Print Ad Analysis

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1. Please start by including a screenshot of your ad.

2. List five words that describe the ad. Think of color, mood, emotion… Lots of blue, bold
words that need more attention, background is more boring so the cars are more at the
front, logo is different color to be different so you can see it, organized.

3. Describe the major focus of your ad in at least 4-5 sentences.the major focus is the cars
in the front. The cars are the main thing for the ad. The cars are the biggest and in the
center because that's what they want everyone to notice and want to see.

4. If there is a person, describe them in detail. How old are they? Are they male/ female?
What kind of person do you think they are? What kinds of clothes are they wearing and
what do you think they say about that person? Why do you think this person was picked
for the ad?


If the main focus of your ad is NOT A PERSON, then please describe in detail what the
main focus of the ad is and what it looks like. How much of the page does it take up? What
color is the main item? Why do you think there are no people in the ad? The main focus of
the ad is cars and the cars are orange and blue.

5. What are the main colors used in the ad? Why do you think that these colors were
chosen? What could the colors represent? Do they represent certain emotions? The main
colors in the ad are blue and orange. I think these colors are bold and noticeable so they
used it for the ad. I think it could represent the businesses color or they just used it for the
look of it.

6. Using the Advertising Strategies listed below, which advertising strategies do you think
are being used to sell the product? Explain. (Use the list of advertising strategies below to
help you with this question.) I think they might be using the Beautiful People advertising
strategy because they made the ad look very good to the point where it would make
people wanna buy the car.


7. Is this an effective ad? Does it make you want to buy the product? Explain your answer
in at least 5 sentences. Yes this is an effective ad because it makes the cars look good and
uses a lot of text to show why the car is good and why people should buy the car.

8. Are there any harmful or negative stereotypes in this ad? Explain. There could be some
since it's a car which could be dangerous in general.

9. Who is the target audience for this ad? What age group? What gender? How do you
know? The target audience for the ad would be a male who is around 40-50 maybe who
enjoys cars or having a good car for the family.

10. Does the ad realistically portray the product? Is it believable? Explain.

It is believable because it's a very appealing ad that looks like it would attract a lot of people to
buy the product.

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