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Ascalon Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

The Great Northern Wall Normal | Hard 10k | 20k 1e | 2e

Fort Ranik Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
Ruins of Surmia Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e |3e
Nolani Academy Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e

Northern Shiverpeaks Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Borlis Pass 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
The Frost Gate Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e

Kryta Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Gates of Kryta Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
D'alessio Seaboard Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Divinity Coast Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Riverside Province Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Sanctum Cay Normal | Hard 15k | 30k 2e | 4e

Maguuma Jungle Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

The Wilds Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Bloodstone Fen Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Aurora Glade Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 4e | 5e

Crystal Desert Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Dunes of Despair Normal | Hard 25k |35k 3e | 4e
Thirsty River Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Elona Reach Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Augury Rock - - -
The Dragon's Lair Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e

Southern Shiverpeaks Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Ice Caves of Sorrow Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 4e | 5e
Iron Mines of Moladune Normal | Hard 30k | 45k 4e | 5e
Thunderhead Keep Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e

Ring of Fire Islands Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Ring of Fire Normal | Hard 25k | 40k 3e | 5e
Abaddon's Mouth Normal | Hard 35k | 50k 4e | 6e
Hell's Precipice Normal | Hard 30k | 45k 4e | 5e
Shing Jea Island Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto
Ministers Cho's Estate Normal | Hard 10k | 20k 1e | 2e
Zen Daijun Normal | Hard 10k | 20k 1e | 2e

Kaingeng City Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Vizunah Squate Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
Nahpui Quarter Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
Tahnnakai Temple Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Sunjiang District Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Raisu Palace Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Iperial Sanctum Normal | Hard 10k | 15k 1e | 2e

Echovald Forest Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Arbor Stone Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
The Eternal Grove Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Unwaking Waters Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e

The Jade Sea Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Boreas Seabed Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
Gyala Hatchery Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Unwaking Waters Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e

Istan Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Chahbek Village Normal | Hard 5k | 10k 1e | 2e
Jokanur Diggins Normal | Hard 10k | 20k 1e | 2e
Blacktide Den Normal | Hard 15k | 20k 2e | 3e

Kourna Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Consulate Docks Normal | Hard 15k | 20k 2e | 3e
Venta Cemetery Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Kodonur Crossroads Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Pogahn Passage Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Rilhon Refuge Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 2e | 3e
Moddok Crevice Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e

Vabbi Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Dzoganur Bastion Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Dasha Vestibule Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Grand Court of Sebelkeh Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Jennur's Horde Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Nundu Bay Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e

The Desolation Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Gate of Desolation Normal | Hard 15k | 20k 2e | 3e
Ruins of Morah Normal | Hard 15k | 20k 2e | 3e

Realm of Torment Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Gate of Pain Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Gate of Madness Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Abaddon's Gate Normal | Hard 15k | 20k 2e | 3e

Cross Campaign Book Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

The Great Northern Wall Normal Mode Only 10k 1е
Fort Ranik Normal Mode Only 15k 2е
Ruins of Surmia Normal Mode Only 15k 2е
Nolani Academy Normal Mode Only 15k 3е
Borlis Pass Normal Mode Only 20k 3е
The Frost Gate Normal Mode Only 20k 3е
Gates of Kryta Normal Mode Only 20k 3е
Minister Cho's Estate Normal Mode Only 10k 1е
Zen Daijun Normal Mode Only 10k 1е
Chahbek Village Normal Mode Only 5k 1е
Jokanur Diggings Normal Mode Only 10k 1е
Blacktide Den Normal Mode Only 15k 2е

War in Kryta Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Inquisitor Lashona Normal | Hard Mode
Inquisitor Bauer Normal | Hard Mode
Inquisitor Lovisa Normal | Hard Mode
Riverside Assassination Normal Mode Only
A Little Help From Above Normal Mode Only
Temple of Intolerable Normal Mode Only
Mustering a Response Normal Mode Only
The Battle for Lion's Arch Normal Mode Only
All WiK Quests Normal Mode Only
Wik Bounty Normal Mode Only
Eye of the North Quests Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto
Asuan Primary Quests Normal Mode Only
Finding Gadd 10k 3e
Finding the Bloodstone 15k 4e
Crystal Method 10k 3e
The Arrow's Point 10k 3e
The Blade's Essence 10k 3e
Lab Space 10k 3e
The Elusive Golemancer 20k 5e
Little Workshop of Horros 20k 5e
O Brave New World 10k 3e
A Little Help 10k 3e
G.O.L.E.M. 10k 3e
Trial of Zinn 40k 10e
The Cipher of Balthazar 15k 4e
The Cipher of Dwayna 15k 4e
The Cipher of Grenth 15k 4e
The Cipher of Lyssa 15k 4e
The Cipher of Kormir 15k 4e
The Path of Revelations 15k 4e

Eye of the North Quests Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto
Nornthern Allies Normal Mode Only
Tracking the Nornbear 10k 3e
Curse of the Nornbear 10k 3e
Flames of the Bear Spirit 20k 5e
Blood Washes Blood 15k 4e
A Hunter's Pride 25k 6e
Vision of the Raven Spirit 20k 5e
A Gate Too Far 20k 5e
Shadows in the Night 25k 6e
The Great Norn Alemoot - -
Bear Club for Men/Women - -
Leader of the Pack 25k 6e
Truthseeker 15k 4e
Attack on the Jalis's Camp 15k 4e
In Service of Revenge 10k 3e
Destructive Research 8k 2e
The Destroyer Challenge 10k 3e
The Big Unfriendly Jotun 10k 3e
Deep Runner's Map 8k 2e
Krak's Cavalry 10k 3e
Worthy Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) 25k 6e
Prenuptai Disagreement 10k 3e

Eye of the North Quests Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto
The Missing Vanguard Normal Mode Only
Search for the Ebon Vanguard 10k 3e
Against the Charr 10k 3e
The Dawn of Rebelion 10k 3e
Warband of Brothers 25k 6e
What Must Be Done 10k 3e
Assault on the Stronghold 15k 4e
Be Very, Very Quiet… 15k 4e
Plan A 15k 4e
Forbidden Fruit 10k 3e
Single Ugly Grawl… 15k 4e
Falling Out 20k 5e
Forgotten Relics 15k 4e
The Hunting of the Charr 15k 4e
A Good Deed 15k 4e
Failure to Communicate 15k 4e
The Imploding Past 15k 4e
The Assassin's Revenge 15k 4e
Fire and Pain 15k 4e
The Smell of a Titan in the Morning c 3e
Then and Now, Here and There 15k 4e
Watch it Jiggle 15k 4e
Service: In Defence of the Eye 10k 3e
Charr Invaders 10k 3e

Eye of the North Quests Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto
Dwarven Quests Normal Mode Only
Heart of the Shiverpeaks 20k 5e
Destruction Depths 20k 5e
A Time for Heroes 5k 1e

Multi Campaign Titles Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Max Sunspear Rank Normal Mode - ~ 450e
Max Lightbringer Rank Normal Mode - ~ 600e
Canthan Elite Skill Hunter Normal Mode - ~ 90e - 260e
Tyrian Skill Hunter Normal Mode - ~ 60e - 200e
Elonian Skill Hunter Normal Mode - ~ 110e - 300e
Luxon Rank 1 -6 Hard Mode - ~ 270e
Luxon Rank 1-12 Hard Mode - ~ 2000e
Kurzick Rank 1-6 Hard Mode - ~ 210e
Kurzick Rank 1-12 Hard Mode - ~ 1500e
Rank 3 Survivor Items - ~ 600e

Legendary Skill Hunter +

Rank 3 Survivor Normal | Hard - ~ 850e | 950e
All Game Campaign Towns +
End Game Missions +
Legendary Skill Hunter +
Rank 3 Survivor Normal | Hard - 1800e

Core Campaign Quests Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Obsidian Armor (FoW Forge) Normal Mode Only 30k 4e
Black Widow (Pet) Normal Mode Only 30k 4e
Zhos Journal Normal Mode Only 15k page 2e page
Golem User Manual Normal Mode Only 15k page 2e page
Underworld Clear Normal Mode Only - 130e
Gate of Anguish + Mallyx Normal Mode Only - 90e
Fissure of Woe Clear Normal Mode Only - 70e
Urgoz Warren Clear Normal Mode Only - 40e
The Deep Clear Normal Mode Only - 40e
Captured Son Letter Normal Mode Only 20k 2e

Prophecies Ascension Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Sand and Souls +
Dunes of Despair +
Elona Reach + Thirsty River Normal Mode Only 90k 10e

Canthan Ascension Foreign Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Welcome to Cantha (Plague) +
Vizunah Square +
Closer to the Stars +
Nahpui Quarter Normal Mode Only 60k 7e

Canthan Ascension Local Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

A Master's Burden +
Mayhem in the Market +
Vizunah Square +
Finding the Oracle +
Closer to the Stars +
Nahpui Quarter Normal Mode Only 80k 9e

Campaign Completion Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Eye of the North
End Game + Quests Normal Mode Only - 200e

End Game + Quests + Missions Normal Mode Only - 300e

End Game + Quests + Missions Normal Mode Only - 250e

End Game + Quests + Missions Nomrla Mode Only - 170e

Heroe's Handbook Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

The Beginning of the End Auto Fill
The Missing Vanguard Auto Fill
Against the Charr Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
Warband of Brothers Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Assault on the Stronghold Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Northern Allies Auto Fill
Curse of the Nornbear Normal | Hard 10k | 15k 1e | 2e
A Gate Too Far Normal | Hard 30k | 45k 3e | 5e
Blood Washes Blood Normal | Hard 15k | 25k 2e | 3e
The Knowledgeable Asura Auto Fill
Oola's Lab Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 3e | 4e
Finding the Bloodstone Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 3e | 4e
G.O.L.E.M. Normal | Hard 10k | 15k 1e | 2e
Against the Destroyers Auto Fill
Destruction Depths Normal | Hard 30k | 45k 3e | 5e
A Time for Heroes Normal | Hard 5k | 10k 1e | 2e

Master Dungeon Guide Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Catacombs of Kathandrax Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Rragar's Managerie Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Cathedral of Flames Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Ooze Pit Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Darkrime Delves Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 3e | 4e
Frostmaw's Burrows Normal | Hard 40k | 55k 4e | 6e
Sepulchre of Dragrimmar Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Raven's Point Normal | Hard 40k | 55k 4e | 6e
Vloxen Excavations Normal | Hard 40k | 55k 4e | 6e
Bogroot Growths Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 3e | 4e
Bloodstone Caves Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Shards of Orr Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Oola's Lab Normal | Hard 30k | 40k 3e | 4e
Arachni's Haunt Normal | Hard 25k | 35k 3e | 4e
Secret Lair of the Snowmen Normal | Hard 20k | 30k 2e | 3e
Heart of the Shiverpeaks Normal | Hard 35k | 50k 4e | 5e

Slaver's Exile Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Forgewight Normal Mode Only 15k 4e
Selvetarm Normal Mode Only 15k 4e
Thommis Normal Mode Only 10k 2e
Rand Normal Mode Only 10k 2e
Duncan the Black Normal | Hard 30k | 45k 3e | 5e

Heroe's Handbook Game Mode Price in Platinum Price in Ecto

Regular Book of three runs Hard Mode 100k 13e
Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons Optional

× Single / Multi Runs
× Single / Multi Runs
× 3e per skill
× 3e per skill
× 3e per skill
× Single / Multi Runs
× Single / Multi Runs
× Single / Multi Runs
× Single / Multi Runs

Elite Tomes +
× Survivor Safe Items
Elite Tomes +
⌂ Survivor Safe Items

Service Add Ons


Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Service Add Ons

Combo Pack Game Mode Price in Platinum
Thunderhead Keep + Fire Isles Normal | Hard -
Unwaking Waters + Raisu + Shiro Run Normal | Hard 55k | 80k
Gate of Pain + Madness + Adaddon Normal | Hard 65k | 90k

Single Destination Tour Game Mode Price in Platinum

Lion's Arch - Temple of the Ages Normal Mode 10k
Lion's Arch - Druid's Overlook Normal Mode 20k
Lion's Arch - Ascalon City Normal Mode 40k
Lion's Arch - Droknar's Forge Normal Mode 70k
Lion's Arch - The Granite Citadel Normal Mode 70k
Lion's Arch - Thunderheadkeep Normal Mode 100k
Lion's Arch - Henge of Denravi Normal Mode 100k

Combo Pack Game Mode Price in Platinum

Lion's Arch - all Ascalon towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Kryta towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Maguuma Jungle towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Crystal Desert towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Northern Shiverpeak towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Southern Shiverpeak towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Shiverpeak towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Prophecies towns Normal Mode -
Lion's Arch - all Campaign towns + End Game Normal Mode -

Single Destination Tour Game Mode Price in Platinum

Kaineng Center - Fort Aspenwood (Luxon) Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Cavalon Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Jade Quarry (Luxon) Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Leviathan Pits Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Harvest Temple Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Vasburg Armory Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Jade Quarry (Kurzick) Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Fort Aspenwood (Kurzick) Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - House Zu Heltzer Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Imperial Sanctum Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - Shiro run Normal Mode -

Combo Pack Game Mode Price in Platinum

Kaineng Center - all Starter Isle towns Normal Mode 25k
Kaineng Center - all Cantha towns Normal Mode 40k
Kaineng Center - all Luxon towns Normal Mode 80k
Kaineng Center - all Kurzick towns Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - all Campaign towns Normal Mode -
Kaineng Center - all Campaign towns + Shiro Normal Mode -

Single Destination Tour Game Mode Price in Platinum

Yohlon Haven - Camp Hojanu Normal Mode 10k
Yohlon Haven -The Kodash Bazaar Normal Mode 60k
Yohlon Haven - Chantry of Secrets Normal Mode 80k

Combo Pack Game Mode Price in Platinum

Kamadan Jewel of Istan - Starter Isle towns Normal Mode 20k
Yohlon Haven - Kourna towns Normal Mode 60k
Yohlon Haven - Desolation towns Normal Mode 80k
Yohlon Haven - Vabbi towns Normal Mode 80k
Yohlon Haven - Campaign towns Normal Mode -

Single Destination Tour Game Mode Price in Platinum

Eye of the North - Doomlore Shrine Normal Mode 10k
Eye of the North - Gadds Encampment Normal Mode 20k
Eye of the North - Rata Sum Normal Mode 30k

Combo Pack Game Mode Price in Platinum

Eye of the North - all Charr towns Normal Mode 20k
Eye of the North - all Shiverpeak towns Normal Mode 40k
Eye of the North - all Asuran towns Normal Mode 50k
Eye of the North - all Campaign towns Normal Mode 70k

Prophecies Vanquish Game Mode Price in Platinum

Ascalon Hard Mode Only -
Eastern Frontier -
Pockmark Flats -
Regent Valley -
Old Ascalon -
The Breach -
Diessa Lowlands -
Ascalon Foothills -
Flame Temple Corridor -
Dragons Gullet -

Northern Shiverpeaks Hard Mode Only -

Traveler's Vale -
Iron Horse Mine -
Anvil Rock -
Deldrimor Bowl -
Griffons Mouth -

Southern Shiverpeaks Hard Mode Only -

Lornar's Pass -
Dreadnought's Drift -
Snake Dance -
Grenths Footprint -
Spearhead Peak -
Taska's Demice -
Mineral Springs -
Ice Floe -
Frozen Forest -
Icedome -
Talus Chute -
Witman's Folly -

Kryta Province Hard Mode Only -

Scoundrel's Rise -
North Kryta Province -
Nebo Terrace -
Watchtower Coast -
Cursed Lands -
The Black Curtain -
Kessex Peak -
Talmark Wilderness -
Tears of the Fallen -
Stingray Stand -
Twin Serpent Lakes -

Maguuma Jungle Hard Mode Only -

Majesty's Rest -
Sage Lands -
Mamnoon Lagoon -
Silverwood -
Ettin's Back -
Reed Bog -
The Falls -
Dry Top -
Tangle Root -

Crystal Desert Hard Mode Only -

Propeth's Path -
Vulture Drifts -
The Arid Sea -
The Scar -
Skyward Reach -
Diviner's Rest -
Salt Flats -

Fire Isles Hard Mode Only -

Predition Rock -

Factions Vanquish Game Mode Price in Platinum

Starter Isle Hard Mode Only -
Minister Cho's Estate -
Sunqua Vale -
Kinya Province -
Panjiang Peninsula -
Saoshang Trail -
Zen Daijun -
Jaya Bluffs -
Haiju Lagoon -
Kaineng City Hard Mode Only -
Sunjiang District -
Tahnnakai Temple -
Shenzun Tunnels -
Nahpui Quarter -
Xaquang Skyway -
Wajjun Bazaar -
Bukdek Byway -
Shadow's Passage -
Pongmey Valley -

Jade Sea the Luxon's Armada Hard Mode Only -

Boreas Seabed -
Mount Quinkai -
Archipelagos -
Maishang Hills -
Gyala Harchery -
Rhea's Crater -
Silent Surf -
Unwaking Waters -

Echovald Forest the Kurzick's Hard Mode Only -

Arborstone -
Ferndale -
Melandru's Hope -
Drazach Ticket -
The Eternal Grove -
Mourning Veil Falls -
Morostav Trail -

Imperial's Palace Hard Mode Only -

Raisu Palace -

Nightfall Vanquish Game Mode Price in Platinum

Starter Isle Hard Mode Only -
Plains of Jarin -
Zehlon Reach -
Fahranur, the First City -
Lahtenda Bog -
Cliffs of Dohjok -
Issnur Isles -
Mehtani Keys -

Kourna Hard Mode Only -

Turai's Procession -
Sunward Marches -
Marga Coast -
Arkjok Ward -
Jahai Bluffs -
The Floodplain of Mahnkelon -
Dejarin Estate -
Barbarous Shore -
Gandara, the Moon Fortress -
Bahdok Caverns -

Vabbi Hard Mode Only -

Yatendi Canyons -
Vehtendi Valley -
Resplendent Makuun -
Wilderness of Bahdza -
The Mirror of Lyss -
Holdings of Chokhin -
Vehjin Mines -
Forum Highlands -
The Hidden City of Ahdashim -

Desolation Hard Mode Only -

The SulfuRous Wastes -
Joko's Domain -
The Shattered Ravines -
Poisoned Outcrops -
The Ruptured Heart -
Crystal Overlook -
The Alkali Pan -

Eye of the North Vanquish Game Mode Price in Platinum

Far Shiverpeaks Hard Mode Only -
Ice Cliff Chasms -
Norrhart Domains -
Bjora Marches -
Jaga Moraine -
Drakkar Lake -
Varajar Fells -

Charr Homelands Hard Mode Only -

Grothmar Wardowns -
Sacnoth Valley -
Dalada Uplands -

Tarnished Coast Hard Mode Only -

Verdant Cascades -
Sparkfly Swamp -
Arbor Bay -
Riven Earth -
Alcazia Tangle -
Magus Stones -
Price in Ecto Service Add Ons
12е | 17e ⌂
7e | 9e ⌂
8e | 10e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

1e ⌂
2e ⌂
4e ⌂
8е ⌂
8е ⌂
12е ⌂
12е ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

20e ⌂
20e ⌂
23e ⌂
23e ⌂
15e ⌂
35e ⌂
50e ⌂
120e ⌂
140e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

15e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
35e ×
40e ×
45e ×
50e ×
55e ×
60e ×
48e ×
50e ×

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

7e ⌂
10e ⌂
20e ×
40e ×
77e ×
83e ×

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

1e ⌂
6e ⌂
8e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

3e ⌂
8e ⌂
10e ⌂
10e ⌂
45e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

1e ⌂
3e ⌂
5e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

3e ⌂
5e ⌂
6e ⌂
8e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

~ 15e - 35e per zone ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
35e ⌂
15e ⌂
20e ⌂
25e ⌂

~ 15e - 20e per zone ⌂

20e ⌂
20e ⌂
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
15e ⌂

~ 25e - 45e per zone ⌂

30e ⌂
30e ⌂
45e ⌂
35e ⌂
30e ⌂
20e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
45e ⌂
25e ⌂

~ 15e - 30e per zone ⌂

15e ⌂ WIK
25e ⌂ Active Quests
20e ⌂ Increase Service
20e ⌂ Cost
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂

~20e - 35e per zone ⌂

30e ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
35e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂

~ 20e - 30e per zone ⌂

30e ⌂
30e ⌂
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
30e ⌂

30e fix ⌂
30e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

~ 15e - 25e per zone ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
20e ⌂
20e ⌂
10e ⌂
~15e-25e ⌂ Toon Origin Based
20e ⌂
20e ⌂
~ 15e - 30e per zone ⌂
25e ⌂ WoC
25e ⌂ Active Quests
30e ⌂ Increase Service
20e ⌂ Cost
20e ⌂
25e ⌂
15e ⌂
15e ⌂
20e ⌂

~ 5e - 30e per zone ⌂

25e ⌂
5e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
20e ⌂
30e ⌂

~ 20e - 30e per zone ⌂

35e ⌂
35e ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂
30e ⌂

35e fix ⌂
35e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

~ 10e - 20e per zone ⌂
10e ⌂
15e ⌂
20e ⌂
15e ⌂
15e ⌂
20e ⌂
20e ⌂

~ 20e - 35e per zone ⌂

30e ⌂
35e ⌂
30e ⌂
35e ⌂
35e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
20e ⌂
30e ⌂

~ 25e - 35e per zone ⌂

25e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
25e ⌂
35e ⌂
35e ⌂

~ 35e - 50e per zone ⌂

50e ⌂
45e ⌂
40e ⌂
45e ⌂
40e ⌂
35e ⌂
35e ⌂

Price in Ecto Service Add Ons

~ 20e - 45e per zone ⌂
20e ⌂
35e ⌂
25e ⌂
30e ⌂
40e ⌂
45e ⌂

~25e - 45 per zone ⌂

25e ⌂
45e ⌂
35e ⌂

~ 25e - 40 per zone ⌂

30e ⌂
30e ⌂
40e ⌂
30e ⌂
25e ⌂
35e ⌂

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