Lucas Tas Unit 5 27450 1834819383

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Lifting lesson plan


Students will be able to know how to lift with proper form and execute lifts properly. Doing this

in a safe manner.

State Standards: Students must pass at least one Carnegie unit of physical education to include

one semester of personal fitness and another semester in lifetime fitness. Exemption applies to

students in Junior ROTC, Marching Band, and for students exempted because participation will

jeopardize the student’s health and well-being or for religious reasons.

Context: I am teaching this lesson because if kids in high school are introduced too working out

early enough, they can keep these healthy habits for the rest of their lives and that would be good

for them. Before this lesson will be tutorial videos on proper form and how to work out safely. If

students play sports that involve lifting or if they just workout on their own, they should already

know how to lift safe and execute proper form. After this plan the students will have a max out

day to see what their maxes are for each lift. I’m teaching them the fundamentals of lifting so

they can use that to figure out what their max lifts are.
Data: Students will be grouped in pairs of two so for certain lifts they can have a spotter just in

case their form falters or they fail a lift. They data for how the groups are put together are going

to be based off height and weight students with the closets matches will be grouped together.

Materials: Students will use a worksheet tracking their lifts where they will write down the

weight they use and how many sets they do. Within doing this they will be able to track their

progress if they are to continue with lifting. Me as the teacher will use a projector and show them

videos based on proper form for lifting off an iPhone which will use the app of YouTube to show

the students what they need to do. Also, finally they will take a Quizlet test based off the

information learned.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.


Introduction (15 minutes):

The lesson will start like this. I will first ask the students if any of them have been introduced or

have even started lifting before. After finding out this information I will ask the students to give

me information about what they know about the topic of lifting. After this portion I will group

the students into there pairs of 2 fitting the criteria. I then will show them the YouTube video

going over proper form on all lifts we go over in the lesson. I will then show them a video on

safety and gym etiquette for their own safety.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes):

For this portion I will show each pair how to use proper form for each lift. For example, for a lift

like squats I will show the students how to properly take the bar off the rack whilst having the

spotter behind them to keep them safe. Then I will show them to put their feet shoulder width

apart and then proceed too slowly put there hips back and drop their butt until it surpasses their

knees for proper form and to come back up slowly keep your back upward the entire time.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

For collaborative I will have students preform each lift shown to them by me and the videos to

perfection. During the workout I will be having the students tracking their weights used and

number of sets and reps using a worksheet I provided them. After the entire workout plan is

completed, I will have each group rate their partner performance on each lift.

Independent Digital (10 minutes):

During this part I will have the students take their Quizlet test. The test will be based off

what they learned from me and the YouTube videos they watched. It will be based off the form

needed to perform each lift and what are the right things to do to keep you and your partner safe

in the gym. I will give the group with the highest score on the test a prize to make it a more

interesting for the students.

Closure (15 minutes):

For the closing of class, we will have the students do a dynamic and static stretch to make sure

their muscle is functioning properly after the workout. This will be key for students to do for the

future and present. With doing the stretches the kids will learn how important it is to keep on

stretching through life. After this I will ask the students what their favorite lift was and if they

will continue to lift throughout their lives.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)

(YouTube): This piece of multimedia was essential in my lesson plan. Without this

multimedia students would only be able to learn how to use proper form and safety in the

gym just be my word. It was key to show them another dynamic, so they have more ways

to learn about the topic. YouTube supports my learning objective by helping me teach

rules to support the lesson plan. I will watch the video beforehand to make sure it isn’t

some random thing or inappropriate for the students to make sure it is of the highest

quality. The LORI criteria mostly score this multimedia 3s and 4s. YouTube has a pause

feature so if the video is going to fast for a student, they could pause it and rewind the

clips. It also provides closed captions in all languages so if a student is hard of hearing or

English isn’t there first language, they would be able to read what the video states.

(Quizlet.): This piece of multimedia goes over what the students learn at the end of the

lesson plan. Without this I would have no way of knowing what the students learned form

the plan. Quizlet supports learning very well. It’s a multimedia that helps students’ study

for everything and offers test taking so it’s a perfect multimedia for this lesson plan. I

will personally make the test for the students to make it as high quality as possibly.

Quizlet offers many ways of learning for students who struggle doing it the normal way.

It offers flashcards, a matching game, a test, and different ways to learn it. The ways to

learn a study set are quick study for short term memory, memorize it all for long term,

and finally learn and apply to continue with building your knowledge on the concept. So

overall it gives you many different ways for any student trying to learn something options

to do better for the topic.

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