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Vania Arrondo

ECE 2405
November 16th, 2022


I asked my friend for the favor to observe her child, Q’Montee, who is five years old.

Before I started, I told Q that I needed him to help me with my homework, so he was so

happy to help me. Before I start to talk about my observations, I would like to mention a

little bit about Q’s life. As I mentioned before, he is five years old, and is a foster kid, in

process to be adopted. He has been with his foster family for three years, since he was

two years old. Q was a homeless child and lived with her mother, and sometimes he spent

time with his dad. His mother has mental health issues, and his dad has anger issues.

When Q started to live with my friends, it was difficult because he did not know to follow

directions, have routines, eat healthy food (veggies and fruits), and having education.

Nonetheless, with love, care, and consistency, Q’s evolution has been huge. Because my

friend is Mexican and her husband American, Q has been learning two languages at the

same time, Spanish and English. I know it is common for kids who learn two languages

have speech disorder. Q is also taking speech therapy at his school.

In the communication part, I observe that Q understands everything, but when he

answers, it is hard to understand because of his speech disorder. When I ask him to tell

me what he does when he is hungry, he responds that asks mommy for food, asking her

“Can I eat, please?” This is because food for him is not reachable, he needs to ask mom

for food or snacks, otherwise, the kitchen would be a mess. In part 6 of this section, Q
cannot repeat the whole phrase, he gets confused and tries to remember the sentence, but

he only can say three or four words form eight. While I observe Gross Motor skills, Q

seems he is an active kid who spends a lot of time running, walking, climbing. His

mother mentions that when Q was two years old, he wanted to climb anywhere. In the

part of “Fine Motor,” I observe that he holds the pencil strongly, and when is about to

copy shapes, he can draw most of them. I feel he needs more practice on writing like

writing his name, copying letters, and shapes. The only thing that I observe in “problem

solving” is that Q cannot count more than ten. I think is also Q needs to be more involved

into numbers, so he can practice and memorize the numbers. In addition, in part 4 of

solving problem, he knows and identifies adjectives that belong to the nouns or vice

versa. In “personal-social,” Q is very careful and focus deeply when he tries to use a large

spoon to scoop cereal from a bowl into another bowl. He models me how he washes his

hands, face, and teeth. He knows them very well because it is part of his routine before

going to bed. When I ask him to tell me information about him, first name, last name,

age, and if he is a boy or girl, he answers very confidently. Even he laughs when I ask if

he is a boy or girl, telling me that I’m so silly. The only two that he cannot respond to me

is the city where he lives and his telephone number. Another observation that I would like

to mention is that he uses the toilet by himself, but he only needs someone to help him to

wipe him. In the part overall, all the questions were answered by Q’s foster mom. The

questions that are about to be concerned is if Q talks like other children his age. The

answer is no because he has speech disorder. About themes, all are according to his age.

The mother can understand most of what Q says. For other people can be a little difficult,

but at the end they can understand. Another concern is that Q’s foster parents do not
know very much about genetic backgrounds. They have no clue if Q’s biological parents

and family have any kind of deafness or hearing impairment history. Q’s foster parents

are concern about Q’s behavior because when he gets angry or frustrated, he tends to

break toys and throw things in the air. She mentions that are already working on him to

teach him how to manage his anger and frustration, they are also looking for professional


I really enjoyed doing ASQ with Q because he was the same child that I used for

my first ASQ, also he was very cooperative in every activity. He is a kid who likes to

help others, and when he knew that he was going to help me to do my homework, he

stayed all the time next to me, waiting patiently for my indications. Q and I are close

because his foster parents are good friends of mine. I enjoyed observing each detail of

what he was doing and behavior, so I can understand better his behavior and other kids

who are around same age.

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