Educ 5324-Technology Plan Template - Sy

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

Name: Sumeyra Yazici Date: 11/14/2022

This template is adapted from

The plan should guide the LEA’s use of education technology for the next three

List specific start and end dates (7/1/xx to 6/30/xx). Provide a brief overview of
the LEA, its location, and demographics and/or share a link to the LEA’s

Answer 1
It is a private school within the scope of the education project carried out by the
Canapro school, which has been serving for more than 40 years from kindergarten to
high school class in Bogota, Colombia. It includes students from different ethnicities,
races, and nationalities.

Calle 173 No. 19 - 35


Phone: PBX: 770 1560

Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the community
at large participated in the planning process.

Answer 2
There is a technology planning committee. It aims at promoting, facilitating and
enriching, deepening and researching the understanding of the subjects and
concepts of the main subjects in the educational process.
Management team
Director : MG. Deissy Russi
Comprehensive Coordinator (Coexistence Coordinator): Nidia Estupiñan Farfan
IT Coordinator: Mauricio Moreno Cuellar
Arturo Area Conductor (Head of area): Achury Noy José
Administrative Staff (Laboratory Assistant): Bravo Daza Giuseppe Santiago
Canapro Accounting Payment and Portfolio Manager
(Administrator of the Cyber Schools System)
Administrative Staff (Librarian): Cardozo Pachon Ivonne Cristina
Academic Coordinator : Castellanos Velasquez Angelica Tatiana
Area Conductor (Head of Arts and Physical Education Area): Cely Diaz Sergio
Nurse: Diaz Lucelly Academic Coordinator
Academic Coordinator : Farigua Guacaneme Kevin
Coexistence Coordinator : Gaitán Triana Alexandra
Academic Coordinator (Psychologist): Guerrero Leon Viviana
Administrative Staff (CEO): López Quiroz Jonathan Andrés
Academic Coordinator (Treasurer):Maria Erika Arevalo Gomez
Academic Coordinator (Occupational therapist): Pelaez Bermudez Giselle
Academic Coordinator(Psychologist): Penagos Silva Nataly
Academic Coordinator (Secondary Academic Coordinator): Solorzano Peña
John Edisson
School Transportation Seturcol Administrative Staff

Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
● Summarize the plan’s major curricular and professional development
outcomes that are supported by research.
● Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plan’s
● Describe the connection between the research and the plan’s goals.
● Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.

Answer 3
When I looked at the major curricular and professional development outcomes
of the plan backed by research, I saw the following results that produced
quality pedagogical processes that foster thinking, intelligence and research
through continuous improvement, and create ethical issues with excellent
foundational, labor, and civic skills.
However, the Education Project of the Canapro School is expressed by the
Education Project of the Institute of Human Development Education:
PROMOTE by developing two Study Technical programs:
The first is the Maintenance and Repair of computers, the second is the
accounting Assistant. These two programs are developed in four semesters
from the ninth grade.
• It is a school that develops training programs for business and human
development that respond to the needs of the context.
• A school that develops students' abilities, activates their creativity and
entrepreneurial spirit and does all this by following an education policy that
makes use of technology.
• Provides academic and research spaces that enable students to acquire
relevant knowledge for competent exercise in life projects.
• A school that expresses Higher Education Institutions and training programs
for business and human development at a technical and technological level.
(Formación para el Trabajo – Colegio Canapro | Comprometidos con el Desarrollo
With the deliberate, focused, and effective use of ICT. It can be aimed at
promoting, facilitating and enriching, deepening, and researching the
understanding of the subjects and concepts of the main subjects in the
educational process. Using ICT as a teaching-learning tool enables the
creation of enriched environments where students can build their knowledge
faster and more robustly.


The Plan must establish clear goals and a realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and current use

of digital tools.

Question & Answer 1

What is the teacher's access to technology and knowledge?

The school offers the following facilities to both students and teachers: Internet,
Private channel, Wi-fi hotspot, Virtual platform, Closed-circuit television, E-
Learning, Virtual classrooms, and Academic Website.
It has fully equipped laboratories to support the fields of Systems, Biology,
Chemistry, and Physics. Teachers are provided with printers, projectors, and
computer facilities. It produces high-quality pedagogical processes that
develop thinking, intelligence and research, and at this point, it provides
training for teachers to improve themselves.
Especially after the Pandemic, it was tried to eliminate the deficiencies in the
use of technology by the teachers.

Question & Answer 2

Are there technological devices in each classroom, and if so, which

ones? How can support be provided to the teacher when they are
Each classroom has a projector, computer, and speaker. This facility is
provided when they want to print any file.

Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use

of digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.

Question & Answer 1

What are the technological tools that the student is allowed access to?
As I mentioned in the previous section, the following opportunities are offered
to students: Internet, Private channel, Wi-fi hotspot, Virtual platform, Closed-
circuit television, E-Learning, Virtual classrooms, Academic Website

Question & Answer 2

Can students access the course content and the topics covered from any
Yes. They can access a system called Cibercolegios from the address and
password given to them. It is possible to access the content of the subject
explained in the lesson and the videos and resources related to the subject if
the teacher has shared them. At the same time, he can contact the teacher
whenever he wants from this platform.
In addition, the school has an online library access feature. The school gives
students ID and password. It provides students with access to many books,
including audiobooks.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align
with the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how
the LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.

Question & Answer 1

How does technology benefits students' learning development?
Students use of technology in learning has a practice that encourages
understanding of their subjects and concepts. Because the rapid development
of technology has become an indispensable part of our lives in the field of
education, as in every field. The field of education is trying to keep up with the
rapid developments in technology and adapt technology to education.
Educational environments are constantly trying to renew themselves in light of
technological developments. Therefore, the creation of enriched environments
where students can create their knowledge faster and more robustly
contributes to their development in learning. If technology; If can be used to
increase the learning level of students, make up for their deficiencies, and
increase their motivation, it supports academic success. If thanks to
technology, the student's interest and attitude towards the lesson and the
taught subject develop positively, it means that technology is efficient and
supports his development. Technology is used correctly and healthily for
academic success when these conditions are met.

Question & Answer 2

Describe goals and an implementation plan of technology.

Teachers will be provided with professional development opportunities to use

technology differently to meet the needs of all students. Technology planning
defines the skills that students should have while using technology, and the
strategies necessary to develop these skills are integrated with the education
program. Technology affects the quality of teaching methods used in teaching.
For example, Computer Maintenance and Repair program. The graduate of
this program will be able to repair computers, and keyboards and maintain
information networks, whether at home or in companies, by applying quality
and opportunity criteria.
Another plan is that technology can support group work so that students can
be together on projects with their classmates or students from other schools.
For example, students can write their books and publish them online. An
example would be that they will both draw their pictures and write and publish
their books.

As you can see, technology can be used to increase learning by providing

students with the opportunity to practice in more time and by supporting the
use of problem-solving skills in different contexts in this process.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address

Internet Safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the

Question & Answer 1

How can the school help raise students' awareness of Internet safety?
Although the use of technology has positive parts, we cannot ignore some
negative parts. Therefore, the most important help the school can do is raise
awareness about this issue. If students are aware of the danger that awaits
them, they will use it more consciously.
At the same time, there should be a limitation for malicious software in internet
use within the school.

Question & Answer 2

Speaking of Internet security, how can one use the Internet effectively?
Students should be made aware of the expected dangers, and there should be
information on how to use the internet in the opposite direction. How to use the
internet effectively and efficiently.
Apart from that, the videos and research topics uploaded to the school's
system should be studies that support students in this sense. For example,
students are prevented from accessing inappropriate sites and their online
activities are monitored. But the awareness to be made for the development of
the will is valid for both questions. At the same time, the student should not be
constantly exposed to research on the Internet. Because the more he clicks,
the more danger he will encounter. This also applies to us. There should be a
certain amount of time per day.
There are many methods of lecturing, technology is very much in our lives in
this century. It is important to pay attention to this point while using it and to
raise awareness of students in this way.
The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency

and integration skills and needs for professional development.

Question & Answer 1

Why is it important for teachers to develop technology integration skills?

When we say technology in education, best teaching practices and student’s

needs are always changing. Especially teachers need to adapt to these
changes and improve themselves. This happens by developing teaching skills.
Using technology in education is convenient in many ways. This issue is very
important both in terms of being easy and in terms of catching up with today's
age. The Canapro school attaches great importance to this and is looking for
ways to integrate technology.

Question & Answer 2

What do teachers need for professional development to integrate

Teachers need training in integrating technology and how to use it. Canapro
school takes care to meet the need in this regard with the training it gives to
teachers both individually and throughout the year. Smart boards are not used
in school yet. But it is the target of this school for the future. In this way, we try
to support the era by following it closely.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for providing
professional development opportunities based on your LEA needs assessment
data and the Curriculum Component of the plan.

Question & Answer 1

Describe goals and implementation plan.

In this direction, there is training given by the school twice a year. However,
considering the change in teachers every year, there are certain goals both
individually and collectively. One of the main goals of the school is to follow the
pedagogical development of teachers. First of all, it is necessary to constantly
revise the technological needs of the school and to constantly update the
information by following the renewed technology.


The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed
to improve education services.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning

resources, technical support, and asset management already in the LEA that
will be used to support the Curriculum and Professional Development
Components of the plan.

Question & Answer 1

What are some e-learning resources that the teacher uses to support
students' learning?
A guide for school platform students called Cibercolgious. It provides support
for accessing all resources and communicating with the teacher. Another
possibility offered to the student is the online textbook. At the same time,
additional exercises and videos are loaded into the system. Supporting games
such as mind games are used. It is used in other sources such as Kahoot,

Question & Answer 2

Do all teachers have technological tools? What is the school doing about
it to manage communication at home?
The needs of each teacher in this regard are met. Laptops and school air
accounts are provided. Cibercologios is an account to be used for grading,
attendance, and managing student-parent accounts.

Describe the technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking

and telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical
support, and asset management needed by the LEA's teachers, students, and
administrators to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional
Development components of the plan.

Question & Answer 1

What technology is required to implement the plan?

We can summarize as follows. Televisions, tablets, phones, printers, smart

boards, computers, overhead projectors, and projectors.

Question & Answer 2

What is the school’s role in implementing the plan?
Implementation of this plan comes first. Strong internet speed. Having
someone to coordinate it. Having an IT team.


The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in
response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.
Question & Answer 1

What is technological monitoring?

While based on technology, of course, it is necessary to know what the
definition of technological monitoring is.
Its technology gives students the skills they need to succeed. While there are
many benefits to having plenty of information in terms of its quick availability, it
also comes with risks and pitfalls.
Technology monitoring is the process of remote monitoring and management.
It is important how each student uses their phone during the lesson.

Question & Answer 2

How can you monitor the use of technology among your students?
First of all, it is very important to have the class set up. Having a student log-in
system supports students in managing the use of technology. It is important to
give education to students, maybe even small lessons.

Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation,

including a description of the process and frequency of communicating
evaluation results to tech plan stakeholders.

Question & Answer 1

How will the stakeholders make comments and suggestions during the
evaluation phase?
Stakeholders can attend the meeting on this issue. A survey can be made.
class participation is ensured.
Question & Answer 2
How will data be summarized and evaluated?
Data is collected by an expert or responsible IT team in this field. Statistics are
looked at. It is evaluated at the end-of-term meetings.

sample_2.pdf (
sample_1.pdf (
Colegio Canapro | Comprometidos con el Desarrollo Humano
Internet Safety for Kids: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety (
Role of Internet in Education | Online Education (
California Department of Education (2015). California K-12 Education Technology Plan
Template, Criteria, and Guiding Questions

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