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MATH 111 PS 7

1. Let X = fa; b; cg : For each of the following relations on X determine whether they are
re‡exive, irre‡exive, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric and transitive.

(a) R1 = f(a; a); (b; b); (a; b); (b; a)g

(b) R2 = f(a; b)g
(c) R3 = f(a; b); (b; c); (a; c); (a; a)g
(d) R4 = f(a; a); (b; b); (c; c)g

2. Let X be the set of all residents of Ankara. Determine which of the followings are
equivalence relations on X:

(a) R = f(x; y) : y lives within 5 km. of xg

(b) R = f(x; y) : y has the same date of birth as xg
(c) R = f(x; y) : y is 2 years older than xg

3. Consider on Z the relation

nRm () n2 + n = m2 + m

(a) Show that R is an equivalence relation on Z.

(b) For each n 2 Z, …nd n; the equivalence class of n:
(c) Determine the quotient set Z R

4. Let R be the relation on Z de…ned by

xRy if and only if jx yj < 1

Study the properties (i.e. re‡exivity, symmetry, antisymmetry and transitivity) of R:

5. Let X be the set of all human beings. Let xRy be de…ned by "x has a parent in
common with y": Study the properties of R:

6. Let X = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g and let xRy be de…ned by x y 2 f 3; 0; 3g :Study the

properties of R:

7. Let R be the relation on R de…ned by

8x; y 2 R xRy () jxj = jyj

Show that R is an equivalence relation on R. For each x 2 R, determine the equivalence

class x of x:

8. Let, for x; y 2 R "xRy be cos x = cos y". Prove that R is an equivalence relation on
R. Determine for each x 2 R, the equivalence class x of x and also determine R R .

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