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Zymo Research Price List 2022

DNA Methylation

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D5005 EZ DNA Methylation-Gold™ Kit, 50 reactions 3.850.000
D5006 EZ DNA Methylation-Gold™ Kit, 200 reactions 11.850.000
D5030 EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning™ Kit, 50 reactions 5.000.000

RNA Methylation

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R5001 EZ RNA Methylation Kit (50 prep) 4.960.000
R5002 EZ RNA Methylation Kit (200 prep) 13.950.000

Microbiomics DNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D4300 ZymoBIOMICS™ DNA Mini Kit (50 preps) 5.650.000
D6300 ZymoBIOMICS™ Microbial Community Standard (0.75 ml) 5.900.000
D6305 ZymoBIOMICS™ Microbial Community DNA Standard (200 ng) 2.400.000
D4310 HostZERO™ Microbial DNA Kit (50 preps) 11.100.000

Bacterial & Fungal DNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D6005 Quick-DNA™ Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep Kit (50 Preps) 3.700.000
D6105 Quick-DNA™ Fungal/Bacterial Midiprep Kit (25 Preps) 6.800.000
D2002 YeaStar™ Genomic DNA Kit (40 preps) 3.565.000

Soil, Fecal DNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D6010 Quick-DNA™ Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit (50 preps) 4.500.000
D6110 Quick-DNA™ Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep Kit (25 preps) 8.000.000

Plant/Seed DNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D6020 Quick-DNA™ Plant/Seed Miniprep Kit (50 preps) 4.500.000

DNA/RNA Shield™

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1100-50 DNA/RNA Shield (50 ml) 1.800.000
R1100-250 DNA/RNA Shield (250 ml) 6.350.000
R1101 DNA/RNA Shield™ - Fecal Collection Tube (10 pack) 2.500.000
R1106 DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Tube w/ Swab (1ml fill), 10 pack 1.900.000
R1107 DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Tube w/ Swab (1ml fill), 50 pack 5.900.000

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R1108 DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Tube w/ Swab (2ml fill), 10 pack 2.100.000
R1109 DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Tube w/ Swab (2ml fill), 50 pack 6.350.000
R1104 DNA/RNA Shield Lysis Tube w/ Swab (Microbe) 5.425.000
R1103 DNA/RNA Shield Lysis Tubes (microbe), 50 pack 5.560.000
R1102 DNA/RNA Shield™ Collection Tube (1ml fill), 50 pack 3.650.000
R1105 DNA/RNA Shield™ Lysis Tube (Tissue), 50 pack 4.550.000
R1150 DNA/RNA Shield™ - Blood Collection Tube, 50 pack 7.400.000
R1200-125 DNA/RNA Shield (125 ml) (2X Concentrate) 6.350.000
R1210 DNA/RNA Shield™ Saliva Collection Kit 180.000
D3062 Urine Collection Kit w/ Urine Conditioning Buffer 3.000.000

Quick-DNA™ Kit

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D4068 Quick-DNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit, 50 preps 3.380.000
D4069 Quick-DNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit, 200 preps 8.100.000
D4074 Quick-DNA™ MicroPrep Plus Kit, 50 preps 3.500.000

Tissue & Insect DNA MiniPrep™

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D6016 Quick-DNA™ Tissue/Insect Miniprep Kit, 50 preps 4.150.000

FFPE DNA MiniPrep™

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D3067 Quick-DNA™ FFPE Kit, 50 preps 4.885.000

Blood, Serum, Plasma & Body Fluid DNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D3061 Quick-DNA™ Urine Kit, 50 preps 7.200.000
D4076 Quick-cfDNA™ Serum & Plasma Kit, 50 preps 12.300.000
D3015 Quick-DNA™ Viral Kit, 50 preps 3.650.000
D3016 Quick-DNA™ Viral Kit, 200 preps 8.100.000
D3060 ZR Urine DNA Isolation Kit™, 20 preps 2.480.000

DNA Clean-Up

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D4013 DNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 - Capped Columns, 50 preps 1.980.000
D4080 Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator™, 25 preps 1.500.000
D4010 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator™-10, 25 preps 2.250.000
D4007 Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit - Capped columns, 50 preps 2.250.000
D4008 Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit - Capped columns, 200 preps 5.800.000
D6030 OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit, 50 preps 2.790.000

Plasmid DNA Purification

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D4036 Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 50 preps 1.700.000
D4019 Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 100 preps 2.900.000
D4209 ZymoPURE™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 50 preps 2.260.000
D4210 ZymoPURE™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 100 preps 3.400.000
D2001 Zymoprep™ Yeast Plasmid Miniprep I, 100 preps 2.800.000

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D2004 Zymoprep™ Yeast Plasmid Miniprep II, 50 preps 4.600.000
D4048 ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit, 25 preps 2.480.000

DNA/RNA Co-Purification

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

D7003 ZR-Duet ™ DNA/RNA MiniPrep Plus, 50 preps 6.900.000
D7020 ZR Viral DNA/RNA Kit™, 25 preps 3.700.000
R1009 Quick-DNA/RNA™ FFPE Kit, 50 preps 6.330.000

Microbiomics RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R2001 ZymoBIOMICS RNA Mini Kit (50 preps) 7.200.000
R2002 ZymoBIOMICS DNA/RNA Mini Kit (50 preps) 8.450.000

Cell & Tissue RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1057 Quick-RNA™ MiniPrep Plus, 50 preps 5.880.000
R1058 Quick-RNA™ MiniPrep Plus, 200 preps 11.680.000
R1059 Quick-cfRNA™ Serum & Plasma, 50 preps 6.900.000
R1070 ZR small-RNA™ PAGE Recovery Kit, 20 preps 4.000.000

Solid & FFPE Tissue RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1008 Quick-RNA™ FFPE Kit, 50 preps 7.000.000
R2030 ZR Tissue & Insect RNA MicroPrep™, 50 preps 5.745.000
R1003 Pinpoint™ Slide RNA Isolation System I, 50 preps 3.650.000
R1007 Pinpoint™ Slide RNA Isolation System II, 50 preps 5.920.000

Blood, Serum, Plasma & Body Fluid RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1201 Quick-RNA™ Whole Blood, 50 preps 5.600.000
R1151 Quick-DNA/RNA™ Blood Tube Kit, 50 preps 7.300.000
R1038 ZR Urine RNA Isolation Kit™, 20 preps 3.000.000
R1039 ZR Urine RNA Isolation Kit™, 50 preps 5.600.000
R1072 Quick-cfDNA/cfRNA Serum & Plasma Kit 13.000.000

Viral RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1034 ZR Viral RNA Kit™, 50 preps 3.350.000
R1035 ZR Viral RNA Kit™, 200 preps 11.400.000
R2042 Zymo Environ Water RNA Kit, 50 preps 7.200.000
R2042-1-8 Water Concentrating Buffer, 8 mL 500.000

Bacteria, Yeast & Fungi RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R2014 ZR Fungal/Bacterial RNA MiniPrep™, 50 preps 5.750.000
R1002 YeaStar™ RNA Kit, 40 preps 3.350.000

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Soil, Fecal & Plant RNA

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R2040 ZR Soil/Fecal RNA MicroPrep™, 50 preps 6.100.000
R2024 ZR Plant RNA MiniPrep™, 50 preps 5.600.000

RNA From TRIzol & TRI Reagent

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R2070 Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep Plus, 50 preps 4.100.000
R2072 Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep Plus, 200 preps 8.970.000
R2071 Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep Plus w/ TRI Reagent®, 50 preps 5.100.000
R2073 Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep Plus w/ TRI Reagent®, 200 preps 11.500.000

RNA Clean-up

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1011 Zymoclean™ Gel RNA Recovery Kit, 50 preps 3.200.000
R1015 RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5, 50 preps 3.200.000
R1013 RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 (supplied with DNase I), 50 preps 3.850.000
R1016 RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5, 200 preps 7.600.000
R1014 RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 (supplied with DNase I), 200 preps 9.150.000
R1017 RNA Clean & Concentrator™- 25, 50 preps 3.650.000
R1018 RNA Clean & Concentrator™- 25, 100 preps 5.150.000
R1019 RNA Clean & Concentrator™-100, 25 preps 4.500.000
R1070 ZR small-RNA™ PAGE Recovery Kit, 20 preps 3.450.000

ZR small-RNA™ Ladder

Product no. Description Price (Rp)

R1090 ZR small-RNA™ Ladder, 10 µg 2.100.000

COVID-19 Detection

Price excluded VAT 10%



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