The United Nations

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The United Nations is an international organization founded in

1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its
work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its
founding Charter.
The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly
changing world.
But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on
Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss
common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of
The main bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security
Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council,
the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat.
All were established in 1945 when the UN was founded.
• Global Issues
• Global Issues
• Observances • The Transatlantic Slave • Refugees and Migrants
• Observances
• Sustainable Development Goals Trade • Secretary-General's Action
• Climate Change
• Sustainable
• UN and Sustainability
• Decolonization Agenda on Internal
for Peacekeeping (A4P)• Messengers of Peace
• ActionGoals
Development • Action to Counter Terrorism
• Global Ceasefire
• Climate• Change • SG’s Roadmap for Digital
Global Crisis Response Group
Cooperation • Victims of Terrorism
• UN and ••Sustainability
SG's Call to Action for Human Rights
• Children and Armed Conflict
Hate Speech • UN75: 2020 and Beyond
• Action for
• Rule of Law
• Women Rise for All • Violence Against Children

Peacekeeping (A4P) (SRSG)
• • Disability Inclusion Strategy
• Global Ceasefire

• Secretary-General’s Data
• Sexual Violence in Conflict
• Global Crisis

Response Strategy • Spotlight Initiative

Group • • Digital Financing Task Force • Preventing Sexual
• SG's Call•• to Action for Exploitation and Abuse
• Stop the Red Sea • Prevention of Genocide and
Human •Rights Catastrophe the Responsibility to
• Hate Speech
• • Black Sea Grain Initiative Protect
• Rule of Law Joint Coordination Centre • The Rwanda Genocide
• The Holocaust
• The Question of Palestine

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