Semantrix 8 Week Online Course Preview

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Devised by Dr.

Reanne Crane and

Rosalind Stone
8-Week Course | Syllabus Preview

Week #1: -How does language shape human thought and experience?
Psychedelic Semantics –
-Can we narrate psychedelic experiences? Is it time to leave the

An Introduction to
‘ineffable’ behind?
Language and Perception -What are the hidden biases of English (and other Indo-European


Week #2: -Are metaphors psychoactive? (Is the mind a container? Are memories

Downward Dogmas –
Metaphors and the
-Do you see what I mean? Is time something we spend?
Modern Psyche -What do ‘medicine’, ‘healing’, and ‘knowledge’ mean? Is ayahuasca


Week #3: -How can we psychedelicise mainstream media to transcend the ‘War

Critical Thinking –
on Drugs’?
Drugs and the Media -Smokescreens; what’s really the ‘most dangerous’ drug in modern

Western society?
-What are the harms of hyperlinks and latent semantic keywords?

-What’s the difference between ‘te quiero’ and ‘te amo’?

Week #4:
-Does your language affect your memory? Your senses? Your

Lost in Translation i (non-

-Could monolingualism be obstructing psychedelic preparation and


Week #5: -What might we learn from a language without colours?

Lost in Translation ii
-Does literacy cause brain damage? Can you count without numbers?
(indigenous) -What’s the ecological cost of language extinction?

Week #6: -How much sovereignty do we really have over our drug experiences?
Recontextualising &
-What’s the relationship between coffee and capitalism?
Recategorising -Is microdosing the new modafinil? What is champagne for?

Week #7: -How is language processed between the two hemispheres of the

Embodiment and
Linguistic -The grammars of sentience; should we be wary of the word ‘it’?
Re-animation -What are words made of? Have we misunderstood icaros?

Week #8: -What’s the point of a paradox? What is language-twisting-twisting?

Wisdom from Wirikuta:
-Did we forget the splendours of uncertainty? The abundance of

Language Disruption and

Symbolic Thinking
-Can we modulate our language to harmonise with multiple modes of


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