Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

In this reflective essay, I will focus on two readings; the mother of all questions by

Rebecca Solnit and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft. These two

readings address a similar issue, which is feminism. Both authors write about women's role in

society, explaining that women are not only meant for wifely duties but can also take part in

some communal jobs. Back then, education was only meant for boys, and girls were bound to

stay home and be trained on wifely duties.

Wollstonecraft, in her book, rubs off this notion saying that women, just like men, are

entitled to an education (Bizarro, 2021). She says that women are companions and not laborious,

as some may view. In the 17th and 18th Centuries, women were not supposed to be in school and

were to be married when they attained 18 years. Their primary roles were giving birth and taking

care of the children. Such notions have been fought and rubbed off by feminists; both men and

women are given similar opportunities and schools without any form of discrimination. Solnit, in

her book, explains how feminist movements have been able to speak for women by giving them

equal opportunities in society. She talks about breaking through the silence of the injustices

faced by women. Women could be molested and assaulted, and none of them could speak up and

be helped. Solnit comes up with movements to fight against such acts and ensure that justice is

accorded to the victims (Solnit, 2017).  She traces women who were either sexually or mentally

abused and fights for their justice. Ultimately, both books address feminism in different contexts.

The authors explain the role of women in society and why women should be protected.

These readings align with the themes; of individual perspective and societal prejudice.

Different people have their notions towards gender roles, caused mainly by societal influence.

The society in which one is brought up significantly impacts their life. People are most likely to

adapt and develop characters from their environment. Thoughts can customize individual

perspectives, whereas society and the environment customize societal prejudice. Scholars have

termed societal prejudice as discrimination against marginalized or the minority in society.

Discrimination can be based on gender, race, or even color. The themes of individual perspective

and societal prejudice are connected to the readings in that they explain how discrimination

comes about. Women are discriminated against, seen as the majority, and their rights are

violated. This form of discrimination (based on gender) has existed since immemorial. The

writers of these readings in their books come up with various strategies that aim at fighting for

women's rights. According to them, women should be given equal opportunities just like men in

learning institutions and public places. Discrimination can have long and short-term effects if not

controlled early. Therefore, Solnit and Wollstonecraft, in their novels, come up with movements

and strategies that place both men and women at the same level. The readings rub off the notion

that men are supreme over women. At the end of the readings, everything changes, changing the

individual perspective of women. The readings, at some point, share some ideas with the themes.

For instance, earlier on, women were not supposed to be educated, they were being discriminated

against, and everybody had a similar mentality.

The ideas are discussed to reflect the readings; both talk about feminism. Discrimination

based on gender is always a belief brought about by the mentality of the locals. When the locals

believe that women deserve less, that will be until civilization emerges. Both readings engage in

the idea of feminism; the readings are against the discrimination of women. They discourage

marginalization based on gender; according to them, men and women should be treated equally.

The reading of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft majors on the

education of girl children so that they can get as well job opportunities. The book the mother of

all questions by Rebecca Solnit condemns hostile acts against women.

I think these readings are very helpful as they will change the belief about women in

society. It is very educative because it encourages girls to continue working hard as the rule of

law protects them. The readings informed me that the role of women is not only to give birth but

also to provide companionship. It also brought to my attention the consequences of sexually

abusing women. Various organizations have come out to protect the rights of women. The

readings engage with the themes that are both against women's discrimination. The theme of

social prejudice is just the notion of discrimination against the minority, and the minority in this

context is women. Discrimination also starts with one person, after which it spreads rapidly.

Learned women are also submissive; the perception that women should not be educated for fear

of losing submission should be eradicated. We are in an era where education is the key;

education is a measure of intelligence. A few individuals still believe that violating women's

rights should be prosecuted. According to the law, everybody is equal, and none is superior.


Bizarro, S. (2021). Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft. Philosophy

Now, 147, 56-57.

Solnit, R. (2017). The mother of all questions. Haymarket Books.

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