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Nick Wilson

A most meaningful idea: being able to learn new things and being able to adapt to them
will help you out. Being able to adapt to technology in this ever-changing world.

An idea that SHINES: As a teacher, always have a plan B..... "All of my ideas shine."

An idea that I want to move forward with is: Be flexible and adaptive in life, technology,
and the classroom. Relationship with students matters a lot.

One connection to the COE vision: He values growth and change, which connects to
the vision.

Ena Shelley

Dr. Ena Shelley gave fantastic advice on what an educator should or maybe look like.
Taking away from her, I realized that an educator has to be adaptable. They have to
learn that not everything is going to go our way in the classroom or that sometimes the
education system as a whole needs changed. It was such a difference between when
she talked about her learning styles as a kid and her teaching now. She recognized that
the Butler College of Education needed to change, and she became the leader that we
needed. Dr. Shelley became the educator we needed to pave the way for us now in the
College of Education. It taught me that that's what I need to do as an educator, I need to
take charge and make sure that the education and teaching styles fits the kids needs
not that of the structure of the past. She made me realize that I want to be a teacher
because I love seeing that joy on kids faces when the break through that hard lesson or
discover something that is brand new. Also, she taught me that teaching doesn't have to
fit in a sort of box of this is how you do this, but it can be transformative and
groundbreaking. I learned that my role as an educator is no longer about myself and its
about what I can do for others, its about my future students and what I am doing now in
college is truly getting me prepared for them to be in my classroom. In the end, I am so
grateful for Dr. Shelley's work in our college and in education.

Kelli Suding

Even though I wasn't at the speaker's presentation, she presented education in a way
that connects with Butler's and my personal mission. She wants inclusion in the
classroom and wants all students to feel accepted and appreciated. It is the inclusion of
all that speaks to me. We as educators need to recognize that not all disabilities are
visual to the naked eye and therefore need to take the time to adapt our teaching
methods for all learners. Their program being accessible to all teachers is super
important as it is a beneficial tool. As an educator, I can implement these tools into the
classroom as an accessible tool for all learners. I also felt that it was super important
how Patins made it clear that they are there for everyone so that no one feels alone in
their journey and that tools are there for everyone.

The three things I don't want to forget are

1. There are always resources are always available.

2. Students want to feel accepted and included regardless of disabilities or
3. Technology can be adaptable for any situation in and out of the classroom.

Karly Keiper

The three things I want to remember.

1. In the future, I want to remember the good memories of why I wanted to get
into Education and the people that led me there.
2. If you can name it, you can tame it. This is good to remember in my
day-to-day life now and in the future.
3. We can focus on the good in our lives, but we also have to focus on the
things weighing us down. It is about keeping that circle of fire inside of us

1. The impact of community is super significant for a teacher.
2. As a teacher and as a person, it is super important to have diversity in the
3. Be humble in your work, as that often prevails more than bragging about


An image of educator is someone that genuinely cares about their students and makes
sure that is seen by not only their teachers but administrators.

Ryan King

Things I want to remember

1. Always think of your why when you are teaching and even though it may
change over time, there is always a core why in it all.
2. Technology is a very good tool and can be used to complement teaching and
the teacher, however, it should not take the place of a teacher.
3. Do things outside the teaching realm to help build connections and to help not
create burnout for yourself.


How do people (especially you) learn?

Ryan King talked about how technology is super helpful in the classroom and a very
important tool; however, it should not take the place of a teacher. I think this relates to
me because I love technology, but over time, especially during covid, when teachers
had things virtually, I did not learn as well as I usually did. I think for me, learning is a
mixture of technology usage and in-person usage.

Chad Wood - Vienna

The three things that I do not want to forget from Chads speaking is

1. "Even if you don't consider yourself an expert, you just need to put yourself
out there." I often times in my life will limit myself because I don't think I am
good enough but if I put myself out there it will open more doors in my life.
2. He spoke about loving where you are at in the current moment and that really
hit me because I often just think about the future and while that is important
the learning is happening now.
3. Chad Wood also talked about how you can be a teacher and affect students
but you can also work to affect all students as he did advocating for special

One connection is

● Do I know and understand the impact of my educational beliefs?

○ I know that my educational beliefs are that all students should be
given access to education and advocated for and Chad Wood is a
great example of advocating for students with disabilities. He went
as far as influencing the government on the changes that need to
take place with this.

Aaron Roberson

The three things that I want to remember

1. Leadership in schools really matters and those connections can benefit you
so much in your education career.
2. Relationships and the choices you make are super important.
3. As a first-year teacher, people might underestimate you or assume you don't
know what you are doing, but you do. You went to college for four years so
stick that diploma on the wall as proof.


What is my image of a “good” school and how did it come to be defined

A good school is one that has good leadership that supports both its staff and its
students. Aaron talked about how he makes sure to converse and handle problems with
parents so that the teachers do not have to. This is super important as a good school
needs to support its teachers, otherwise, their students will not be able to have the best
education that they can possibly have.

Dr. Brooke Harris Garad

1. I do not want to forget the provoking cartoons and the ideas that funding and money
districts have and how it affects students' academics.

2. When you learn, teach; when you get, give... Maya Angelou. This quote stuck out to
me and inspired me.

3. As educators, we must consider accessibility and inclusivity in the classroom and

how "everyone can use the ramp, but not everyone can use the stairs."

Make a connection

● What might my place and my role be as an educator?

My place and role are to get to know my students and help minimize the blockades they
have in their lives with their access or engagement in education.

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