload pictures, add new users, ask questions when needed and use the tips and
resources made available to us to help ensure our club’s success. Most importantly, I am excited to be a Club Mentor and am committing to this role in the hopes of positively
impacting young lives. You and your Leaders(s) need to sign below.
Date / /____

___________________________ _____________________________
Club Mentor’s signature GLOW or YMLP Club Coordinator

____________________________ _____________________________
Club’s Program Leader Club’s Logistics Leader

Club’s Outreach Leader

Club Communications Leader

I, ________________________(write your full name) have read through the description of duties for the Club
Communications Leader position, and I understand all of my responsibilities and expectations as the Club Communications Leader
in Club GLOW/YMLP __________________ (write your town name).

I understand that I will only receive a Club Communications Leader Certificate if I complete ALL of my monthly duties, including the
responsibilities in the All Club Leader descriptions, in a timely manner during the school year.

For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Communications Leader to the best of my ability.

Signed _______________________________________ on date: __________________________

Club Outreach Leader

I, __________________________ (write your full name) have read through the description of duties for the Club Outreach Leader position, and I understand all of my
responsibilities and expectations as the Club Outreach Leader in Club GLOW/YMLP _____________________ (write your town name).

I understand that I will only receive a Club Outreach Leader Certificate if I complete ALL of my monthly duties, including the responsibilities in the all Club Leader descriptions, in
a timely manner during the school year.
For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Outreach Leader to the best of my ability.

Signed _______________________________________ on date: __________________________

Club Program Leader

I, _______________________ (write your full name) have read through the description of duties for the Club Program Leader position, and I understand all of my
responsibilities and expectations as the Club Program Leader in Club GLOW/YMLP ______________________ (write your town name).

I understand that I will only receive a Club Program Leader Certificate if I complete ALL of my monthly duties, including the responsibilities in the all Club Leader descriptions, in
a timely manner during the school year.
For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Program Leader to the best of my ability.

Signed _______________________________________ on date: _________________________

GLOW and YMLP Club Sessions and Events

Glow Club American Corner Skopje

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;

courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

-Winston Churchill
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Club Meetings and Yearly Schedule
The clubs schedule is planned out by theme with 15 meetings to complete throughout the school year. Any lesson plan that fits the theme can be
used for that month’s meeting. Clubs can create their own lesson plans with approval from the Coordinator or choose a pre-made and pre-
approved lesson plan from the Clubs Curriculum portal.

The Clubs Curriculum portal can be found at [link], and on it club leaders can find a variety of different lesson plans that fit the theme of the
meeting. The official Clubs meeting schedule can be found below.

Month Meeting 1 Meeting 2

September What is GLOW/YMLP Club Teambuilding

October Civic Society Volunteerism/Service Project Prep

November Service Project Personal Responsibility

December Gender Studies NONE


February Arts and Creativity Youth Employability

March Recreation Camp Info Session

April Environmentalism National Day of Service

May Health/Nutrition Club’s Choice

June Final Goodbye+Reflection Activity NONE

Clubs should feel free to do extra meetings as they so choose. Extra meetings can be from the curriculum portal, made by club leaders or members,
or can be free form bonding activities or Holiday celebrations for your club. These extra meetings can be reported on by adding to the reporting
form, as Club Coordinators would love to see your successful meetings.

Curriculum Approval Policy
GLOW and YMLP Clubs are a place for you and your members to learn and grow together, and that is why each club has the ability to choose
different topics within an assigned theme for each meeting. The Club Coordinators have created a file of different lesson plans that each GLOW and
YMLP club can use to lead sessions on different topics. These sessions are written and updated each year.

How to Submit a Curriculum for Approval

• If your group has an idea of a topic they would like to have a session about, please fill out the blank lesson plan (located in the shared
Curriculum folder) and email the Club Coordinators ( at least one week before you plan on giving the
• Please wait for approval from the Club Coordinators before you hold any new sessions.

GLOW and YMLP Club Service Project
GLOW and YMLP clubs in Macedonia encourage youth to volunteer and be active in their local communities. As civic engagement and volunteerism
are key to their mission, all GLOW and YMLP clubs are required to complement one service project before December. It is strongly suggested that
clubs follow up with there service project in the spring, in order to increase sustainability and the relationship with the community.

Service Project Objectives

• To utilize skills and capacities developed through clubs curriculum to affect the local community;
• To include marginalized groups in your activities whenever possible;
• To increase awareness of GLOW and YMLP in your community.

Service Project Requirements

The service project may be in any subject area decided on by the club and club leaders, but it must meet one of these criteria:

• Supports special groups or institutions in your community (ex. students, girls, families in need, people with special needs, schools,
churches, hospitals);
• Supports the environment through working directly with it (ex. park clean up, shade tree planting).

Example Service Projects from GLOW and YMLP clubs in Macedonia

GLOW and YMLP Club coordinators can provide your club with an assortment of pre-planned service projects that you can implement with your
club in your community. Feel free to contact the coordinators at for more information. Examples include:

• Volunteering to teach arts and crafts classes at a local center for students with special needs;
• Completing a park clean-up;
• Spreading awareness for a local NGO or volunteering as a whole club for a local NGO’s events.

Proposing Your Event

Please contact a club coordinator as soon as you confirm the details of your service project, including what it will be, when it will be held, who it
aims to affect, and where it will be implemented. Have a special club meeting to share the details of the service project with your club members so
they know when and where to meet to participate. Like other club meetings, utilize social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) and flyers to
publicize your community project. When planning what and when your service project will be, consider the amount of volunteers you will need
and any materials required to make the project a success!

Collecting Data
It is very important to collect data on your service project and how your club has impacted your community. You will report this data to club
coordinators in your monthly report.

Important Data to Collect During Your Service Project:

• How many club members participated (include leaders);
• How many hours were spent planning and implementing the service project;
• How many individuals were impacted/how many square meters of environment were affected
• Information about your community partners.

Be sure to take pictures and videos to document your project! We want to see all the work you did to make an impact in your community. Send
pictures and videos to the Club Coordinators either through the media submission page on the monthly report, or through email to

Remember to have fun and do your best to make an impact on your community!

Examples of Service Projects

1. Volunteering to teach classes at a local center for students with special needs
2. Make blankets, pillows or other goods to donate to a local shelter
3. Create an awareness campaign and conduct workshops on a topic important to your club
4. Organize a clothing collection, coat collection, school supply collection or book collection in partnership with a local school or institution that can be
distributed to local youth or families in need.
5. Tutoring students after school or starting a “homework help” club in subjects like English, Math, or local language.
6. Start a sports club, hiking club, art club or other extracurricular club for the community.
7. Paint a mural in your community or do a beautification project at a local park or community center.
8. Organize games or activities for children in hospitals
9. Hold a sports event for individuals with special needs in conjunction with a community awareness campaign on special needs.
10. Hold cooking classes to educate youth or other community members on healthy eating
11. Organize a reading hour for children at a local school or library
12. Work with an organization to deliver food to elderly or sick people in your community
13. Rake leaves or shovel snow for senior citizens in your community
14. Research to see if there is a homeless shelter or food kitchen in your community- make a holiday meal for their beneficiaries.
15. Paint over negative graffiti in your community
16. Repaint park benches or community fences
17. Organize a self defense workshop in your community for a specific group by matching them with an instructor and appropriate space.

Service Project Grants

Clubs as individual entities cannot apply to external grants on their own for projects or supplies.

GLOW & YMLP Clubs Service Project Grant
For the first time GLOW & YMLP Clubs are eligible for grants up to 100USD to complete their service projects. This application will be evaluated by
the Clubs Coordinators and staff from YMCA Bitola and the most successful applications will be awarded funds. Before completing the grant
application please familiarize yourself with the information from the Glow & YMLP Clubs Handbook on Service Projects. If you have any questions
please let us know at

Grant Goals
1. To increase the impact of the skills and capacities developed through GLOW & YMLP Clubs curriculum on the local community;

2. To reward exceptional clubs with the opportunity to implement new activities which require additional resources;
3. To increase community awareness of GLOW and YMLP in the community. 

1. With your club leaders and mentor, examine the needs and resources in your community, discuss how you can leverage the resources in your
community to meet the needs by creating project goals, objectives, and activities.
2. Fill out the GLOW & YMLP Club Service Project Grant application, including club information, a summary of the service project, the goals,
objectives and activities, projected outcomes and budget
3. Submit the form below by October 23, 2017. If your project fulfils the criteria and is awarded the grant, you will be contacted by YMCA the
week of October 27. Your project must be completed and documented by the time of the Impact Summit on December 16. [long
term projects like clubs or tutoring may/should continue past the date when appropriate]
4. This is a grant opportunity for materials only. When you are awarded the grant, YMCA Bitola will purchase and ship your supplies to your club for
you to implement your project
5. As you implement your project, keep track of the outcomes of your project- how many people you affected, what you did for the institution,
how many hours you worked and how many club members participated- among other information that you can find on the semester
reporting form. Fill out the semester report form just like you would in a regular service project with the outcomes of your project at the end of
the semester. For more information, reference the GLOW and YMLP Club 2017 handbook.
6. Make sure to take pictures and videos throughout the process, as all clubs awarded a grant will be invited to present on their project at the
GLOW and YMLP Impact Summit in December in order to show the impact clubs had on their community.

1. The service project must be related to a GLOW/YMLP Core Curriculum subject decided on by the club and club leaders
2. The service project must somehow support specific groups or institutions in your community (ex. students, girls, families in need, people with
special needs, schools, NGOs, hospitals)
3. The service project should reflect the GLOW and YMLP Values.
4. The service project must have a measurable community impact that can be reported through the semester reporting form. If you receive the
grant, we will ask you to report on impact earlier in December.

GLOW and YMLP Club Reporting Forms

GLOW Club Tetovo

“If you get, give. If you learn, teach.”

-Maya Angelou
American poet and civil rights activist

Club Fall and Spring Report Form
• A single report is submitted after each semester, by 15 January for the Fall/Winter semester and 15 June for the Spring semester
• The report is a Google Form sent to you through email and posted on Facebook. Please fill out the form with as many details as possible
and submit it at the end through the Google Form.
• The link for the Google form is:

The 3 parts of the Monthly Report Form

Part 1: In this section, you will choose your club from the list, the month you are reporting on (the previous semester), and write in the appropriate
sections the name of your Club Mentor and your Club Coordinators.

Part 2: For part 2 you will describe each activity you held during the semester with your club members. The form will ask you the date of the event,
how many people participated, the meeting facilitators, and for a summary of meeting activities. You will describe the activities for the required
meetings in each semester.

Part 3: At the end of each report you will see a link where you can send pictures and videos from past activities and events. These photos are saved
to your Club's folder and can be used later to promote your Club's great work, and the awesome work of GLOW and YMLP Clubs in Macedonia.
Please remember to title your pictures with which club you come from and the month the photo was taken!

Club 5-Month Plan
• The 5-month plan is filled out and sent to the Club Coordinators at twice per year so that your ideas for
events and activities can be approved before you start planning them
• Note, the activities and events in your 5-month plan MUST BE approved by the Club Coordinators and your Club Mentor before you can
start promoting them
• GLOW and YMLP Clubs are expected to meet twice per month, once for a fun activity and once for an educational or service-related
• The 5-month plan should be completed twice per year, once by the end of summer break and once by the end of winter break

The 9 sections of the 5 Month Report Form

Section 1: In this section, you will choose your club from the list, the period you are reporting on (fall or spring), and write in the appropriate
sections the name of your Club Mentor and your Club Leaders.

Section 2-6: In sections 2-6 you will describe the workshops and activities you are planning, the date you plan to implement them. Here you will be
able to choose whether your event is from an original lesson plan or the pre-approved list.

Section 7: In section 7 you will share your initial plans for this period's service project. If you have not planned your service project yet, you may
email us the completed plan no later than 6 weeks before the end of the 5-month period. Here you will be asked about the requirements,
beneficiaries, and timeline for the project’s implementation.

Section 8: In section 8 select a goal from the include list. It is your responsibility to keep track of this goal throughout the 5 month period and
report back to Club Coordinators. If you need assistance coming up with a way to track this goal, please contact the coordinators.
Section 9: In section 9 please submit any lesson plans you are planning to implement in this 5 month period that you have indicated in sections 2-

GLOW and YMLP Club Social Media
Rules and Guidelines

GLOW Club Kriva Palanka

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

-Malala Yousafzai
Pakistani activist for female education
Received the Nobel Peace Prize

General Social Media Policies
The goal of your GLOW or YMLP Club’s social media accounts is to connect with the members of your GLOW Club, girls and boys in your
community who may be interested in joining your Club, and other Clubs around Macedonia.
• All GLOW and YMLP Clubs in Macedonia should have a Facebook group for all of your members to connect and hear your announcements.
Your Club Group should be named [YOUR CLUB]-[YEAR], in order to differentiate between clubs from the same community in different
years. Make sure your group is open to the public and you share the group, and invite everyone who is interested to be a member. The
Club Coordinator in charge of your GLOW or YMLP Club should also be an administrator of your club’s Facebook Page
• If your Club would like to have another type of social media account, make sure to email the Club Coordinator in charge of your GLOW or
YMLP Club so that we can keep updated on what your club is doing and share the account information so different clubs in Macedonia
can see it too

Rules for Social Media

• Ask permission before posting anyone’s photos online
• Only Club Leaders are allowed to access and post on the club’s social media sites, regularly checked by the Club Coordinators. Keep your
club passwords private
• Make sure the content on your page is easy to understand for everyone, don’t posts jokes or comments only some in the group will
• There is a Zero Tolerance Policy for hate speech of any kind
• Posts involving nudity and/or profanity are strictly forbidden

Tips for Social Media Best Practices

• Before you write a post, think about it. This post or photo will be on the club page and reflect the group, not just who is posting it
• Make sure the post reflects the values of Clubs and is relevant to the club and it’s work and values
• Glow and YMLP Clubs help each other, make sure to Like, Post, and Share content from different GLOW and YMLP Clubs around
Macedonia and beyond!
• Remember to promote your meetings through your Facebook Page. Create flyers for events, upload them to the Facebook page and ask
members to share them on their Facebook profiles
• If you have a special event coming up, tell the Club Coordinators and it may be shared on the GLOW and YMLP Macedonia pages for all
groups to see!

Club Promotion
It is a good idea to promote your club’s upcoming event at least a week before the event. We suggest creating a flyer that you post on
the club’s Facebook group. Club leaders and Club members can then easily share the flyer on their personal profiles so that many people will see it

Flyer Basics
• When making a flyer for an event, simple is better
• Make sure all necessary information is clearly written: when the event will be, where the event will be, what is the topic of the event, any
activities you will be doing, and contact information for the club if people have any questions about the event
• Remember to put all necessary logos on the flyer- the GLOW logo, the logo from the organization that lets you use their space, and any
other organizations that help sponsor the event with money or time
• Make sure all images on the flyer are relevant to GLOW or YMLP

Example Flyer

GLOW and YMLP Club Inclusion Policies

GLOW and YMLP Clubs Vinica

“We choose forward. We choose inclusion. We choose growing together.”

- Cory Booker
United States Senator

GLOW+YMLP Clubs Policy
GLOW and YMLP Clubs are inclusive spaces where young women and young men come together to discuss topics that interest them and build
capacities through experiential learning. To further expand the inclusiveness of clubs and youth participation, GLOW and YMLP Clubs will be
supported if they would like become a GLOW+YMLP Club with both GLOW and YMLP alumni

Many communities have only a GLOW or YMLP Club. However, combined clubs are a great option for smaller communities. GLOW+YMLP Clubs will
provide a space where both young men and young women may participate in clubs activities, and support the development of a the new

How to Start and Conduct a GLOW+YMLP Club

• At the beginning of the year specify if you would like to become a GLOW club, a YMLP club, or a GLOW+YMLP Club.
• Report activities as “(YOUR CITY)- GLOW+YMLP Club”;
• Allow all youth in your community to participate in club activities, regardless of gender;
• Support the new club members as they reach out to youth in the community and expand their membership base;

Safe Spaces: because certain curriculum are sensitive topics let members decide if they would like these to be delivered independently to the young
women/men members. Curriculums with sensitive topics will be marked. If you have any questions about safe spaces please ask your Club Mentor
or the Clubs Coordinators (

Cooperation: Regardless of existence of a GLOW+YMLP club, clubs should continue to cooperate in order to improve their shared community. In
communities where both GLOW and YMLP Clubs exist, cooperation on activities is encouraged.

Reporting: you will report as “(Your Community)- GLOW+YMLP Club” for reports, plans, and in communications with clubs coordinators.

Associate Clubs
An Associate GLOW, YMLP, or GLOW + YMLP is a club that is started and maintained as a 3 month project in a community without an already
existing club. Associate Clubs are especially helpful in villages and towns that previously have had little to no information or representation at
GLOW or YMLP camps.

Associate clubs are started and facilitated by a Peace Corps Volunteer or adult community members, typically in the 3 months leading up to camp
applications and interviews. The Mentor must find an appropriate meeting space, conduct meetings, recruit club members, organize the service
project and submit reports. These clubs are meant to be the gateway to parts of Macedonia where clubs have struggled in the past so that new
leaders can be recruited and a full GLOW and/or YMLP club can be started the following year.

If you or someone you know are interested in starting an Associate Club, please email, and the Clubs Coordinators
will help you get started!

English Language Policy
The goal of the GLOW and YMLP Clubs in Macedonia is to act as meeting places in Macedonia where young men and women of all backgrounds,
cultures, abilities, and disabilities can meet every month and discuss topics that interest them. GLOW and YMLP are strongly committed to equality
and diversity, and all interested youth are encouraged to attend the meetings.

Club meetings are conducted in English. However, it is not a requirement that members be completely fluent in English, and, when necessary,
translations can be provided by a designated member.
• Rules:
• Only leaders (or other designated members) offer translation so as to avoid creating feelings of inability
• The handbook will be made available to all members in the language of their choosing
• There is a Zero Tolerance Policy for disrespectful speech and actions towards any member.
• Tips:
• Have widespread representation among leaders whenever possible
• Post promotional flyers in multiple languages
• “Safe Zone” posted in multiple languages in meeting room
• Open each meeting with a reminder of inclusivity and accommodations
o Example: “As a reminder, this GLOW/YMLP club is a space for everyone, regardless of language skills, so we are here
to help. Ask freely, as this is our space together.”
• Have leaders check in for comprehension
• Host info sessions in multiple languages
• Have a prepared list of difficult words for students to reference during meetings
• Create a buddy system - Pair senior members of club with newer members who may be self-conscious about their language
skills or who may require more assistance in order to encourage relationship building and language learning.

GLOW and YMLP Contact Information

GLOW Club Skopje Nova YMLP Club Skopje

“Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world.”

- Nelson Mandela
Former anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician
Former President of South Africa

GLOW and YMLP Club Macedonia Coordinators

GLOW Communications Coordinators

FACEBOOK: GLOW Macedonia ( )

YMLP Macedonia Team

FACEBOOK: Young Men’s Leadership Project (YMLP)


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