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Name Type Width Decimals Label Values
1 A1 Numeric 8 0 Gender {1, male}...
2 A2 Numeric 8 0 Age None
3 A3 Numeric 8 0 Marital status {1, married}...
4 TMF1 Numeric 8 0 Employees rec... {1, strongly ...
5 TMF2 Numeric 8 0 Employees at t... {1, strongly ...
6 TMF3 Numeric 8 0 The longer an e... {1, strongly ...
7 TMF4 Numeric 8 0 Employees are ... {1, strongly ...
8 TMF5 Numeric 8 0 At this plant, e... {1, strongly ...
9 COS1 Numeric 8 0 In our plant, goa... {1, strongly ...
10 COS2 Numeric 8 0 Strategies and ... {1, strongly ...
11 COS3 Numeric 8 0 Strategies and ... {1, strongly ...
12 COS4 Numeric 8 0 I understand the... {1, strongly ...
13 FOP1 Numeric 8 0 Charts showing ... {1, strongly ...
14 FOP2 Numeric 8 0 Charts showing ... {1, strongly ...
15 FOP3 Numeric 8 0 Charts plotting t... {1, strongly ...
16 FOP4 Numeric 8 0 Information on p...{1, strongly ...
17 OC1 Numeric 8 0 I am willing to p... {1, strongly ...
18 OC2 Numeric 8 0 This organizatio... {1, strongly ...
19 OC3 Numeric 8 0 I am extremely ... {1, strongly ...
20 OC4 Numeric 8 0 I really care abo... {1, strongly ...
21 CI1 Numeric 8 0 For me, this is t... {1, strongly ...
22 CI2 Numeric 8 0 The organizatio... {1, strongly ...
23 CI3 Numeric 8 0 The organizatio... {1, strongly ...
24 CI4 Numeric 8 0 The organizatio... {1, strongly ...
25 CI5 Numeric 8 0 The organizatio... {1, strongly ...
26 CI6 Numeric 8 0 The organizatio... {1, strongly ...
27 CI7 Numeric 8 0 I have said posit... {1, strongly ...
28 CA1 Numeric 8 0 I have recomme... {1, strongly ...
29 CA2 Numeric 8 0 The sales growt... {1, strongly ...
30 CA3 Numeric 8 0 My satisfaction ... {1, strongly ...
31 CA4 Numeric 8 0 The market sha... {1, strongly ...
32 CA5 Numeric 8 0 The financial liq... {1, strongly ...
33 CA6 Numeric 8 0 Our services ar... {1, strongly ...
34 CA7 Numeric 8 0 We are constan... {1, strongly ...
35 CA8 Numeric 8 0 If ever there was... {1, strongly ...
36 CA9 Numeric 8 0 Nobody can co... {1, strongly ...

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Missing Columns Align Measure Role
1 None 8 Right Nominal Input
2 None 8 Right Nominal Input
3 None 8 Right Nominal Input
4 None 8 Right Scale Input
5 None 8 Right Scale Input
6 None 8 Right Scale Input
7 None 8 Right Scale Input
8 None 8 Right Scale Input
9 None 8 Right Scale Input
10 None 8 Right Scale Input
11 None 8 Right Scale Input
12 None 8 Right Scale Input
13 None 8 Right Scale Input
14 None 8 Right Scale Input
15 None 8 Right Scale Input
16 None 8 Right Scale Input
17 None 8 Right Scale Input
18 None 8 Right Scale Input
19 None 8 Right Scale Input
20 None 8 Right Scale Input
21 None 8 Right Scale Input
22 None 8 Right Scale Input
23 None 8 Right Scale Input
24 None 8 Right Scale Input
25 None 8 Right Scale Input
26 None 8 Right Scale Input
27 None 8 Right Scale Input
28 None 8 Right Scale Input
29 None 8 Right Scale Input
30 None 8 Right Scale Input
31 None 8 Right Scale Input
32 None 8 Right Scale Input
33 None 8 Right Scale Input
34 None 8 Right Scale Input
35 None 8 Right Scale Input
36 None 8 Right Scale Input

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Name Type Width Decimals Label Values
37 TMF Numeric 8 2 TRAINING IN M... None
38 COS Numeric 8 2 COMMUNICATI... None
39 FOP Numeric 8 2 FEEDBACK O... None
40 OC Numeric 8 2 ORGANIZATIO... None
41 CI Numeric 8 2 COPORATE IM... None
42 CA Numeric 8 2 COMPETITIVE ... None

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Missing Columns Align Measure Role
37 None 10 Right Nominal Input
38 None 10 Right Scale Input
39 None 10 Right Scale Input
40 None 10 Right Scale Input
41 None 10 Right Scale Input
42 None 10 Right Scale Input

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