Trip Report Lara Ballester

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DATE: October 5, 2022

TO: Professor LeCompte
FROM: Lara V. Ballester Torres
SUBJECT: Trip Report of Conference Monkeypox virus and the importance of One Health concept

The aim of this trip report is to inform about One Health, how it impacts the daily life of people
and how monkeypox relates to this concept. The webinar I attended was presented by Dr. Armando Burgos,
Associate Director of Veterinary Affairs of the RCM Primate Research Center.


“One Health involves everyone” is the best way to describe this concept, as it involves different
areas of medicine, namely human health, veterinary medicine, and environmental science. This is a
worldwide initiative where they seek collaboration, and interdisciplinary communication between the three
phases of medicine mentioned before. They want to promote and improve the health of all species by
collaborating with doctors of different specializations.

Dr. Armando Burgos made an emphasis on zoonotic diseases since this is a disease transmitted
between animals and humans. He clarified that there are two concepts that derive from this term,
anthropozoonosis and zooanthroponosis. Anthropozoonosis is a disease transmitted from animals to
humans, and zooanthroponosis is a disease transmitted from humans to animals.

Zoonotic Diseases
• Rabies • Sarcoptes (Scab)
• Leptospirosis • Tuberculosis (Avian, Swine, Bovine)
• Psittacosis (Chlamydia) • Herpes B
• Salmonella • Disease Vector (Dengue, Chikungunya)

The monkeypox virus was first discovered in 1958, through two outbreaks in a monkey colony for
investigation. It can be transmitted from human to human, but the main transmission is anthropozoonosis.
Climate change, exportation of animals, deforestation, and the consumption of wild animals has exposed
humans to carrier animals resulting in the spread of these zoonotic diseases.

Human health, veterinary medicine, and environmental science are linked to one another and the
action that happens in one area has ramifications in the others. For example, United States imported animals
from Asia, which had six species of rodents and they infected prairie dogs with monkeypox, which then
infected people, resulting in an outbreak. One Health investigates these patterns and records pathogens with
zoonotic potential to prevent future outbreaks.

Enclosure: Evidence of attendance

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