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Income Statement

Time Period 31/12/21
Financial Statements in U.S. Dollars DEBIT $ CREDIT $
Gross Sales 546702
Less: Sales Returns and Allowances 128903
Net Sales 417799

Cost of Goods Sold

Beginning Inventory 3418
Add: Purchases 9864
Freight-in 8905
Direct Labor 654
Indirect Expenses 5678
Inventory Available 50098
Less: Ending Inventory 8098
Cost of Goods Sold 42000

Gross Profit (Loss) 375799

Advertising 267
Amortization 8527
Bad Debts 6531
Bank Charges 7785
Charitable Contributions 964
Commissions 78
Contract Labor 32
Depreciation 9864
Dues and Subscriptions 9217
Employee Benefit Programs 5326
Insurance 864
Interest 874
Legal and Professional Fees 352
Licenses and Fees 785
Miscellaneous 274
Office Expense 793
Payroll Taxes 631
Postage 744
Rent 742
Repairs and Maintenance 973
Supplies 863
Telephone 37
Travel 31
Utilities 863
Vehicle Expenses 907
Wages 313
Total Expenses 58637

Net Operating Income 317162

Other Income
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets 1234
Interest Income 234
Total Other Income 1468

Net Income (Profit) 318630

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