Divine Emissary

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A divine emissary is a living extension of his or her deity’s will, empowered beyond most of the deity’s

favored minions and allies and trusted with the most important of tasks. As the divine emissary grows
stronger, he or she grows to emulate the power of his or her divine patron. Almost paradoxically, the
most powerful of divine emissaries are said to be even stronger than their sponsors, though they still
require their sponsor to retain their strength. When a divine emissary involves him or herself in a matter
of importance, it is often a sign that his or her deity has taken great personal interest in that matter as
well. To cross or insult a divine emissary is to insult his or her god as well.

Hit Die: d10

Prerequisites: To qualify to become a divine emissary, a character must meet all of the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +20

Feats: Weapon Focus (deity’s favored weapon)

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks

Class Features: Smite good or Smite evil or Smite chaos or Smite law 4/day

Special: Must have a patron deity. Furthermore, the potential divine emissary must have completed
some quest that furthered his or her deity’s goals so much that it impresses the deity.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge
(religion), Listen, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Divine Emissary

Level Base Attack Bonus Special Spells



Final Judgment, Aura of Divinity I --



Domain +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class


Bonus Feat --



Divine Insight 1/encounter +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



True Miracle 1/recharge --



Aura of Divinity II +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Domain --



Bonus Feat +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Divine Insight 2/encounter --



True Miracle 2/recharge +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

Class Features: The following are class features of the Divine Emissary.

Epic Spellcasting: Even without the Epic Spellcaster feat, a divine emissary can still develop and cast epic
spells using the armor, compel, conceal, foresee, fortify, heal, reveal, and/or transport seeds. For the
purpose of developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces and
experience points are halved. If the divine emissary doesn’t cast spells, he or she uses his or her highest
ability modifier to determine epic spell save DCs.

Special Mount/Fiendish Servant: If he or she has one, the divine emissary’s special mount and/or
fiendish servant continues to increase in power. Every five levels after 1st, the special mount and/or
fiendish servant gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor increases by +2, its Strength adjustment
increases by +1, and its Intelligence increases by +1. The creature’s spell resistance equals the divine
emissary’s class level + the class level that provided the special mount + 5.

Final Judgment (Ex): A divine emissary’s supply of smite evil or smite good usages are measured per
encounter instead of per day and divine emissary levels stack with other class level to determine uses of
smite per encounter and the extra damage dealt by a smite. When using such a smite, a target’s damage
reduction (if any) is reduced by twice the divine emissary’s class level (minimum 0) and the extra
damage automatically overcomes regeneration.

Perhaps most impressively, when such a smite attack is used to slay a creature, the divine emissary
passes judgement on the target’s soul. He or she learns all of the good deeds and evil deeds that the
target has committed and the creature is sent to the divine realm of the divine emissary’s deity (or
extraplanar patron) in place of the normal destination for their soul. At the divine emissary’s option, the
target of such a smite may be granted an atonement effect (redemption or temptation only) right as the
creature dies, guaranteeing the target a pleasurable afterlife if they accept or damning them to eternal
torture if they deny. Either way, the target can’t be restored to life or reanimated as an undead via non-
epic means.

Aura of Divinity (Su): Just as a god, a divine emissary carries around an aura that influences the emotions
of those within. All creatures within this aura can make a Will save (DC 20 + Class level + Cha mod) to
resist this effect and are immune for 24 hours afterwards if they succeed. The divine emissary may
change the effect of this Aura as a Swift Action and can grant any number of creatures immunity from
this aura for 24 hours as a free action. The radius of this aura is 10 feet at 1st level and is multiplied by
x10 at 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards.

Aura of Awe: Affected beings stare in fascination at or towards the divine emissary, taking no other
action but to do so. A divine emissary can give any number of affected creatures a suggestion, as the
spell, as a standard action (use the same save DC). Whether the save succeeds or fails, no creature can
receive more than one suggestion in this way per 24 hours at 1st level, plus one additional suggestion at
6th level and every 5 levels afterwards. This is a piercing mind-affecting compulsion effect.

Aura of Fear: Affected beings are frightened, fleeing from the divine emissary if possible. Whenever the
divine emissary takes an offensive action against one or more affected creature, all such creatures must
make another saving throw against the same DC or die of fear. Whether the save succeeds or fails, a
creature is only at risk of death in this way once per 24 hours at 1st level, plus one additional chance of
death at 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards. This is a piercing mind-affecting fear effect.

Aura of Resolve: Affected allies gain a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks
while affected enemies take a -4 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. As a standard
action, the divine emissary may grant any number of affected allies a move action to be taken
immediately or restrict any number of affected enemies to taking only a single move or standard action
during their next round. In either case, a Will Save against the same DC negates this effect and a
creature can only be affected in this way once per 24 hours at 1st level, plus once at 6th level and every
5 levels afterwards.

Domain (Sp): At 2nd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a Divine Emissary may choose a cleric domain.
The divine emissary gains that domain’s granted power (using his or her class level + 20 as his or her
cleric level if necessary) and may use all spells on that domain up to 7th level at will as spell like abilities.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each even divine emissary level, the character gains new spells per day
(and spells known, if applicable) as if he or she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to
which he or she belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster, the
character gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic class. He or she does not,
however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If the character had more
than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a divine emissary, the player must decide to which
class to add the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a divine emissary can select a single bonus feat
from the following list: Armor Skin, Deific Consultation*, Deific Shield*, Devastating Critical, Divine
Authority*, Emissary to None*, Empowered Servant*, Epic Leadership, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation,
Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Favored Caster*, Holy Strike, Improved Aura of Courage, Improved
Combat Casting, Improved Spell Capacity, Legendary Commander, Legendary Rider, Moment of
Ascension*, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Permanent Emanation, Planar Turning, Positive
Energy Aura, Spectral Strike, Spell Smite*, Spontaneous Spell, Sudden Smite*, Tend to the Flock*, True
Sacrifice*, Unstoppable*, Widen Aura of Courage, Wings of Faith*.

New Feats


Emissary to None [Epic]

You no longer require a deity in order to maintain your own deific powers.

Prerequisites: Must have slain a deity (either alone or with allies), Final Judgment
Benefits: You no longer require a patron deity to maintain your powers, instead maintaining your own
strength with the divine spark of the deity you have slain. Your final judgment ability sends creatures to
the divine realm of a deity of your choice.

Deific Consultation [Epic]

You can consult with your deity over more important matters

Prerequisites: Aura of Divinity I

Benefits: With 10 minutes of prayer, you can establish a telepathic link with your deity regardless of
distance between the two of you. This link lasts for as long as you concentrate.

Empowered Servant [Epic]

You can empower the servants you have received through your faith.

Prerequisites: Fiendish Servant and/or Special Mount

Benefits: If you possess a special mount, it can move as if it were a phantom steed with a caster level
equal to your class level. If you possess a fiendish servant, its template is replaced with the half-fiend

Spell Smite [Epic]

Prerequisites: Final Judgment

Benefits: Whenever you successfully smite a creature, you can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability with
a casting time of 1 standard action or less as a free action. The spell cast must possess a single target
and the creature you have smote must be declared as that target.

Favored Caster [Epic]

Prerequisites: The ability to cast 4th level divine spells, Final Judgment

Benefits: Add all cleric spells to your paladin and/or blackguard spell lists. If you gain access to 5th level
spell slots or higher through the improved spell capacity feat or similar sources, you gain access to cleric
spells of the appropriate levels.

Deific Shield [Epic]

Your divine insight can protect you from most forms of harmful effects.

Prerequisites: Divine Insight 1/encounter

Benefits: By expending a use of divine insight, you can gain Spell Resistance equal to 30 + your class level
and add your Charisma bonus (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws for 1 round.

Sudden Smite [Epic]

Prerequisites: Divine Insight 2/encounter

Benefits: Whenever you succeed on an attack roll against a creature of the appropriate alignment, you
may expend any number of uses of divine insight. For each use expended in this way, you may apply a
single use of your smite good/evil/law/chaos (as appropriate for the target) to the attack (bonuses to
the damage roll from multiple smites stack).

Unstoppable [Epic]

Prerequisites: Divine Insight 3/encounter

Benefits: By expending all remaining uses of divine insight for the encounter (minimum 1), you can
prevent yourself from dying for 1 round. During this time, any negative levels beyond your HD -1 that
you would gain are ignored, ability damage and drain can’t reduce your constitution score to less than 1,
damage can’t reduce you to less than -9 hit points, and any effect that would kill you outright (such a
finger of death or implosion) fails to function against you.

Moment of Ascension [Epic]

You can channel a bit of your deity’s raw might for a moment or two in combat.

Prerequisites: Divine Insight 4/encounter

Benefits: Once per day, you may sacrifice all of your remaining uses of divine insight for an encounter. In
return, you may select a single salient divine ability your patron deity possesses for which you possess all
prerequisites and gain that ability for 1 round. You are treated as possessing a Divine Rank of 1 for this
purpose. If you possess no patron deity, you may select a salient divine ability of your choice so long as
you meets its prerequisites.

Wings of Faith [Epic]

Your faith enables you to travel as you couldn’t before.

Prerequisites: Aura of Divinity II or Wondrous Inspiration 2/encounter.

Benefits: You gain a fly speed equal to twice your land speed with perfect maneuverability as you sprout
wings from your back. If you already possessed a fly speed, its maneuverability is increased to perfect
and the speed is doubled.
Special: If you worship a deity with a portfolio related to water or the ocean, you may choose to instead
gain a swim speed equal to twice your land speed from this feat. If you worship a deity with a portfolio
related to stones, metal, or the earth, you may choose to instead gain a burrow speed equal to your
land speed from this feat.

Tend to the Flock [Epic]

Clerics of your deity swarm at the chance to serve you directly.

Prerequisites: Epic Leadership, Aura of Divinity II or Deific Infusion (4 cleric levels)

Benefits: You treat clerics of your deity as followers of an equal level for the purposes of your epic
leadership feat.

True Sacrifice [Epic]

You can sacrifice your life to perform incredible feats of magic.

Prerequisites: True Miracle 2/recharge

Benefits: When you use true miracle, you may choose to sacrifice your life to fuel an even greater
miracle (even feats and abilities like unstoppable can’t stop you from dying in this way). The maximum
DC of the spell to be cast is doubled. After using this ability, you can’t be returned from the dead by any
means for 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day.

Divine Authority [Epic]

Prerequisites: Aura of Divinity III

Benefits: All followers of your deity recognize your position as a divine emissary on sight and have a
starting attitude of friendly towards you (unless otherwise better).

Divine Insight (Su): At 4th level, a divine emissary gains the ability to harness the divine power within
them to accomplish incredible tasks. Once per encounter, plus an additional time each encounter every
5 levels afterwards, the divine emissary may do one of the following.

Treat the result of any roll the divine emissary makes as a natural 20 (automatically hitting a target
and threatening a critical hit or succeeding on a saving throw as normal).

Negate all damage and secondary effects that would be taken from a single attack, spell, or ability.

Take a full round of actions at any time.

True Miracle (Sp): At 5th level, a divine emissary can channel true deific energy through them as a full-
round action. In effect, this allows a divine emissary to cast an epic spell that they have not researched
without needing the epic spellcasting feat or even requiring a spellcraft check. The spell cast, however,
can’t use mitigating factors or possess a spellcraft DC over his or her class level x 5. Furthermore, the
divine emissary takes damage equal to the spell’s normal spellcraft DC and this damage can’t be
lowered, redirected, or prevented in any way (not even through the emissary’s divine insight ability).
After using this ability, a divine emissary can’t use it again until he or she spends 8 hours in prayer to
regain the favor of his or her patron(s). At 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the divine emissary
can use this ability one additional time between these prayers.

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