It Is The Job of Governments and Companies To Deal With The Huge Environmental Problems Which We Face

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It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge environmental problems

which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing’. What is your opinion about
this statement?

It is a common belief that dealing with the environmental issues is the

responsibility of the governments or industries. I think it is also every
individual’s responsibility to save the environment.

Undoubtedly, a government has the resources and means to protect the

surroundings; however, it is very challenging for any government to manage it
everywhere as it also needs to focus on many other important issues such as
health, education and security. Moreover, industries can adopt the practices
which are environment friendly such as using solar energy rather than fossil
fuels for their manufacturing. Many companies have already adopted such
sustainable and eco-friendly approaches in many countries. Nevertheless, I
believe every individual should contribute their bit to safeguard the
environment as it will be a huge help to the government and to the
environment. Firstly, reducing the amount of waste thrown into the
surrounding will be hugely beneficial as waste is considered to be one of the
biggest threats to the surroundings. Very recently, it was published in a
renounced magazine that every year many countries invest a gigantic amount of
money for removing the rubbish from rivers, lakes and seas. If people properly
dispose of the rubbish, it will not only reduce the financial burden on the
government but also clean the surroundings.

Secondly, one can contribute through planting trees. Many countries’

governments are supporting and encouraging their citizens to plant trees to
reduce the effects of global warming. Millions of trees are cut down every year,
and because of that many countries are facing change in their weather

To conclude, in my opinion, people should not completely rely on the

government or some companies to deal with the environmental challenges. It is
the responsibility of every individual to protect the environment by making
some small efforts such as reducing the waste and planting of trees.

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