Trompenaar's Dimensions of Culture

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Dimensions of
Seven Dimensions of Culture
Universalism vs Particularism
“What is more important – rules or relationships?”

Universalism Particularism
Individualism vs Collectivism
“Do we function as individuals or as a group?”

Individualism Collectivism
Specific vs Diffuse
“Do we keep our private and working lives separate?”

Specific Diffuse
Neutral vs Affective
“Do we show our emotions or keep them hidden?”

Neutral Affective
Ascription vs Achievement
“Do we have to prove ourselves to receive status or is it
given to us?”

Ascription Achievement
Sequential vs Synchronic
“Do we do many things at the same time or just one thing
at a time?”

Sequential Synchronic
Inner vs Outer Control
“Do we control all things in our lives or environments or
do other things control our lives and environments?”

Inner Control Outer Control

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