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Fage No

Ciical erolmatiom e t h DAG MAK

Ao 0A G MAR a e n aa cmmwctio
taaka ke amosamesa , C honare

t h nennhea ike Sakga, wch hore

btamtien whon mLashimai he iaogs

e , maaanhodKo and dhaiemal.
Heeve DAG MAR oaIOrh hoa been

ctsad en Aleimo, hAAads

sentmg vasiallea Jke wwofmAa

CAehraien, . whiuk wll ultim.kal
Send te salea.ira say that theri a
o cee Atrienahi hatwon eal
md Sdas then whm md meaAAL vasviallaa
duhatl omd &et salea aa te adwe. ectiie.
AaukarneK holNomaiJntoeminrg obwiola
Jke saaka204 bhord camsaheaien
emsoht lhe man ethan PoRo hlaidos
adnettaimo tAt dotarmmime awvosenAAa haand
ce hanaien i . F m imslomre om adeAal
pve tg ith Lad presle te conmleherd
marAsay meon thai odnneiaomamt woa

e caAeokie teom in dlaianim t e dalunenioima

cAmonBuy mhaaining mtthwemimg ahilëo
dmd, mettAe Zinal n0attAe hoaoire' toRent
eRtheae platka soh he nAilataal and. thaae
auAlihesd thok thay msoht nst CAme w
Matkedo ek stting adresiong baudoet

devedoing madnentiaing buudopt aso

AfRedol-lo methed
Lescontage e Sales mathel
Cewetiie a i y mtheol
jectint amd ask methed

ARhedodle Mathel Uwdcn thia methel,

adrentioRra baso thein admessaing budaet
whot they Con afRerd. Ato all e
Fokoo Coohony
haye been made o CeNeA GThon
handitnta whoteer ia opt ia allocoted te
draima humma thot Kio ta vefat the
en odweJiomg,.
C o m oked te spene

adnpeiaing budgat
odseabiaimg budget vehich mokrs t dikicnik
epreaë lena, Sanmoe plona

budget en the boao w o t o cempanny An

heel imteod e Cenadanima e odesralmg
Pagc No.

eeda the km.

entoge ek Sakea metho: l e procomtooR

Saloo mathodl a a Rgm Commnenly i UaDd
mtthed e dotemimimg odbrerialmg badoR
Salao Higue
mdgn to, a fiod poocankooe t t
lo o Dratsol as e adtiaim audget.Aio
Solas Rigune couAA be the aat yeas Is sol
o e e the aneRo t o salea igrne
Qoak kawr yeoto , g a iepaa
alerate. 10J0
a aaume thol a camharg
the aneraqp saleo i o u he loat 5 eaa
da o adn. budoR. Aoaumed Saes i o A
hio Cenpony d i g , N a pR9ued asl

00 1,00,000
5, 00,000

Anthe owioop sakoa Rioue 5 a a would e

0 Lakhat 5 LAKa + . 5 LoLA t
. 5 okhot 5aGhe )5
E1,000,0 005
h Cewony'5 odweiamg budot wonke r n b
datonmined aa 10o e u00,O00 uAic 2,10,000.
92 sme Ceam ho a soiey

Calataol do kslone
0/0 E25,00,000(Iast vgan '; sol)
Umdes, te 0 esolao mathed a, cAlany ho
aloe vae ojetpdd Salga Prnnfu in dafehnh

eO o e osrate achien L1,00,000 s

Soles m he cemlmo yean tKen to budat

oneKar wap datpamiming adp andoi und

he mathod to te deter/imime tKo bdol omet

Wwt ond adnetiomg, catlet w daau
4.Sollie eis pedut A t500 nd

t e ht100 ,ka dociolos te li*15 aa

ad. zendtasre Gn Ae t eedunt
Sld Alss, at asaund that the aoarod
3alas Aigra s a e d t A inthe cowina
Lean la l00,G00"wmiA Ana e ovdn. bid
p a s d a t A wuld be diondnea a
15 K1,00,000 F15,00,000.
Pagu N

h e method ia smmle and, 2001y te wdePdond
hagahdleaa wheK paak solha (P popr ed
Sol ae takn a the hoaia ou codpulatue
i t acoan te a9fie ot Ae Bdaet Aieuee

2..Adyeotiaino and tur aoe disgotl, relbtod

te the kwnda dragloallo. 8 a Cwhamg Sold
mee in e Xoat uRpr p2oimaln moe wmdo
NDilaio te ho s n adyesNeina

k mathed siea the Kinomiol, monagRI

e baliene that whanasa SKonld ba cloaaly
elatoel te the hernmont ce ote 5alaaa

o laundget n tpam latienahi betweo

methed yene Salea 04 a i detahmwmvirg
vneiaim shamdimg IvotheN hon amo, Sla

e dehandanta odarehhong bdo{ tn Ro

te yRo Sakoa
RRwuntiona wakoa lono omaR
pommnuo dil t.
3. Ao mulhod daka e t pvavide looicl hoao
chAirg sariki postaop hoo dalesminin k

detiaimo budapt
metlhed diaraaoga axhewmrvi wt
aneaaive spamdimq ohma ,t t lsad,
wmdehoemdimo hew ta Asontal ot
s. metheal daea net tke i o Mrsmt o
cem tien mod moskat epuammitepe wwil
sttin adetaiue budgot.
emathod Camme ho uaa the adneiasn
nsdurto a nRm sdwt i n e makot

ne e d u moy met he haatiiir

3C atitine lot Mthod: Umdan Kà
e od-eialmodomoitma Comatte2

odnestriang audogt. he Jgic behimd the mathod

otcltine wiadsnm R ouienaKAma m
n mdaoy cowmt he toe Ro Qasn he
e kal Kiosa moskit hekieea hst hg
howimo som ment e adlNeg
hva emmeitoha he
, w{lmvotarm i a
mohkt shose. ma the mehd o vald. 0n
dokenaine atooke ay lbe adnetae
m e d sorariaa Com ting,
dtesdmg nd. bweg
h ant Roct

alta a Comhamy,to mele morATro


co otive iaden e

te ttnal

dalwinig adnRNaig pudot 0a an.

0Stut s a te e C itea' sponding


Peputatien, IAAANeeo uumiils 0md
lening e ceetitena miot mot one o
oeod autmote ewhot tho cwany sheuld he
Shandsm, m odnesfraimo

tino Kuel.ha mokct candiens omd

Cadiisna hM{Uin he com hmo
fartiAA Jike e Lwel e
3Ae mehsd ionetu almmatka mdo.dowestiamg
P-edutien, Sal0
ose ndpAAtan
eptine t a i m , ich
aceatiain bindget
dotenring a mee. Paavat

b l i o r n g t a t hndgeta
Mphk h meoaewnd

Jp e baeak eut whom Cometes
t arh thes's mcaRnaed aewertlasno
tim, bd Taak. Mthed a
meat Leyicol way tk Salnng aditlon

odnrerorg tak Aat a tobe chieyed.

Umdpg tAo methea, aderuing erjerdene
Ad a uteoire mahket `aaeosch..
Fo naonre a m e vedst lomod
a maikot, e Adn. elRdie migt he
Le te cheote e baond ahinlas Mmweng
M00 e{- e toknt csnAwna m a mn
Oion ime. Atr thia,
dunti taaka i h mnot be pRketmid
te ackiüme teae elprties eae tasks may
wende asfuing, 6t maskit ARasnh
hpasim ad. ca d . en oAna mdia
iADt. hodie nuneoa mogonine
Dork Polant task t n catulated
sig0asrh pehaiing
cOAyg 8ut maskdt midiw

Co, de, en voaos

n@weporo, mogorma a
k e TV ade
t a a addad tAe
te b po

adhetaimg dapostmet, e . Ke oa e preoasd
taak, tAon sAt
Ceo e a the
be Mcehed
adw. hwdlgt. Asae ligrea moy
a e mithin the Kinaiol

mathods momes
Bhna he elrptineL task
Aoleymimo Saho
te ke dakinedl m the
adn. pheoonan nowe
o t plorl heas iaht inekdo aoding
Onwroan2a0 dSevdmg ,

bDtsmmmo the t seolagy 1medjia

Ricenk satiakorbien t h task
e UU
oFatiatmo, the cot a yasna lpmeto e
acrrestiav hot hoe baen cAnaidlenod.
dDaridimo, yhethn the s m Com asad the
adgt aking, tnte ocsmt a hamtio
.Ae eanwe ne taak matkod mee eliacire
nd. Layienl a cemhasad te t h r mathstu
t a boad n adss. tjatimea amd taaks tbo
oepwiahed te achiane tAe eljartre.

. emtheol tak e oktommt tho lbainess

Ceoitiena a r aloe the.comhoWio m Kieing
w e adoresitiaim bwdat

e d u s t a whon odne,mns he duelelnsd

Ae mathod aila te pidle a looaia
Aeitinime odo. erjertweea
. A he elrrtina 0e nst yell dolfrinod all
R t a wewd ge wate
3 tdikult te gursAtan tAe snitic tasha
AaMiAed te achiers Re erjpte amdl cta
04eid pth a pagticulan taak Feiname
e eetime ta ecaoate awaanobs avang
o e t k e tangeat canaum, then it
dR.te ditosmime WMot &parificol a thaa
taaba wekehmosd ta ke palesnnd.

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