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Narrator: One fine morning, a group of friends are talking,

suddenly Marvic brought up the topic about Modern and Traditional

Marvic: Do you think doing modernized courtship is better than


Andrew: For me yes, because it is more practical than the

Traditional one.

Ferry:I agree, nowadays you can barely see any Traditional


Karylle: But don’t you think it is more flattering when you’re

being courted in a traditional way?

Charles: You’re right Karylle, I just know that my traditional

courting is better than Marvic’s style.

Marvic: I don’t think so, no one can resist my charms.

Charles: Nah! I bet your style is so boring..

Karylle } guys please stop the fight!! Andrew

Joross: To make this all clear, I order you both to court your
crushes to prove which style is better.

Marvic&Charles: May the best courting style wins :)

Narrator: As the day passes, Marvic started to court Carla through

his way of courting.

Marvic:(on call) Hello Carla, are you free tonight? Lets have a

Carla: I’m sorry Marvic but I have loads of works to do tonight

and my mom won’t allow me to go out this late, bye.

Narrator: Marvic felt broken, because he expected that courting is

all easy and does not require knowing the person’s character and
attitude. On the other hand, Charles planned to court Roselyn in a
traditional way, Harana.

Charles: (strums the guitar)….

Zyrelle: Mom! There is someone outside the house!. (approaches
Roselyn). Well, well, well look who’s here, I think there’s another
suitor again.

Carla: Roselyn! Look Charles is here courting you!

Narrator: Leah, Roselyn, and Zyrelle rushes outside to see if it

is true.

Leah: What’s goin’ on here?

Jerico: What brings you here?

Charles: I am here requesting to take your daughter’s heart to be

my girlfriend. Please Roselyn, my intentions is pure, I promise to
take care of you and cherish every moment with you.

Leah: No! My daughter is too young for this, I declare you to stay
away from my daughter!

Jerico: From now on, you are prohibited to see my daughter!

Narrator: Charles felt devastated, he walks away leaving Roselyn

in their house. Both Marvic and Charles failed the challenge.

Narrator: As Charles walks away, he saw Marvic feeling down.

(Charles approaches Marvic.)

Charles: I bet you lost the challenge.

Hahahahahaha Marvic:
Charles: (silence)… NO!

Narrator: Both Laughed.


Charles: Honestly I really don’t want to compete with you, there

is actually someone I like but I don’t think if he feel the same.

Marvic: well goodluck in pursuing that someone else.

Narrator: Marvic walks away leaving Charles alone, but..

Charles: wait… aren’t you gonna ask who is that someone?

Marvic:Then who is it?

Charles: there’s only one way to find out.

Marvic: Huh?
Narrator: Charles leans closely to Marvic, in every second their
heart is beating faster and faster.


Marvic Aucena
Charles James Honrado
Danica Pauline
Leah Acallar
Roselyn Mangonon
Karylle Lorenzo
Ferry Ann Sisor
Zyrelle Callanta
Carla De Vera
Jerico Cello
Joross Soriano
Andrew Estonanto

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