Print Ad Analysis

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Tyler Fritzsche

Mrs. Sabot

CTE Business and Marketing

November 2, 2022

1. Please start by including a screenshot of your ad.

2. List five words that describe the ad. Think of color, mood, emotion…

- Powerful
- Athletic
- Purple
- Gym
- Dark

3. Describe the major focus of your ad in at least 4-5 sentences.

The main focus of this ad is to promote their drink that supposedly boosts your
antioxidants. The ad is focused towards athletes who are watchful over their health and
want a healthy drink to add to their diets. At the bottom of the ad it states some nutrition
facts about the drink. It also states that it’s “the perfect workout partner the next time
you hit the gym” so this is aimed towards gym goers as well.

4. If there is a person, describe them in detail. How old are they? Are they male/
female? What kind of person do you think they are? What kinds of clothes are they
wearing and what do you think they say about that person? Why do you think this
person was picked for the ad?

The target audience of this ad is athletes, no matter their age or gender. Typically
people who would enjoy health related hobbies such as the gym or health and nutrition
studies. The bottle has weights next to it and has a towel on it as well, dropping a pretty
big hint that this drink is for health enthusiasts.

5. What are the main colors used in the ad? Why do you think that these colors were
chosen? What could the colors represent? Do they represent certain emotions?

The colors in the ad are purple with a black fade on the outside. These colors were
used to emphasize the drink in the middle so there aren’t any distractions to the viewer.
Purple typically represents creativity and mystery when used in an ad so this could act
as a prompt for the viewer to give it a try. It promotes curiosity and mystery.

6. Using the Advertising Strategies listed below, which advertising strategies do you
think are being used to sell the product? Explain. (Use the list of advertising strategies
below to help you with this question.)

The ad utilizes statistics and testimonials. It has nutritional information underneath the
bottle, including 700mg of polyphenol antioxidants. Nutritionists would be gravitated
towards these facts along with people who know general information about nutrition.

7. Is this an effective ad? Does it make you want to buy the product? Explain your
answer in at least 5 sentences.

Yes it’s an effective ad. I would buy it mainly because of the target market. It’s a
convincing ad for healthy people and catches the eye with the dumbbells. The health
facts about it are also a convincing factor because it proves the ingredients. Overall it’s
a pretty effective ad.

8. Are there any harmful or negative stereotypes in this ad? Explain.

No there are not.

9. Who is the target audience for this ad? What age group? What gender? How do you

Athletes of any age or gender, it doesn’t appeal to any specific sort of person, even a
non athlete can buy it. The big hint was the weights.
10. Does the ad realistically portray the product? Is it believable? Explain.

Yes it does, the bottle in the ad looks exactly like the bottle in stores. The logo, color and
everything is spot on with the in person product.

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