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JDEtips 4On Manufacturing

JD Edwards Materials Planning, Demand Rules,

Page 1

November/December 2006 Volume VII Issue 6

and Forecast Consumption

By Terry Horner
Editor’s Note: You make ‘em, the customer order is booked, a fore-
they consume ‘em—that’s how the cast quantity must be entered into
mighty world of business goes round. the planning system. If the customers
Understanding supply vs. demand were willing to wait for the product’s
is an art unto itself. There’s no real cumulative lead-time, we could have
easy way to determine how much simply let the order demand drive all
product to make to satisfy custom- of the planning activities.
ers’ needs and avoid critical back-
Forecasts of future,
logs, without overstocking the ware- Unfortunately, if we cannot ship
houses. JD Edwards software allows
not yet realized, the product quickly enough, custom-
for forecasting, but the question of ers will simply go down the street to
which methods to use, when to use
demand must be one of our competitors and buy the
them and how to use them often product. So forecasts of future, not
eludes us. Terry Horner has some
a part of our MRP yet realized, demand must be a part
great thoughts on how to calculate of our MRP planning system.
and forecast demand that will hope-
planning system.
fully set you on the right track. . . or You may be saying “Yes, yes,…
at least one that is easier than trying but you still have not answered the
to “guesstimate” how much product question: Why are demand calcula-
you’ll need to plan for. tion rules and forecast consumption

Abstract Background: Why Are Logic for demand calculations and

This article is intended for compan- Demand Calculation Rules forecast consumption are important
ies using JD Edwards for the plan- Important? for companies with MRP systems
ning processes of sales forecasting, In my experience working with that consider both customer order
DRP, MPS, and MRP. In this article, companies in the implementation demand, from firm sales orders, and
we’ll define the term “Forecast Con- and management of manufactur- forecast quantities. The degree of
sumption” and provide examples. ing planning software applications, importance is larger as the volume
We’ll also define and discuss the one of the least understood areas is of future dated sales order “backlog”
JDEtips Journal

standard JD Edwards planning time that of demand calculation rules and increases (as we will see later).
fence codes and rules, and compare “forecast consumption”. Sales fore-
and contrast different techniques for casting is required any time a com- If the logic used for forecast con-
demand calculations. pany has a cumulative manufactur- sumption is not realistic for your
ing and purchasing lead-time that company’s demand pattern, then
Also covered is the importance exceeds the amount of time custom- invalid, erroneous demand figures
of properly using demand rules in ers are willing to wait for delivery of will be calculated by MRP, and this
materials planning. We also review the product from the time the order will cause equally invalid and errone-
the relationship between different is placed. ous MRP messages. As a result, plan-
industry demand patterns, and the ners will find themselves chronically
appropriate selection of demand rules In order to ensure that there will “second guessing” their MRP mes-
that should be used for planning. be product in stock when a customer sages. Another symptom of invalid
order is taken, the company must demand calculation logic is “nervous
have already purchased the required MRP”. Instead of smoothly consum-
The techniques reviewed in this material and manufactured the ing forecast demand, some rules may
article apply to both the Enterprise product. In order to make sure that cause lumpy, spiky demand values
One® and World® versions of JD MRP properly plans these logistical that vanish almost as fast as they are
Edwards software. activities in sufficient time, before created. JDEtips © 2006 Klee Associates, Inc.

JDEtips 4On Manufacturing
Page 2

November/December 2006 Volume VII Issue 6

Many of my clients have struggled Changes inside the planning time Outside of the planning fence days, a
with setting up the best JD Edwards fence must be manually changed by different rule is used. The code that
demand calculation codes for their the master scheduler. - APICS Dic- defines the two rules to be used is
environment. One word of warning: tionary, 10th ed. called the “planning fence rule”. (As
There is no perfect demand calcu- we will see later, the APICS defini-
lation technique for any company. This is not how JD Edwards MRP tion of Demand Time Fence is exact-
Every rule has risks, and by their uses this value. In standard JD ly the case in JD Edwards if we use a
very nature, forecasts are almost Edwards, there really is no “planning “planning fence rule” of “C”).
always wrong (often by a massive time fence” according to the APICS
amount). However, by selecting a definition. (The closest thing may be Sources of Demand in JD
reasonable rule, you can help to the “message display fence.”) Edwards
establish a more reliable and stable In JD Edwards, demand that is
planning system. A better description of the “plan- considered by MRP can come from
ning fence” in JD Edwards would be several different sources:
JD Edwards Time Fences what APICS defines as the “demand
In JD Edwards, there are three dif- time fence”. APICS defines it as: • Customer sales orders
ferent time fences used for materials
planning. These time fence values Demand Time Fence (DTF) – That • Forecasts
are defined in the Item Branch/Plant point in time inside of which the
records: forecast is no longer included in • Transfer orders (DRP)
total demand and projected avail-
1. Planning Fence able inventory calculations; inside • Work orders
this point, only customer orders are
2. Freeze Fence considered. Beyond this point, total • Planned work orders
demand is a combination of actual
3. Message Display Fence orders and forecasts, depending on • Safety stock
the forecast consumption technique
Only the “planning fence” will be chosen. - APICS Dictionary, 10th • Other demand
addressed in this article. The “freeze ed.
fence” provides for the suppression Work order and planned work order
of MRP messages when the mes- In JD Edwards, the planning fence demands only exist for “dependent
sage date is within the freeze fence days defines two zones of time for the demand”--the component and sub-
number of days from today. The item. In the zone less than the plan- assembly items that are structured
“message display fence” controls ning fence days, one rule is used to in the bills of material for higher
how many days into the future MRP perform your demand calculation. level items, based on manufacturing
action messages will be generated for schedules under the control of the
JDEtips Journal

the item. company.

The “planning fence” in JD The “planning fence rule” in JD

Edwards is actually misnamed, Edwards has no affect on dependent
and is different than the definition demand. It only affects the calcu-
according to APICS. APICS defines In JD Edwards, the lated demand from customer sales
it as: orders and forecasts.
planning fence days
Planning Time Fence – A point in The Backlog Curve
time denoted in the planning hori- defines two zones of Both customer sales order demand
zon of the master scheduling process and forecast demand are consid-
that marks a boundary inside of time for the item. ered “independent demand”, that is,
which changes to the schedule may demand from outside the direct con-
adversely affect component sched- trol of the company such as requests
ules, capacity plans, customer deliv- for end products, etc. However, it usu-
eries, and cost. Planned orders out- ally doesn’t make sense to add these
side the planning time fence can be two demand types together. Why??
changed by system planning logic. Because the forecast is an estimate of JDEtips © 2006 Klee Associates, Inc.

This Article Continues…

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