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Technological Institute of Hermosillo (TECNM CAMPUS HERMOSILLO)

Industrial Engineering

Maintenance Administration
Rosa Maria Picos Terminel


Morales Rivera Ximena


Group: A5A 

Hermosillo, Sonora, to November 15, 2022.

The Critical Path Method

The origin of the CPM is located between December 1956 and February 1959. At that
time, the North American company E.I. du Pont (DuPont) was looking for how to use
one of the first commercial computers, the “UNIVAC1”. DuPont managers realized that
planning, estimating, and scheduling seemed to be the best use the company could
make of this computer. This work was assigned to Morgan Walker, of Du Pont's
Engineering Services Division, who together with the mathematician James E. Kelley,
Jr, who worked at Remington Rand, succeeded in fine-tuning the method, with the aim
of controlling the maintenance of DuPont's chemical plant projects. By mid-1957, this
company was interested in expanding nearly 300 factories, which involved a large
number of activities (at least 30,000) that Gantt charts could not address. The objective
was to control and optimize the operating costs of the activities of a project. In this
method, each of the tasks had an exact duration, known in advance.

The critical path method was developed in the late 1950s by James E. Kelley of
Remington Rand and Morgan R. Walker of DuPont. They were trying to find ways to
reduce the costs associated with plant shutdowns and restarts caused by inefficient
scheduling. Kelley and Walker published a paper on their research in 1959. In the
1960s, some companies began using it to oversee large projects, including Mauchly
Associates and Catalytic Construction.



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