Guía para Pasar de B4 A Intermediate

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1. Tell me about yourself / who is ________?


2. What is your favorite movie /book or tv show ? explain to me the story

(MUST QUESTION) what is your favorite part ? how does the movie end?

3. What do you like to do in your free time/SPARE TIME?

4. Why are you studying English?

5. what makes you happy?

6. How was your first day at E4CC?

7. How did you meet your best friend?

8. What will you do if you don’t pass the interview?

9. What do you think about B4?

10. How do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

11. What are your plans or goals for this year?

12. Describe someone you admire and why?

13. When are you going to celebrate your next Birthday?

14. What did you do yesterday/last weekend..etc?

15. How do you make a salad or pizza?

16. How do you download facebook or Instagram?

17. What were you doing before the interview?

18. What are you doing in this moment?

19. Describe your country

20. What is your favorite food and why?

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