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To order a complete machine you need the following Ta.No {© Dusiemachine and teck pads © Holst cpindors soe70as * ESE: 70m sexe ° bucket nde s0 s3s7002 ee saa788s Digging envelope 4 wit icea40m 2 Tn SsSe SoS 1370 1478 190 3490 Bis “359 Bos 833 Mecdlegsetoce ou isn MMSGSS, aSuvighey Buckets Aa SAEs eI a aa RE OT STE He) Guucy SAE ara an0 Sa) 30 ea) po ra He Sots Sie0— trot tan toto ane oe SFA AS a Se HT | ShsbieormatemaTupton gece went ‘With 450 —“he/ms [ 2390 20002000 iat 116091000 —ise9— Ss | 5 Bucket with teeth size V 69 SD (appropriate for materials up to classification 5 2) Heavy duty rock bucket ted ‘60 RYE (appropriate for matorais shore: selon bin i300) ais } Loading bucket with teeth size V SN epgh sehen teat ste 28 = VOB, section C, DIN 38300) inasiication 6,per VOD, Backhoe Attachment ‘ with Gooseneck Boom 7,80 m Stick 3,40 m ea | | [essai co | = | ae . [eee] 1 [s | [ats [as | at «| Bh | Be a | fo ts | a | ats | ites ™ ah | ab Lan [am [at [| ola [ae [a [at [a [as | [o 5 [ah [a [ah [ah | [| oy ‘ & a [ats [ots |: | is | dibs a | ah [ats | oes | ott | | [aly | dio ” Bb a | [esl Eo 8 a aa ems leslest | | a | a | "Lift Capacities sr atplager 87S otnyeetecaps meat ach (50min with Gooseneck Boom 7,80 m To order a complete machine you need the following © Dasicmachine and track pads © Hole cylinders sas7026 © Gooteneck boom ‘withetcieyliader 9,20m orsseis © Stick ‘wilh bucket eplinder 3,40 m 987032 Som s3s7033 530m 5755888 50m saevese Bucket size pplieable Digging envelope wth tek 40m th tek ¢ 30 Tih ek 60 Toh stick 680 with bucket R974 Uorersé Stick ene 340 450 5.0 1025 1735 160 1580 1e10 teas i070 1128 ins 1045 11358 120 9 3 Mar dumphelgnt Max digglg depth Buckets [Cutting width SAE ama [19000 —sa00H 14000 600 18000 —go00) 19509 ssa —7s05 [[eapacity SAB. m3] 250 300 3.70 440_s10_§80 260 3103.60, Weiene ‘kg | 36009800 44004580 51605400 060 5010 3610 Hao. TaTah e705 —SneSO7 47h beac] ero sneasy eraser ‘Suitabie for material up toa specific welght of Wienetick 3.0m kgm | = 220020001600 1800__1B00= ‘With sick 450m legis | 2200 20001600 18001200 === With sick 5.60:m kgm’ | 2000 160015001200 === (With sek es0m gry [== 1008018 kot W STA Ler! with tt nae V6 SD. racket with teetz size V 88 SD (appropriate for materiale upto clasliiation 5, per VOB, section C, IN 16300) Backhoe Attachment with Gooseneck Boom 9,20 m an os ening oe BAN Ta tlet i eatin of mane ine | as wp Stick 3,40 m f Stick 4,50 m Bb | ath | ah dda | abt | a | a [ath [i | (i | obs 10] BB | as [at [dibs By | als Sal ah [ae | eee ee [ee GE | as | a, [Ry di [oo 260) 8 | 8 | aks [ats do] | eo” ae | | ae oe | | L Stick 5,60 m_ Stick 6,80 m oo [ts | on | ms | ao] as | ae ef 03 | ao | ms | we | ws | so as [ Ge] Be | | Ba] aa Bo, ul i 3] aoa, i By a it (ae 3) o | 55 | 8d dy | das) [che | ay | | tis | at ei is) da | iby | ik | 65] i855) did |c Ho] dd | a dis | ads | di $8] |r| ane | dtd | tse) cd | utd te | 8 » a | atte is [diy |ddes| city | 5) 8 | dba |b (dio |atto| ty iba | dts | ata fn |atdo| afd |) = 48 ay |p| ad | toy |e. ad 1, [tes | ata city 0i3 9) Bia | abe | ad | 83 | ade 215] BB | aR | bE | ib | hy ae LE [ats + nating nto by we ender azo in Conn) tetova wa overiondwaaing devin nla pager wh "Lift Capacities with Gooseneck Boom 9,20 m f ~~) fo order.a complete machine lice | you need the following 1a.No. | © Dasic machine and track pads snopes Hoary counterweight 991819 Hoist eytinders 9997028 | Sithrtickcyiiader 1100 9765012 Stick milibueket cylinder 450m 9287033 Som Srsaes8 esom S3s7038 ‘Bucket - izes apple Digging envelope 3 - ae 2 with tek 450m f Tee | & | vecearerteee,, met} Max-breakout force: 508 KN (1,3 Buckets SS Fespacity SAE a a TO wets me So So 4300 tas esa 9060000 TaN Sets —sastanw —sunroar —ouerana —sosrons enemas sverase || "itis TormateriaT up toa peck weigitof ee ea kg 20001600 tsad_—HR0O = 7 We pres s00 15001200 = = al [wit atck 0m ign? 3 5 = ia iss i200)

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