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While one might say that divine emissaries act as the hands of deities, high proselytizers almost certainly

act as their mouths. A high proselytizer wields the words and teachings of his or her deity as a warrior
would wield weaponry, targeting the hearts and minds of others and bending them to the deity’s cause.
Equipped to manipulate, care for, or do away with vast numbers of people at once, all forms of high
proselytizers are known across the multiverse. Some lead holy crusades in the name of their deities with
those they have converted while others are content to rule as leaders of their church. A vast majority of
proselytizers, however, have taken it upon themselves to travel across the multiverse and spread the
word of their deity wherever they may travel. Wherever they are found, high proselytizers are almost
certain to leave a large influence.

Hit Die: d8

Prerequisites: To qualify to become a high proselytizer, a character must meet all of the following

Skills: Diplomacy 10 ranks and either Knowledge (religion) 23 ranks or Knowledge (nature) 23 ranks.

Feats: Leadership.

Spells: Ability to cast 5th-level Divine spells.

Special: Must have a patron deity.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (arcane), Knowledge (nature), Profession,
Sense Motive, and Spellcraft.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

High Proselytizer

Level Base Attack Bonus Special Spells



Proselytize, Wondrous Inspiration 1/encounter +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Deific Infusion (2 cleric levels) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class


Bonus Feat +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Reach the Masses x 10 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Master of the Divine (1) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Wondrous Inspiration 2/encounter +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Deific Infusion (4 cleric levels) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Bonus Feat +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Reach the Masses x 100 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class



Master of the Divine (2) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

Class Features: The following are class features of the high proselytizer.

Epic Spellcasting: A high proselytizer gains epic spellcasting as a bonus feat, even if he or she doesn’t
meet its prerequisites.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each high proselytizer level, the character gains new spells per day (and
spells known, if applicable) as if he or she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which
he or she belonged before adding the prestige class level. If already an epic spellcaster, the character
gains only the benefit noted under the Spells entry for that epic class. He or she does not, however, gain
any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If the character had more than one divine
spellcasting class before becoming a high proselytizer the player must decide to which class to add the
new level for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Proselytize (Sp): A high proselytizer is best known for the ability to preach the word of his or her deity to
large crowds with great effect. He or she may speak in such a manner at will and doing so possesses
three effects. First, while speaking in this way, the high proselytizer is treated as though affected by a
sanctuary spell. Secondly, his or her voice can be heard clearly within a radius of 100 feet plus 50 feet
per class level, regardless of background noise, and his or her speech can be understood as though the
audience were affected by a comprehend languages spell. Finally, creatures who can hear the high
proselytizer must make a Will save (DC 20 + Class level + Wis mod) or become enraptured. A successful
saving throw against this ability renders a creature immune to further uses from the same high
proselytizer for the following 24 hours.

Enraptured audience members act as though charmed (as charm monster) and temporarily change their
alignment to match your own if this is not already the case. This may mean that some of a target’s class
abilities, spells, or other abilities are unavailable to it for as long as this ability continues. The high
proselytizer can inspire the crowd to take any of a number of actions, depending on his or her
alignment. Any suicidal suggestion grants audience members a new saving throw to break the rapture.

This rapture lasts for as long as the high proselytizer continues concentrating and speaking, though
targets gain a new saving throw to break free at the start of each hour. When a creature is freed from
this effect, it has a choice: It can continue to act according to its new alignment, or it can shift back. If
the creature chooses to change back, it must make another Will save (with the same save DC as before).
If it fails this saving throw its alignment changes back but it needs an atonement spell to gain back any
abilities it lost due to its temporary alignment change. If the creature chooses to permanently change its
alignment to the evangelist’s, it acts as if a cleric of the appropriate alignment had cast atonement on it
and the creature may further choose to adopt the high proselytizer’s religion or to keep its own beliefs.
If the target chooses to adopt the high proselytizer’s religion, it may instantly retrain any number of
class levels into an equal number of levels in cleric and/or favored soul. Creatures with an alignment
subtype are never enraptured by a high proselytizer. This is a piercing mind affecting charm effect.

Wondrous Inspiration (Su): Even while proselytizing, a high proselytizer can work in a few spells to
impress those who have been enraptured. Once per encounter at 1st level and one additional time per
encounter every 5 levels afterwards, a high proselytizer can cast a spell while using his or her proselytize
class feature. For a number of rounds afterwards equal to the spell’s level, all creatures enraptured by
the high proselytizer’s proselytize class feature gain a morale bonus of equal size to attack rolls, saving
throws, and skill checks.

Deific Infusion (Su): While proselytizing, a high proselytizer of 2nd level or higher can choose to infuse
any number of those who he or she has enraptured with divine energy. Doing so heals the target of all
diseases and poisons, subjects them to a regenerate effect, and grants the targets the spellcasting
abilities of a level 2 cleric without domains or spontaneous casting. Each target chooses what spells they
prepare as they gain this energy and this energy lasts for 5 rounds. No creature may be affected by this
ability more than once per 24 hours. At 7th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the effective cleric level
of those affected is increased by +2.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a High Proselytizer can select a single bonus feat
from the following list: Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still
Spell, Bonus Domain, Disheartening Miracle*, Divine Cleansing*, Divine Spell Knowledge*, Enhance
Spell, Epic Reputation, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Will, Essence of
Faith*, Extended Infusion*, Extended Lifespan, Great Charisma, Great Wisdom, Ignore Material
Component, Improved Alignment-Based Casting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell,
Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Influence the Faithful*, Inspire Fervor*, Intensify Spell,
Legendary Commander, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Otherworldly Army*, Permanent Emanation,
Planar Turning, Polygot, Positive Energy Aura, Protect The Flock*, Selective Spell*, Spectral Strike, Spell
Stowaway, Spell Opportunity, Spontaneous Domain Access, Spontaneous Spell, Superior Spellcaster*,
Tenacious Magic, Tend to the Flock*, True Blessing*, Undead Mastery, Wings of Faith*, Zone of

New Feats


Tend to the Flock [Epic]

Clerics of your deity swarm at the chance to serve you directly.

Prerequisites: Epic Leadership, Aura of Divinity II or Deific Infusion (4 cleric levels)

Benefits: You treat clerics of your deity as followers of an equal level for the purposes of your epic
leadership feat.

Disheartening Miracle [Epic]

The magic that you perform while proselytizing disheartens those who would oppose you.

Prerequisites: Wondrous Inspiration 1/encounter

Benefits: When you use your wondrous inspiration class feature, sentient enemies take a penalty of
equal size to their attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the same duration.

Superior Spellcaster [Epic]

Your spells are more powerful than those of others

Prerequisites: Caster level 30th

Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus to your caster level.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.

Divine Spell Knowledge [Epic]

Your access to spells is larger than that of most divine casters.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of a divine spellcasting class.

Benefits: You learn two new divine spells of any level up to the maximum level you can cast. This feat
does not grant any additional spell slots.

special: You can select this feat multiple times.

Influence the Faithful [Epic]

Your long-standing faith allows you to influence other worshipers of your deity.

Prerequisites: Turn/Rebuke Undead, Proselytize

Benefits: Your levels of cleric stack with levels of high proselytizer for the purpose of turning or rebuking
undead. Furthermore, you can rebuke and control followers of your deity.

Essence of Faith [Epic]

You live your entire life in worship of your deity, allowing you to take the form of its followers.

Prerequisites: Wild Shape, Proselytize

Benefits: Your levels of druid stack with levels of high proselytizer for the purpose of wild shape.
Furthermore, you can use wild shape to assume the form of outsiders so long as their alignment does
not conflict with your own on at least one axis.

True Blessing [Epic]

Your spells last far longer on your followers than they rightfully should

Prerequisites: Epic Leadership, Deific Infusion (8 cleric levels)

Benefits: Spells that you cast on your followers with a duration other than instantaneous last for a full 24
hours beyond their normal duration. Other creatures other than your followers also affected by the
same casting do not benefit from this feat.

Wings of Faith [Epic]

Your faith enables you to travel as you couldn’t before.

Prerequisites: Aura of Divinity II or Wondrous Inspiration 2/encounter.

Benefits: You gain a fly speed equal to twice your land speed with perfect maneuverability as you sprout
wings from your back. If you already possessed a fly speed, its maneuverability is increased to perfect
and the speed is doubled.

Special: If you worship a deity with a portfolio related to water or the ocean, you may choose to instead
gain a swim speed equal to twice your land speed from this feat. If you worship a deity with a portfolio
related to stones, metal, or the earth, you may choose to instead gain a burrow speed equal to your
land speed from this feat.

Extended Infusion [Epic]

You can infuse more divine energy into those who you proselytize

Prerequisites: Deific Infusion (2 Cleric Levels)

Benefits: Deific Infusion lasts for 5 additional rounds.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.

Protect the Flock [Epic]

Even as you weave miracles of divine magic, you protect those who follow you.

Prerequisites: Wondrous Inspiration 2/encounter

Benefits: whenever you use wondrous inspiration, targets of your proselytize class feature gain a morale
bonus of equal size to their AC and gain Damage Reduction X/-, where X is the size of the bonus. Both of
these abilities last for 1 round/spell level of the spell cast.

Divine Cleansing [Epic]

When you fill proselytized creatures with divine energy, they are cleansed of harmful magic.
Prerequisites: Deific Infusion (6 cleric levels)

Benefits: All creatures affected by your deific infusion class feature are subjected to a break
enchantment effect with a caster level equal to your class level +20.

Otherworldly Army [Epic]

When you infuse creatures with deific energy, their forms change as well.

Prerequisites: Deific Infusion (6 cleric levels)

Benefits: Whenever you use your deific infusion class feature, all creatures affected gain either the half-
celestial (if you are good) or half-fiend (if you are evil) template until the end of the encounter. If you are
neutral, choose which template you apply as you select this feat (the choice can’t be changed later on).

Selective Spell [Epic, Metamagic]

You can prevent your spells from harming your allies.

Benefits: This feat can only be applied to spells that create areas. When casting a spell modified by this
metamagic effect, you may select any number of targets within its area. Only the chosen creatures are
affected by the spell. A selective spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level.

Ignite Fervor [Epic]

You create true fervor in those you proselytize, allowing you to direct them however you wish.

Prerequisites: Deific Infusion (10 cleric levels)

Benefits: All creatures subjected to your proselytize class feature are treated as fanatic towards you,
willingly turning on their own nations or performing suicidal tasks without permitting additional saving
throws to end the effect.

Reach the Masses (Ex): Starting at 4th level, whenever a high proselytizer casts a non-epic spell, they
may choose to cast that spell up to ten times simultaneously, using only one spell slot to do so. No single
creature may be targeted with more than one casting of the spell and no two areas created in this way
can overlap. The twin spell metamagic feat only adds one additional casting and the repeat spell
metamagic feat only repeats one casting. At 9th level and every 5 levels afterwards, a high proselytizer
multiplies the number of times they can cast that spell by x 10.
Master of the Divine (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a high proselytizer can manipulate far greater magics
than most other divine casters. A high proselytizer can cast an additional epic spell each day, plus one
additional such spell at 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards.

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