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appearance of other European powers in Africa induced Lord

``Total abstinence'' and ``total abstainer'' are associated

himself and for Spain, he wanted the singleness of purpose

Konigsberg, and these theological disputes soon created an

The very numerous theories on the subject have generally been

eastwards was fixed at the basin of the river Shari, and

renounced his cardinalate, was sent on a mission to France

board more than 12 ft. square within 400 ft. of a public

whose imagination new vistas had just opened out eastwards,

See P. Orsi in Atti del Congresso di

passing over the frequently snow-bound wastes that lie below

long been under discussion, and controversy has centred

knife, generally they carry shield and spear as well. Although

required. Originally the absorption of the Deacon chlorine took

excavated in 1880--see Notizie degli scavi, 1880, 290,

rerum Alexandri Magni scriptorum imprimis Arriani & Plutarchi

within five weeks of the event, except in the months of

Vliores at Avlona, who are stated to own over 150 sq. m. of

neighbours to the south-west, did the same, we have no ground

among the supporters of Catholicism, and was among the princes

they were discontinued about the middle of the 19th

Herodotus disbelieves the story--see GREECE, Ancient

was private secretary to the premier, Lord John Russell, in

peoples from Babel.'' Another legend, also to be found in Arabic

territory, besides increasing their manufacturing capital

See Sir Travers Twiss, Black Book of the Admiralty,

States. It found that Great Britain was legally responsible

October, the chief month for wheat-sowing in England, was

apparent in both the legal writings and legislative work of the

God, who hath pity and nourisheth us from our infancy, who

AUTHORITIES. -- T. F. Knox, Letters and Memorials of Cardinal

of lading from liability for damage and loss of every kind,

less scientifically ascertained evidence. Conversely, there

case of the alps belonging to the Swiss communes, it must be

and quite fairly, is by a German judge Dr Paul Eltzbacher,

Ober Tramerscharte (Rauris to Dollach), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,193

Trade does not extend largely between Afghanistan and India

of by historical authors like Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon

Batcomb (Somerset). He declared himself on the side of the

might not require purification, and at the end of March in

numerous letters to his friends in England, to Arno, bishop

process, by driving off the excess of water in a lead pan,

other part of the New Testament; whereas the ``Western''

secret that, at the present moment, persons residing in those

that of the Westerns greater, than Gibbon is prepared to admit.

are some 30 tide-water glaciers---a considerable number of

Alexius. He left him entirely to himself. He employed him no

Thebes, when it was an unimportant town on the east bank of

was able to carry his proposal to devote the surplus funds of

R. Pauli's remarks (in Monumenta Germaniae Historica.

elsewhere is preserved for historical reasons. In general,

beyond. In the one case we have no direct knowledge (though

13th century, when the Benedictines, together with their

(1890-1892); L. G. Binger, Du Niger au Golfe de Guinee, &c.

the atmosphere, being produced from the putrefaction of

that Albany was responsible for the imprisonment and death

complete combustion a volume of acetylene needs approximately

opinions. Thus the evil naturally began to cure itself, and by

flourishes in Manchuria, where no other will grow. We

Council Chamber), the Patio de Daraxa (Court of the Vestibule),

Familiengesetze (1879); Zimmern, Babylonische Busspsalmen

the Imperial British East Africa Company (see BRITISH EAST AFRICA).

suited to viticulture, and wine of tolerable quality is

the lesser curvature. From the cardiac to the pyloric

September 8, Crystal Palace, 5428. 1863: March 31, Crystal

Thaddaeus, was sent (in 340 = A.D. 29). In another form of

Etruscus, while the form Tyrrhenus perhaps survives in

for males and sixteen for females, subject to the consent of

is placed altar-wise -- that is, with its longer axis

headed by Idalcan, and took such measures for the security

Islands, and in the Hawaiian group. It has also been tried,

It is interesting to note that, whereas zinc methyl and ethyl

a warranty or invoice, whereas in the Sale of Food and Drugs

art, except when he was to be distinctly regarded as the

nitride (Mg3N2) with water, Mg3N2 + 6H2O = 3Mg(OH)2 +

the positive ion being the metal, and the negative ion the

analitiche ad uso della gioventu italiana, a work of great

He is not, however, a purchasing officer, that work being

problem---a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19---is solved

between Peshawar and the Gomal occur at intervals along the

Abd-ar-rahman found that his life was threatened, and he

dramatic. Only here and there among the higher tribes were

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