BRO Club Handbook v.2

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BRO Club


In Partnership with
Table of Contents
Club BRO Welcome Letter….………………………………………….….…….……………………………….

Club Start-up Information……………………………………………….………………………………………..

Club Coordinator Descriptions……………………………………….………………………………………...

Club Communication Coordinator
Club Outreach Coordinator
Club Program Coordinator

Contracts and Agreements……………………………………………………………………………………..

Club Mentor Contract
Mentor and Coordinator Contract
Club Coordinator Contracts

Reports and Forms………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5-month Form
Example 5-Month Form Page
Monthly Report

Sessions and Events……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Promotional Flyer Tips
Conquer Your Session
Sample Session Plan

Social Media Rules and Guidelines………………………………………………………………………...

General Guidelines
Dear Bro Boy,

on taking action in becoming a leader in your community!

You are a ROCKSTAR! YOU = +

For many boys, YMLP is an incredible, exhausting, experience, where you begin realizing that YOU can make a
positive difference in your community.

Yes, YOU!

Gaining leadership skills doesn’t stop at Camp.

In fact, Camp is just the beginning of a life-long commitment to develop as a leader and empower others within your

So what’s the next step?

Why Bro Club <insert your town name here> of course!

Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to YMLP Camp, but that doesn’t mean that girls should miss out on the
opportunity to learn how to develop as leaders.


In this handbook you’ll find the first 4 steps to start a BRO club in your community, along with everything you need to
get organized! After you register your club, we will be available to help you with any questions, provide
session plans for you to choose from, as well as make sure you stay connected with other clubs
throughout Macedonia.

So what can you do? Follow the 8 steps and connect with the secret Facebook page. If you have any
questions either FB message on GLOW + BRO MK Leaders group or e-mail us at

We look forward to getting to know you better!

Your Head Club Coordinators

Iris Flores & Helen Nicholas

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Starting a Club BRO in YOUR
Step 1: Find a Mentor Friendly Reminder:
Once you have selected your GLOW and
All clubs should have a mentor or someone BRO Club Leaders, make sure you start
over 19 years old in the community to sup-
port the club. When you think you’ve found meeting each of your responsibilities!
a mentor, contact and ask them
to end a contract. Step 2: Choose Club Leaders
This could be an older YMLP alumni, someone
from an NGO, a Youth Council Member, a busi-
You and your fellow alumni will vote on the
ness owner, someone from a local institution in following positions:
the community, a PCV… this is anyone that is
willing to give you guidance and facilitate  Program Coordinator
growth and learning for your leaders and club
members.  Outreach Coordinator

 Communication Coordinator
Make sure that you read the descriptions very
Step 3: Brainstorm Locations carefully and that you are prepared to take on
Having a standard location for your club that role. All club leaders SHOULD be Camp
increases the accessibility of the club to GLOW or YMLP alumni. *with some exceptions*
outsiders. It makes it easier for new people to
come and know where to go.
Helpful Hint: Your club mentor should help you Step 4: Brainstorm Ideal dates and
find a space. This could be a local youth NGO,
a community or cultural center,, the Red Cross,
your school, use your imagination and ask When will you have your first Official Club
people in your community for help! Contact Meeting? What about your second? You will
them and let them know that you’re interested in be given 5-Month Plans so that your Club
using their facility. Coordinators and you are on the same
page. We will provide topics for you to
cover and you will be given the freedom to
make these sessions your own.
Step 5: Promote! Promote! Promote!
Start spreading the idea of BRO Club around
in your community by word of mouth as soon
as you have a mentor. Just tell people the
club is coming soon – so they should pay at- Friendly Reminder:
tention to Facebook.
To get credit as a club, be sure to send all
Post flyers on Facebook 1-2 days before the contracts and reports to
first club meeting.
Club BRO

Summary of Responsibilities

The Communications Coordinator is part of the Club Leadership Team along

with the Program Coordinator, the Outreach Coordinator, and the Club
Mentor. The Communications Coordinator oversees and maintains all
aspects of the Club BRO communications, including recording minutes for all
Club BRO_____ leadership meetings, confirming and sending out next steps
with the team, sending monthly reports to the Clubs Monitor, and
continuously works to improve the club through the reflection and
evaluation of activities and implementation. This person is also in charge of
collecting, recording and redistributing the Club BRO funds.

Specific Responsibilities
 Works closely with the Club Mentor, Program and Outreach Coordinators in all aspects of the
 Reads through and understands the Club Finance guidelines
 Writes minutes (notes) for each of the planning meetings, and sends out “Next Steps” to all Club
BRO _____ leadership members to make sure everyone agrees and knows what their
responsibilities are
of Club
 Brainstorms with the other coordinators and mentor about which educational topics and
BRO activities they want to discuss/do
 Works with the other coordinators to decide on the best date to start the club
 Reads and reviews the first 6 month action plan form and returns it with suggestions/comments
to both the Program and Outreach Coordinators
 Once everyone agrees on the final version of the 5 month Action Plan, sends the Action Plan to
the club monitor
 Spreads news about the first club meeting via word of mouth to peers and their friends

Running  Checks personal responsibilities on the Action Plan and makes sure that Club BRO ______ is
following the timeline
Club BRO  Regularly checks the club secret page for updates and best practices, and joins discussions!
 Volunteers for and knows personal roles and responsibilities for each club meeting

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Club BRO
 Meets with Club BRO ______ leadership at least once BEFORE the actual club meeting to practice
what they will say and do at the club (It is your job to schedule the meetings and make sure
everyone can and does attend)
 Arrive to each club event 15-30 minutes BEFORE the session is scheduled to start (you and the
others on the Club BRO _______ leadership team should ALWAYS be the first to arrive)
 Makes sure that everyone has the opportunity to be heard at the meetings, notes of anyone who
Running does not speak up or look uncomfortable/ out of place
Club  Meets with everyone on the Club BRO ______ leadership team to discuss how, everyone as a
team can support each of the members of the club. (Review everyone on the attendance list)
BRO  Make sure you do this in private! Also, evaluate how the session went: what went well? What can
Cont’d… the club leadership team do better?
 Assist with the set-up and clean-up of each club event
 Updates the monthly report (so that you don’t have to do it all at the end of the month)
 When necessary collect dues or raised money for club projects or activities. All money must be
collected and counted with another Club Leadership member and preferably Mentor present
 Funds must be reported to the Club Monitor along with the description of what they will be
used for.
 Pictures of receipts must be sent, once the funds are used
 Please see Club Finance guidelines
 Posts best practices and lessons learned on the Club Leadership secret Facebook group

 Has attended Camp BRO

 Was selected amongst his or her peers to be the Club Communications Coordinator
 Demonstrates responsibility with deadlines, open-mindedness with opinions, and desire to make
the community a better place
Preferred  Regularly seeks to develop personally as demonstrated in school, and seeking other opportunities
Qualifications to grow
 Organized with excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Strong skills in (or desire to learn!) note-taking, multi-tasking, managing, budgeting and
 Ability to maneuver in both individual work and team work with equal ease.

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Club BRO

Summary of Responsibilities

The Outreach Coordinator is part of the Club Leadership Team along with
the Program Coordinator, the Communications Coordinator, and the Club
Mentor. The Outreach Coordinator oversees and maintains all aspects of the
Club BRO outreach, including managing the club Facebook page, developing
and getting approval of flyers, promoting clubs throughout schools and the
community and continuously works to improve the diversity of the club
through outreach activities and implementation. This person is also in
charge of posting and updating a blog on the clubs Macedonia tumbr.

Specific Responsibilities
 Works closely with the Club Mentor, Program and Outreach Coordinators in all aspects of the
 Strategies the best method for reaching out to girls or boys throughout the community to tell
them about the club: focus on younger ages from 12-15 years old
The  Brainstorms with the other coordinators and mentor about which educational topics and
Making activities they want to discuss/do
of Club  Works with the other coordinators to decide on the best date to start the club
 Makes sure that the other coordinators start promoting the club by word of mouth two weeks
BRO prior to the start of club
 Creates a Club BRO ______ Facebook Page (make sure to include pictures!)
 Designs or edits a flyer to be posted on Facebook, 48 hours before the event
 Reads and reviews the first 5 month action plan form and returns it with suggestions/comments
to both the Program and Communications Coordinators
 Spreads news about the first club meeting via word of mouth to peers and their friends
 Post the flyer wherever possible 48 hours prior to the event

 Checks personal responsibilities on the Action Plan and makes sure that Club BRO ______ is
following the timeline
Club BRO  Regularly checks the club secret page for updates and best practices, and joins discussions!
 Promotes each Club event/meeting on Facebook 48 hours before the event

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Club BRO

 Volunteers for and knows personal roles and responsibilities for each club meeting
 Meets with Club BRO ______ leadership at least once BEFORE the actual club meeting to practice
what they will say and do at the club (It is your job to schedule the meetings and make sure
everyone can and does attend)
 Arrive to each club event 15-30 minutes BEFORE the session is scheduled to start (you and the
others on the Club BRO _______ leadership team should ALWAYS be the first to arrive)
Running  Take pictures of the meeting or event
 Make note of anyone who does not speak up or look uncomfortable/ out of place
 Meets with everyone on the Club BRO______ leadership team to discuss how, everyone as a
BRO team can support each of the members of the club. (Review everyone on the attendance list).
Cont’d… Make sure you do this in private! Also, evaluate how the session went: what went well? What can
the club leadership team do better?
 Assist with the set-up and clean-up of each club event
 Friend everyone who has attended the meeting and invite them to like the Club BRO _____
Facebook page
 Post pictures from the event on the page and tag everyone you can within 48 hours AFTER the
 Send 2-4 pictures and 2-4 sentences about the event to the Club Macedonia Monitor to post on
the Club Macedonia Tumblr
 Post something on the club's Facebook page at least 3 times a week, ideally once a day
 Works with the other two club coordinators and mentor to organize at least two community
service events each year

 Has attended Camp BRO

 Was selected amongst his or her peers to be the Club Outreach Coordinator
 Demonstrates responsibility with deadlines, open-mindedness with opinions, and desire to make
the community a better place
Preferred  Regularly seeks to develop personally as demonstrated in school, and seeking other opportunities
Qualifications to grow
 Organized with excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Strong skills in (or desire to learn!) social networking, photography, video making, promotion and
 Ability to maneuver in both individual work and team work with equal ease.

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Club BRO

Summary of Responsibilities

The Program Coordinator is part of the Club Leadership Team along with the
Outreach Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, and the Club Mentor.
The Program Coordinator oversees and maintains all aspects of the Club BRO
program, including scheduling, topics, logistics (contacting outside sources
to come and speak, to host the club, etc) and continuously works to improve
program activities and implementation. This person is also in charge of
finalizing the club’s bi-annual action plans (each plan is for 6 months at a

Specific Responsibilities
 Works closely with the Club Mentor, Outreach and Communication Coordinators in all aspects of
the position
 Reads and knows the role of the Club mentor
 Works closely with the Club BRO _______ mentor to make sure s/he knows what his/her role is
The during each meeting
Making  Works with the Club BRO /YMLP________ mentor to find a location for the club, tells location
of Club options to Communications Coordinator
BRO  Leads the brainstorm with the other coordinators and mentor about which educational topics
they want to discuss
 Leads the brainstorm with other coordinators and mentor about which fun activities they want to
 Works with the other coordinators to decide on the best date to start the club
 Checks with the location to ensure that you can meet with the club
 Fills in/writes the first 5 month action plan form and gives a copy of it to both the Outreach and
Communications Coordinators for review and finalization
 Spreads news about the first club meeting via word of mouth to peers and their friends: focus on
younger ages from 12-15 years old

Running  Checks personal responsibilities on the Action Plan and makes sure that Club BRO ______ is
Club BRO following the timeline
 Regularly checks the club secret page for updates and best practices, and joins discussions!

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Club BRO
 Ensures that all roles and responsibilities at each Club Meeting are divided evenly
 Makes sure that all Club BRO _______ leadership meeta at least once BEFORE the actual club
meeting to practice what they will say and do at the club (It is your job to schedule the meetings
and make sure everyone can and does attend)
 Arrive to each club event 15-30 minutes BEFORE the session is scheduled to start (you and the
Running others on the Club BRO _______ leadership team should ALWAYS be the first to arrive)
 Makes sure that there is a suggestion box available at every Club Meeting
Club BRO  Makes sure that during the Club Meetings, everyone has a chance to speak – make note of
Cont’d… anyone who does not speak up or look uncomfortable/out of place
 Meets with the everyone on the Club BRO ______ leadership team to discuss how, everyone as a
team can support each of the members of the club. (Review everyone on the attendance list).
Make sure you do this in private! Also, evaluate how the session went: what went well? What can
the club leadership team do better?
 Assist with the set-up and clean-up of each club event
 Sends updates to the Club Leadership Secret group with best practices/lessons learned during the
club sessions
 Works with the other two coordinators and mentor to organize at least 2 community service
events each year

 Has attended Camp BRO

 Was selected amongst his or her peers to be the Club Communications Coordinator
 Demonstrates responsibility with deadlines, open-mindedness with opinions, and desire to make
the community a better place
Preferred  Regularly seeks to develop personally as demonstrated in school, and seeking other opportunities
Qualifications to grow
 Organized with excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Strong skills in (or desire to learn!) leadership, management, task prioritization, planning,
scheduling and conflict resolution.
 Ability to maneuver in both individual work and team work with equal ease.

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

BRO Club
Contracts and Agreements
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”
-Margaret Fuller
American journalist

Mentor Contract…………………………..
Mentor and Coordinator ……………….
Coordinator Contract……………….......

The active Senior Partner NGO of BRO Macedonia,

Name and Surname:

City/Town/Village :

For the following services:

The BRO club mentor will work with the BRO club in _______________ for at least one year, beginning in the
month ____________ of the year _________ . Upon completion of his or her 1-year mentorship services, she will
receive a signed certificate from the Senior Partner NGO, detailing the work she has completed with the local BRO

 Ensures that club leaders meet at least once prior to their official club meetings or events
 Attends at least 80% of all meetings and official events/club meetings
 Meets with the club leaders after each event to evaluate how it went
 Works to encourage the development in leadership of the three main leaders of the local club by supporting
their work and making sure that the leaders meet the basic goals, responsibilities, and requirements of the club
 Recognizes that their role is NOT to mold the participants’ opinions to match his or her own.
 Will write a short – 1 page report about their involvement with the club at the end of the year.

The person from this contract is obligated to perform the duties efficiently and responsibly during the whole period
designated in the contract.

Date ____/____ /____

____________________________ _________________________

Club Mentor’s signature NGO Representative

Club Mentor Agreement*
(with Local Club Coordinators)
I will be on time for meetings, which will be help twice a month for approximately one hour. I realize that my
local BRO Club cannot meet without a Leader and a Mentor present. In order to properly plan meetings, I will let my
Leader(s) know in advance if I cannot attend an upcoming meeting so they can find an approved adult volunteer or
cancel that week’s meeting.
I agree to always set a good example for each boy who attends BRO Club. I realize my Leader(s) look up to
me as an adult mentor and they value my opinion. I hold my Leaders accountable to high moral standards, keep
track of their hours of community service each semester, and remind them to submit their Monthly Reports no later
than the 5th of the following month.
It is my job to encourage and support my Leaders to create a BRO Club that will e successful and sustainable for the
years to come.
I realize that my Leader(s) have been told to come to me immediately with a situation they are not prepared
to handle. In this rare circumstance, I promise to help those who seek my assistance to the best of my ability. I know
that what is said in BRO Club stays in BRO Club. The only time this rule may be broken is if someone has been hurt or
might get hurt if I or my Club Leader(s) do not pass the information on to the Clubs Coordinators.
If we need to meet for community service projects, create posters, plan future meetings, etc., I will do my best to
arrange my schedule to be there for my Leader(s). I have these boys’ best interest at heart and want to support
them. I can confirm that I have not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that would prevent me from being
an appropriate BRO Club Mentor.
I have Leaders who believe in BRO and the boys we will be reaching. We agree to work together and main-
tain a constant line of communication regarding our local club. Together we ill take advantage of the resources avail-
able through the secret BRO Club Facebook group. We will download session plans, share suggestions, upload pic-
tures, add new users, ask questions when needed and use the tips and resources made available to us to help en-
sure our club’s success. Most importantly, I am excited to be a BRO Club Mentor and am committing to this role in
the hopes of positively impacting young loves. You and your Leaders need the following signatures:
Date _____/_____/____

____________________________ ____________________________
Club Mentor’s signature Club Mentor’s Name Printed

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Local Club BRO Coordinator Local Club BRO Coordinator Local Club BRO Coordinator
Coordinator Year-Long Contracts
Club Communications Coordinator

I, ________________________(write your full name) have read through the description of duties for the
Club Communications Coordinator position, and I understand all of my responsibilities and expectations
as the Club Communications Coordinator in Club BRO __________________ (write your town name).

_____ I understand that I will only receive a Club Communications Coordinator Certificate if I complete
ALL of my monthly duties in a timely manner during the school year. (If I do not complete my monthly
responsibilities, I will not receive a certificate for being a Club Communications Coordinator).

For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Communications Coordinator to the best of my ability.

Signed ________________________________________ on date:______________________________

Please print document, then sign your full name Date/Month/Year

Club Outreach Coordinator

I, __________________________ (write your full name) have read through the description of duties for
the Club Outreach Coordinator position, and I understand all of my responsibilities and expectations as
the Club Outreach Coordinator in Club BRO _____________________ (write your town name).

_____ I understand that I will only receive a Club Outreach Coordinator Certificate if I complete ALL of my
monthly duties in a timely manner during the school year. (If I do not complete my monthly
responsibilities, I will not receive a certificate for being a Club Outreach Coordinator).

For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Outreach Coordinator to the best of my ability.

Signed ________________________________________ on date:______________________________

Please print document, then sign your full name Date/Month/Year

Club Program Coordinator

I, _______________________ (write your full name) have read through the description of duties for the
Club Program Coordinator position, and I understand all of my responsibilities and expectations as the
Club Program Coordinator in Club BRO ______________________ (write your town name).

_____ I understand that I will only receive a Club Program Coordinator Certificate if I complete ALL of my
monthly duties in a timely manner during the school year. (If I do not complete my monthly
responsibilities, I will not receive a certificate for being a Club Program Coordinator).

For the next year, I will commit to being the Club Program Coordinator to the best of my ability.

Signed ________________________________________ on date:______________________________

Please print document, then sign your full name Date/Month/Year
BRO Club
Report Forms
“I can’t change the direction of the wind,
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
-Jimmy Dean
American country music singer,
television host, actor and businessman

5-Month plan ……………………………

5-Month Example Page………………..
Monthly Report………………..............
 The 5-Month Plan should be completed twice a year, once by the end of summer break and again by the end of winter break.
 ALL events and activities must be approved by the Club Monitor (on the Official Club Coordinator Committee) before they can be
 BRO Clubs are expected to meet twice a month – once for a fun activity and once for an educational or service-related activity!
 Filling this plan out helps you to plan ahead — before the school year gets super busy.

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

5-Month Program Plan Page Example

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

Ideally, you
meet with the
other club
coordinators and
fill this section out
after the event

You work with

your mentor
more than we
do! We need you
to let us know
how they are
doing so that we
can give them a
certificate at the

From es say a th
see h your pictu usand wo
o r r
prom w you are es we can ds!
ote yo d a
This is just a ur clu oing – and ctually
b! help
friendly reminder
for all of us!

 You need to fill this out EVERY month AFTER you have completed the programming.
Please try to send it in by the 5th of the new month.
 The “Lessons Learned” section is the most important part of this form! Make sure you
take the time to talk to your fellow coordinators and mentor after each event!

Club BRO Electronic Operational Manual

BRO Club
Session and Events
“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.”
-Vince Lombardi
American football player and executive
Known as the coach of the Green Bay Packers

Promotional Materials…………………..
Conquer Your Session…………………..
Session Plan……………………………….
Promoting your BRO Club: Making the flyer!

*All flyers must be approved by the

Clubs Coordinators

When making a flyer, it is MOST important that

you keep it simple:

 Use only one to two pictures.

The easiest flyer, and often most beautiful, will
just have one picture in the background. Make sure
the picture is relevant to the event!
 Keep the words to a minimum.
Write the most important information on the flyer
such as where and when the event will take place.
Leave contact info for people to learn more.
 Remember to put the logos of all appropriate or-
This includes logos from the organization that lets
you use their space, from BRO, from the senior
partner NGO and any other organization in your
community that helps sponsor your event with
money or time.
BRO Club
Social Media Rules and
“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”
-Malala Yousafzai
Pakistani activist for female education
The youngest person to ever be honored with any Nobel Prize
She received the Nobel Peace Prize

General Policies……………………….…..
Make the BRO logo your profile
picture and try and change your
cover picture every two months.

Use photos from events or

meetings. Photos should be either
the BRO logos or photos of
members and events.

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