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R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED.


“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”


TEACHER: César Daniel Bregante Checa.

STUDENT: Salvador Lopez Rubi Estela.


1) Write a text introducing yourself.

Example: Hi, My name is Angie. I am 27 years old and I am from Peru. My phone number is 9-8-5-6-
7-0-9-8-0. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I live in Cuzco and my favorite sport is Volleyball. I have a
dog called Rusty.


Hi, My mane is Rubi Salvador Lopez, I´m 20 years old and I am from Peru. My phone number is 9-1-8-
5-2-6-5-7-9. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My favorite sport is Soccer. I have 3 dogs. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

2) Write the numbers in words: (Example 7: seven)

11: Eleven 52: Fifty-Two

12: Twelve 63: Sixty-Three

17: Seventeen 78: Seventy-Eight

26: Twenty-Six
99: Ninety-Nine

49: 100: One Hundred


3) Write the numbers:

Thirteen: 13 Fifty-nine: 59

Seventeen: 17 Sixty-five: 65

Twenty: Seventy-one: 71
Thirty-eight: 38 Eighty-three 83

Forty-two: 42 Ninety-six: 96

4) Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

He is Frank. He is from Alemania . He is Germans.

He is John. He is from Reino Unido. He is British. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

He is Luigi. He is from Italia. He is Italians.

She is Maria. She is from España. She is Spanish.

He is Martin. He is from EE.UU. He is American.

5) Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

- Pierre is from –Francia-. He is –French-.

- Joao is from –Portugal-. He is –Portuguese-.

- Luis is from –Peru-. He is –Peruvian-.

- Chang is from –China-. He is –Chinese-.

- Akira is from -Japan. She is -Japanese-. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

6) Write these nouns in plural.

- Fox: foxes - Person: People

- Life: lives - Toy: Toys

- Flower: flowers - Man: men

- Mouse: mice - Dish: dishes

- Child: children - Bus: buses

7) Some of these words are wrong. Correct them or write “OK” if they are right.

- Sheeps: Sheep

- Persons: People

- Tomatos: Tomatoes

- Wives: Wife

- Fishes: Fish

8) Write IS or ARE.

- He a very nice person.

- There ...are.. five people on the bus.

- Your jeans ...are.. blue.

- Mice very annoying in a house.

- There ...are.. lots of fish in the pond.

- The police officer outside the police station. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

9) Choose the correct answer.

- Toronto is located on ___the_____ Lake Ontario.

a) a b) the c) no article

- Let’s go to ___the_____ Mexico.

a) a b) the c) no article

- ___The___ Nile is the longest river in the world.

a) A b) The c) no article

- I need ___a_____ bottle of water.

a) a b) the c) no article

- Spain is one of ___the___ largest European countries.

a) a b) the c) no article

- I have ___an_____ idea!

a) an b) the c) no article Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

10) Write the time in the correct number.

1.- It´s ten past nine 7.- It’s five to three.

2.- It’s twenty past six 8.- It’s quarter past one

3.- It’s twenty-five past four 9.- It’s quarter to seven.

4.- It’s three o’clock. 10.- It’s twenty – five to eleven.

5.- It’s ten to eight. 11.- It’s quarter to one.

6.- It’s five-eight to seven. 12.- It’s five past eight. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

11) Order the sentences.

- early / up / sister / never / Sundays / on / gets / my

- My sister never gets early up on Sundays.

- go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to / ?

- How go a often to do restaurant you?

- she / the / beach / to / always / goes / in / the / summer

- She goes always to the beach in the summer.

- go / we / twice / month / the / theatre / to / a

- We go twice the month to a theatre.

- never / in / is / the / at / mornings / Peter / home

- Peter is never in the morning at home.

- home / they / get / six o’clock / usually / at

- They get usually at home six o’clock.

- celebrate / my birthday / I / usually / with my friends

- I celebrate my birthday usually with my friends.

- Mike / never / is / at home / at weekends

- Mike never is at home at weekends. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

12) Answer the following questions using frequency expressions.

- How often do you eat hamburgers?

I sometimes eat hamburgers.

- How often do you do exercise?

I seldom do exercise.

- How often do you use the computer?

I always do use the computer.

- How often do you watch TV?

I usually do watch tv.

- How often do you read books?

I hardly ever do read books. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

13) Create sentences using prepositions of place.

Example: The book is next to the lamp.

- The mouse is under the table.

- The chair is next to the table.

- The book is on the table.

- The lamp is next to the book.

- The cat is next to the sofa. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

14) Choose the correct answer (present simple or present continuous).

- Mary never ____ TV on weekends.

a) watches
b) is watching

- Kate ____ the guitar at night.

a) is often playing
b) often plays

- ____ that woman over there your mum? She ___ at you.
a) Is / is looking
b) Is being / looks

- My friend Tom ____ Football, that's why he can't come today.

a) is playing
b) plays

- What ____?' 'Pizza. Do you want some?'

a) do you eat
b) are you eating

- 'Where is Susan?' '____ a bath.'

a) She has
b) She's having

- Italians ____ the best pizza.

a) Make
b) are making

- What ____ ?' 'I'm playing the piano.'

a) are you doing
b) do you do Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15


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