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Alan Kinsella

Fetac QQI Level 6 Project Management

Project Number:

Bill of Materials Right First Time
Improvement Project
Ref: BOM 001

PPS Number:

Date of Birth:
2nd April 1969
Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


My name is Alan Kinsella, Project Manager and this is my QQI level 6


My project is to improve the ‘Bill of Materials’ right irst time (RFT) rate at a
pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. Right irst time is currently running at 57%
versus 90% target.

The manufacturing plant produces pharmaceutical product for markets in

Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The ‘Bill of Materials’ is the manufacturing
document used throughout the production process. It contains all relevant
information to produce the product. Before the Bill of Materials is released to the
production loor is it rigorously accessed, reviewed and approved. The current
rejection rate is 57%.

Project Name:
Bill of Materials right irst time improvement project.

Project Reference:
BOM 001.

Name: Alan Kinsella PPS: 5274156i Page 2

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


I approached the assignment using PMBOK PMI Modality.

I am aware of Project Management Oice; however I did not use it on this project.

I considered the following organisation structures:

• Projectised
• Functional
• Balanced Matrix

As the Authorised Project Manager, I am using a Balanced Matrix Structure.

There are 5 processes:

• Project Initiating
• Project Planning
• Project Executing
• Project Monitoring and Controlling
• Project Closing

There are 9 knowledge areas:

• Scope Management
• Time Management
• Cost Management
• Quality Management
• Human Resource Management
• Communication Management
• Risk Management
• Procurement Management
• Integration Management

I am aware of procurement and cost however there is no procurement or cost

requirement for this project. The project is driven by process change and quality.
No outside consultants are required and as agreed by the Project Sponsor
and detailed in the project scope, team input time will be managed within their
regular working week.

Name: Alan Kinsella PPS: 5274156i Page 3

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


My project (Ref. BOM 001) is to improve a manufacturing plants ‘Bill of Materials’

right irst time rate which is currently running at 57% versus 90% target.

The Business Case is contained in the Project Charter (see appendix 1)

The primary function of the project is quality; the secondary function is process

The project, to be completed in one month, is to ix the process and improve

right irst time approval rate.

Other objectives include bringing consistency to the process and increasing

employees’ awareness of quality.

The Project Team has been formed and the Sponsor, the QA Director has signed
of on the Project Charter.

The Stakeholders Management Plan was developed with reference to

Mendelow, A. (1991) ‘Stakeholder Mapping’, and the Stakeholders Register can
be seen in appendix 2.

Change Control will be exercised through the Sponsor.

The sponsor has been developed as a high priority, medium inluence

stakeholder who will supply advice and approve the teams’ time, assigned
to the project. To gain support from the project sponsor good communication
and continued business justiications shall be supplied. The process for
communication is regular meetings, reports and updates by e-mail and face to
face discussions.

The Bill of Materials specialists have been developed as low priority, medium
inluence stakeholders who will provide valuable knowledge and experience of
the process. Communication will be with regular meetings and e-mail updates.

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Project Scope

Details of the Project Scope can be seen in appendix 3.

The principal objective is to improve quality and right irst time rate of the ‘Bill of

The key acceptance criteria are contained in this document, one example is to
bring consistency to the process.

Assumptions, constraints and dependencies are also contained in the Project

Scope, one constraint is that the project should take one month to complete
another is that quality should be considered priority.

Also included are the boundaries, for example we are only dealing with the
Bill of Materials for the primary Manufacturing Plant, third party manufacturing
plants are not included. Also not included is any requirement to purchase new
equipment of contract the services of outside consultants. Team input will be
managed within a regular working week.

Project Deliverables are contained in the Work Breakdown Structure, see

appendix 4 and further developed in a Time and Resource Schedule, Gantt
Chart, see appendix 5.

Other deliverables include:

• Gathering appropriate data - see appendix 10

• Summarize the inputs and outputs with a SIPOC - see appendix 11
• Understanding the reasons for rejection with Pareto - see appendix 12
• Map the process - see appendix 13
• Deliver a responsibility matrix (RACI) - see appendix 14

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


Scope creep will be avoided by managing change. All requests for change,
outside agreed tolerances will be referred to the Change Board, comprising the
Project Sponsor.

The change must be authorised, plans updated and all decisions documented
on the Project Change Record before proceeding.

A request for change already received is to purchase statistical software to

improve the quality and accuracy of the metrics. See appendix 6 Project Change

The request was not authorised, stakeholders were informed as per procedures.

Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and Control will be done using the Closed Loop System and by
comparing actual verses plan.

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Time Management

Time will be managed as follows:

• Decompose the WBS to activities.

• Deine and sequence activities.

• Estimate resources and times using the 3 points method.

• Develop the schedule using network diagram and critical path analysis.
The sequence of activities was listed and dated logically considering
interdependencies and constraints. Tasks on the critical path receive most
attention, otherwise the completion date will not be met.

• The Work Breakdown Structure in appendix 4 shows the activities required

over the life of the project.

• The Time and Resource schedule is contained in the Gantt Chart, see
appendix 5. This shows the activities required over the life of the project.
An example is the process mapping exercise completed 19th March. The
process map is used to deine what each entity does, who is responsible, to
what standard the process should be completed, and how the success of the
process can be determined. A snapshot of the process map can be seen in
appendix 13. Critical path analysis was used to ind the critical path of each
task and resource levelling was used to achieve project outcomes within the
timeframe speciied.

• Project milestones, easily identiiable packages of work signalling the

completion of a key deliverable, are highlighted on the Gantt Chart.

• The project will be monitored and controlled using the closed loop system
and monitoring the work in the Work Breakdown Schedule, the Time and
Resource Schedule, regular meetings, comparing actual verses plan,
producing actions plans. An Action Plan was used to monitor progress
throughout the project, see appendix 7.

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


Quality is critical to the Project and in developing a robust quality plan

considerations were given to ‘ISO - Juran’ and ‘Six Sigma - Deming’.

Total Cost of Quality (TCoQ) will be calculated by adding the following:

• Cost of internal failure

• Cost of external failure (if appropriate)
• Cost of appraisal
• Cost of Prevention

Quality will be assured by adhering to the SMART objectives in the Quality Plan.

The Quality Plan can be seen in appendix 8.

Quality objectives must be measureable.

The Quality Plan contains details of the measurable quality requirements.

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment


A risk evaluation plan has been developed for the project. Risks have been
identiied using the probability/impact method, and scored accordingly.

The appropriate risk response has been developed and risks are documented in
the risk register which will be used as a monitoring and control tool.

The risk score has been calculated to determine the likelihood of impact.

The Risk Register can be seen in appendix 9.

An example of risk is no method of data gathering being available. This is

operational risk and is owned by the project manager. The response is early
investigation to ensure data gathering methods are available. If they were not the
no procurement requirement would need to be revisited.

Name: Alan Kinsella PPS: 5274156i Page 9

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Human Resources - People and Communications

The Human Resource and Communication strategy will be organised as follows:

• Roles and Responsibilities are assigned in the project schedule (appendix 5)

and developed using a Human Resource Breakdown Structure (HRBS).
• Performance will be monitored by using SMART objectives and constructive
• Leadership style will be adapted to the situation as required from Directive to
• Communication will be focused on the ‘What’s in it for me?’ (WIIFM)
approach and by careful use of properly structured messages.
• Team roles will be developed by reference to Belbin and rotated as
appropriate. In 1981, Meredith Belbin, b 1926, expounded Team Role theory
in his seminal book. ‘Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail’. The
book was later named as one of the top ifty management books of all time.
Use will be made of Belbin’s work in developing team roles and efectiveness.

Belbin’s team roles include the following.

1. Plant
2. Resource Investigator
3. Coordinator
4. Shaper
5. Monitor Evaluator
6. Team Worker
7. Completed Finisher
8. Specialist (added)

• Meetings will be held according to the Code of Conduct developed by the

Project Management team, and use tools such as Action Plan, with time and
responsibilities, time and responsibilities agendas, deined roles, rotated as
appropriate, and decisions or non-decisions documented and further action

An example of a Meeting Code of Conduct is as follows:

1. Arrive on time and end on time. Clearly communicate ‘start’ and ‘end’
times for the meeting. Embarrass the late arrival ofenders in open court.
Better still, ine them. A euro, to charity, for every minute late to the meeting
irrespective of the excuse. Repeat ofenders do it because they know they
can get away with it.

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Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

2. Always appoint a facilitator (on the spot if necessary) to control the

agenda and guide the proceedings. Make sure that the meeting always
follows an agenda, preferably written and agreed to by all parties in

3. No tangents please. Stick to the topic at hand. If you have other matters you
wish to raise, wait until the item under discussion has been fully discussed
and resolved.

4. No Gossip. Keep discussion focused on the issues over which the group has
control. If it titillates, it’s generally counter-productive.

5. One person speaks at a time. No side conversations please. It’s

thoughtless, rude and distracting to engage in parallel conversation. Always
pay attention to the person who has the loor. Be respectful of others. Good
listening is always the hallmark of a collegial environment and a productive

6. Speak Up. Don’t be a chair warmer. Everyone has the responsibility to

contribute. Don’t leech of the group’s collective brain. Be frank, honest and
candid where appropriate.

7. No Whining. Unless it’s a twelve-step program meeting, be positive in

your comments. If there must be criticism, make it constructive. Avoid value
judgements and always try to suggest alternatives.

8. Spare the Oxygen. Don’t dominate the conversation or try to impress.

Speak freely, but remember that rationing comment can often establish
expectation for what you’re about to say next. As always, quality tends to be
valued more than quantity.

9. After it’s over, remember that the group speaks with one voice. Ideas
belong to the group, not the individual. Leave united.

10. Time is money. As the meeting wanders into the no-man’s-land of idle
banter and non-productive speculation, calculate the number of wasted
man-hours in the room and then multiply by direct labour cost plus overhead
factor. It’s scary when you look at it that way.

Monitoring and Control will be by the methods outlined in the strategy, and will
include actual vs. plan, closed loop system, updating plans and schedules, and
action plan status reports.

Name: Alan Kinsella PPS: 5274156i Page 11

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Close the Project.

The project will be closed when the deliverables are accepted by the customer
(sponsor) in accordance with the acceptance criteria in the Project Charter and
Project Scope.

One of the acceptances criteria is to introduce methods for control with KPI’s
right irst time of 90% - see appendix 15 showing a data gathering exercise
following implementation with average RFT of 92.5%.

Another acceptance criteria is to deliver a responsibility matrix (RACI) which can

be seen in appendix 14.

Reports will be produced comparing actual vs. plan, in the planned baseline

Lessons learnt will be documented and passed to the sponsor/company to

become a company asset, to be used for future projects.

Files and documentation will be completed and stored by the sponsor, and inal
handover completed.

The team will have a suitable celebration and disband.

- end -


Mendelow, A. (1991) ‘Stakeholder Mapping’, Proceedings of the 2nd International

Conference on Information Systems, Cambridge, MA (Cited in Scholes,1998)

Joseph Moses Juran (December 24, 1904 – February 28, 2008)

William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993)

Belbin, M. (1981) ‘Management teams: why they succeed and fail’ Belbin team roles.

Name: Alan Kinsella PPS: 5274156i Page 12


Project Name: Ref:

Bill of Materials right first time BOM 001
improvement project.

Date: 20th April 2014 Revision Number: 1


The ‘Bill of Materials’ Right First Time (RFT) rate is currently running at 57% versus 90% target. The QA Director
has identified increasing the right first time rate of the ‘Bill of Materials’ as an improvement project to be
completed in one month.

Objectives and Descriptions:

1. Understand the reasons for the high rejection rate
by measuring and analysing the current rejection rate and identify causes.
2. Identify variances and gaps in the current process
by clearly identifying opportunities for improvement.
3. Build consistency into the process
by creating a Work Instruction (WI)
4. Develop methods of control
by developing KPIs and delivering a responsibility matrix (RACI)


1. Gather data and review the process to better understand the rejection rate.
2. Using Pareto measure and analysis the current rejection rate.
3. Map the current process.
4. Agree improvements.
5. Build a work instruction (WI).
6. Train and roll out the new process.
7. Develop methods for control.

3. RISK – High Level description

The timeframe outlined.

Day to day work activities may suffer as time is allocated to the project.
Not improving the rejection rate is a compliance risk.

Name: Alan Kinsella Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment PPS: 5274156i Appendices - Page 13
Appendix 1 – Continued


1. Confirm Team
2. Build the metrics
3. Identify the causes and gaps
4. Create Work Instruction (WI)
5. Roll out the new process
6. Close the Project


This project is driven by process change and quality and there are no procurement requirements. No outside consultants
are required and as agreed by the Project Sponsor team input time will be managed within their regular working week.


This project will be approved if agreed it can deliver improvements to the Bill of Materials right first time rate
within the time scale required.


Function Name Role

Sponsor Paulina Onzaga QA Director providing high
level support and monitoring.
Project Manager Alan Kinsella To manage the project and
deliver the outputs.
Bill of Materials Specialist Andy Rooney To provide knowledgeable
(Creation) input of the Bill of Materials
creation process.

Bill of Materials Specialist Ken Smith To provide knowledgeable

(Review and Approval) input of the Bill of Materials
review and approval process.


Approved by: Sponsor. Paulina Onzaga. 03/03/14

Approved by: Project Manager. Alan Kinsella. 03/03/14

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Name: Alan Kinsella

Appendix 2.
Stakeholder Register -
Management Plan Project: Bill of Materials right first time improvement project Project ID: BOM 001
Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Priority Grid Requirements and what Strategy for gaining

Stakeholder Stakeholder Risks Communication
the project needs from support
Designation Name Process
Power - Influence them or reducing obstacles

Approval Regular meetings

Won't value cost
Good communication
Paulina of teams time
Sponsor High Medium Monitor Regular reports
Onzaga allocation to
Business justification
Strategy e-mail updates

Commitment to project
Clearly defined
objectives Regular meetings
Project Won't deliver on
Alan Kinsella High High
Manager Commitment to processes time.
Commitment from Regular reports
Deliver the outputs

Technical inputs Keep informed

Won’t buy in
Bill of Materials e-mail updates
Specialist Andy Rooney Low Medium Expertise So benefits
Reluctant to
(Creation) Regular meetings
PPS: 5274156i

Knowledge Paint vision

Technical inputs Keep informed

Bill of Materials Won’t buy in
e-mail updates
Ken Smith Low Medium Expertise So benefits
(Review and Reluctant to
Regular meetings
Approval) change
Knowledge Paint vision
Appendices - Page 15


Project Name: Ref:

Bill of Materials right first time BOM 001
improvement project.

Date: 20th April 2014 Revision Number: 1


The ‘Bill of Materials’ Right First Time (RFT) rate is currently running at 57% versus 90% target. The
QA Director has identified increasing the right first time rate of the ‘Bill of Materials’ as an
improvement project to be completed in one month.


1. Identify the rejection rate by gathering appropriate data and metrics

2. Summarize the inputs and outputs with a SIPOC
3. Understand the reasons for rejection with Pareto
4. Understand the complete process by gathering all stakeholders and mapping the process
5. Build consistency and fix the issues by building a new work instruction (WI)
6. Roll out improvements by ensuring everyone is trained on the new Work Instruction
7. Introduce methods for control with KPI’s right first time of 90% and delivering a responsibility
matrix (RACI)


The project will include:

Building Metrics and Identifying causes
Process Improvement
Building consistency

The project will not include:

Procurement or cost

Name: Alan Kinsella Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment PPS: 5274156i Appendices - Page 16
Appendix 3 Continued


See the work breakdown structure, appendix 4 and the Project Schedule, appendix 5.


1. Must be delivered within one month timeframe - 3rd March 2014 to 4th April 2014
2. Time allocated will be delivered within the normal working week of all team members.
3. There is no procurement or cost requirement
4. The principal objective is quality
5. The improvement rate to deliver is 90% right first time
6. Third party manufacturing plants are not included


1. Project Charter
2. Work Breakdown Structure
3. Project Schedule - Gannt Chart


Function Name Role

Sponsor Paulina Onzaga QA Director providing high
level support and
Project Manager Alan Kinsella To manage the project and
deliver the outputs.
Bill of Materials Specialist Andy Rooney To provide knowledgeable
(Creation) input of the Bill of Materials
creation process.

Bill of Materials Specialist Ken Smith To provide knowledgeable

(Review and Approval) input of the Bill of Materials
review and approval


Approved by: Sponsor. Paulina Onzaga. 03/03/14

Approved by: Project Manager. Alan Kinsella. 03/03/14

Name: Alan Kinsella Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment PPS: 5274156i Appendices - Page 17
Appendix 4 - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Project Title: Bill of Materials right first time improvement project. Ref: BOM 001
Task Description
1 Opening Meeting
2 Confirm Team
3 Build SIPOC to Identify Process
4 Sit with Bill of Materials specialist to review creation process
5 Sit with Bill of Materials specialist to review approval process

6 Gather Data

7 Build Metrics

8 Build Pareto

9 Process Map

10 Identify causes and gaps

11 Identify new process
12 Create Work Instruction
13 Create RACI for the new process
14 Train out new New Process
15 Roll out new Process
16 Gather and review Data

17 Modify as required
18 Close Project

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Name: Alan Kinsella

Gantt Chart - Project Schedule. Bill of Materials right first time improvement project. Ref: BOM 001
Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Appendix 5 Status

Team: On Time 10
Alan Kinsella (AK) Project Manager Late 5
Paulina Onzaga (PO) Sponsor early 3
Andy Rooney (AR) Bill of Materials Specialist
Ken Smith (KS) Plant Contact Project Milestones

On Time Late early

WBS Description Task Resource Target Actual Status

1 Opening Meeting Explain and agree the outputs. Charter sign off All 03/03/14 03/03/14 on time
2 Confirm Team Agree job assignments All 03/03/14 03/03/14 on time
3 Build SIPOC Understand the process at a high level AK, AR, KS. 05/03/14 05/03/14 on time
4 Sit with Specialist Review and understand the Bill of Materials Creation Process AK, AR. 10/03/14 11/03/14 late
5 Sit with Specialist Review and understand the Bill of Materials Approval Process AK, KS. 12/03/14 13/03/14 late
6 Gather Data Collect information of the current rejection rate AK 10/03/14 10/03/14 on time
7 Build Metrics Build statistics to better understand the data AK 14/03/14 14/03/14 on time
8 Build Pareto Identify the causes AK, PO. 17/03/14 17/03/14 on time
9 Process Map To understanding the full process All 19/03/14 19/03/14 on time
10 Identify Causes/Gaps Find reasons for rejection AK, PO. 20/03/14 21/03/14 late
PPS: 5274156i

11 Identify New Process Agree changes required to improve All 20/03/14 21/03/14 late
12 Create Work Instruction Build a new work instruction to improve the process AK 24/03/14 24/03/14 on time
13 Create RACI for the New Process Identify who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted & Informed AK, PO. 25/03/14 24/03/14 early
14 Train out New Process Train out the new Work Instruction AK 27/03/14 26/03/14 early
15 Roll out New Process Begin using the new process All 27/03/14 26/03/14 early
16 Gather and Review Data Build statistics using data from new process AK 31/03/14 31/03/14 on time
17 Modify as required If issues are identified agree changes and fix All 02/04/14 03/04/14 late
18 Close Project Close if all the deliverables are met, disband and celebrate All 04/04/14 04/04/14 on time
Appendices - Page 19

Project Name:
Bill of Materials Right First Time Improvement Project.

Ref: BOM 001. Issue Date: 12th March 2014

Details of requested change
To purchase statistical software to improve the quality and accuracy of metrics.

Change originator: Date request made:

Andy Rooney. 10th March 2014.

Evaluation and Impact on project schedule, time and resources.

Would incur a cost when no procurement need was agreed.
Would incur a time delay to reevaluate the metrics.
Would incur a resource to deliver.

Evaluation of impact on project deliverables

May improve the accuracy of the data which would help to better understand the
rejection reasons and improve the quality of the outputs.

Effect on price: Cost estimate:

Yes 2,500 euro

Sponsor Authorisation:

Date: 12th March 2014

Update of project plan :
Not Required.

Communication to stakeholders:
Metrics are already available and there is no evidence to suggest they will be
improved. The proposal would also inure costs and time delays.

Signature Project Manager:

Alan Kinsella

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Name: Alan Kinsella

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Date revised: 4th April 2014 
Appendix 7
Project name: Bill of Materials right first time improvement project. Ref: BOM 001 
No Task Description  Responsibility  Start Date  Finish Date  Status
1 Opening Meeting All 03/03/14 03/03/14 Completed
2 Confirm Team All 03/03/14 03/03/14 Completed
3 Build SIPOC AK, AR, KS. 05/03/14 05/03/14 Completed
4 Sit with Specialist AK, AR. 10/03/14 11/03/14 Completed
5 Sit with Specialist AK, KS. 12/03/14 13/03/14 Completed
6 Gather Data AK 10/03/14 10/03/14 Completed
7 Build Metrics AK 14/03/14 14/03/14 Completed
8 Build Pareto AK, PO. 17/03/14 17/03/14 Completed
9 Process Map All 19/03/14 19/03/14 Completed
10 Identify Causes/Gaps AK, PO. 20/03/14 21/03/14 Completed
11 Identify New Process All 20/03/14 21/03/14 Completed
PPS: 5274156i

12 Create Work Instruction AK 24/03/14 24/03/14 Completed

13 Create RACI for the New Process AK, PO. 25/03/14 24/03/14 Completed
14 Train out New Process AK 27/03/14 26/03/14 Completed
15 Roll out New Process All 27/03/14 26/03/14 Completed
16 Gather and Review Data AK 31/03/14 31/03/14 Completed
17 Modify as required All 02/04/14 03/04/14 Completed
Appendices - Page 21

18 Close Project All 04/04/14 04/04/14 Completed


Quality Plan
Appendix 8

Project Title: Bill of Materials Right First Time Improvement Project.

Ref: BOM 001.

Quality assurance – SMART objectives

1. Data should be processed fairly 

2. Data should be reliable 

3. Reasons for rejections must be clear and validated 

4. The new process should be workable, understood, in sequence and easily trained out 

5. Control methods should be monitored, reviewed and auctioned if they deviate 

6. The work instruction (WI) should be clear and agreed by all 

7. KPIs should be based on the objectives and should be clear and achievable 

8. The responsible matrix (RACI) should clearly identify responsibilities and avoid confusion 

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Name: Alan Kinsella
Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Risk Register: Ref: Appendix 9

Bill of Materials right first time improvement project BOM 001
ID Close by Risk Description Risk Category Cause P I Score Ranking Risk Response Owner Due Status
1 03/03/14 Opening Meeting Strategic Project not approved 2 5 10 1 Ensure Sponsor Approval AK 01/03/14 Closed
2 03/03/14 Confirm Team People Not available 2 4 8 2 Ensure resource approval AK 01/03/14 Closed
3 05/03/14 Build SIPOC People Not available 2 2 4 4 Agree and book time early AK 01/03/14 Closed
4 11/03/14 Sit with Specialist People Not available 2 3 6 3 Agree and book time early AK 05/03/14 Closed
5 13/03/14 Sit with Specialist People Not available 2 3 6 3 Agree and book time early AK 05/03/14 Closed
6 10/03/14 Gather Data Operational No method available 1 3 3 5 Check if methods are available AK 03/03/14 Closed
7 14/03/14 Build Metrics Operational Data not available 1 3 3 5 Ensure Data is available AK 03/03/14 Closed
8 17/03/14 Build Pareto Operational Data not available 1 3 3 5 Ensure Data is available AK 03/03/14 Closed
9 19/03/14 Process Map People Not available 2 3 6 3 Agree and book time early AK 10/03/14 Closed
10 21/03/14 Identify Causes/Gaps People Not available 2 3 6 3 Agree and book time early AK 10/03/14 Closed
11 21/03/14 Identify New Process People Not available 2 4 8 2 Agree and book time early AK 10/03/14 Closed
12 24/03/14 Create Work Instruction Strategic No Sponsor buy in 2 4 8 2 Regular updates to ensure buy in AK 10/03/14 Closed
13 24/03/14 Create new process RACI Strategic No Sponsor buy in 2 3 6 3 Regular updates to ensure buy in AK 10/03/14 Closed
14 26/03/14 Train out New Process People Not available 2 4 8 2 Agree and book time early AK 14/03/14 Closed

P = Probability I = Impact
PPS: 5274156i

Score Likelihood this will happen Score Business Impact if this happens
1 Rare 1 Insignificant
2 Unlikely Risk Score = Likelihood x Business Impact 2 Minor
3 Possible 9-10 Risk score is High 3 Moderate
4 Likely 7-8 Risk score is Significant 4 Major
5 Almost Certain 4-6 Risk score is Moderate 5 Extreme
1-3 Risk score is Low
Appendices - Page 23
Appendix 10 - Data Gathering

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Name: Alan Kinsella

Appendix 11 - SIPOC

Bill of Materials right irst time improvement project. BOM 001

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

Supplier iNputS prOCeSS OutputS CuStOMer

regulatory, liNC,
regulatory NOrA Create GARF Completed GArF

regulatory, liNC, SAp, Attachments,

GARF Approval Approved GArF Graphic House
WWSpeCs reviews

Graphic House GArF, AMS Create Artwork Completed Artwork liNC, regulatory

liNC, regulatory paxpro Data, SAp Artwork Approval Approved Artwork liNC

Identiied - BOM process starts here

liNC SAp, GArF Create BOM BOM Number Copy Cycle
PPS: 5274156i

BOM routed
Copy Cycle BOM Number Plant BOM Review liNC, plant, regulatory
for Approval

liNC, plant, regulatory review and Approve BOM Approval Approved BOM Copy Cycle
Appendices - Page 25

Copy Cycle Coral tBr liNC
Approved BOM

liNC AMS Complete Project Closed project All

Name: Alan Kinsella

Appendix 12 - Pareto

Pareto Chart of Reason For Rejection

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

1.0 100

0.8 80
% of Grand Total

0.6 60

0.4 40

0.2 20

0.0 0
Reason For Rejection t es ta cs or cs er
ues g a o r r o th
eq han r fD e fD R
E e
ntR e
C Ga R
R EC en
) ) r
PPS: 5274156i

a n
Pl Li 1
EC 5 ef
7) d 6 R
8) A
% of Grand Total 0.40830.16060.09480.09170.06120.04280.1407
Appendices - Page 26

Percent 40.8 16.1 9.5 9.2 6.1 4.3 14.1

Cum % 40.8 56.9 66.4 75.5 81.7 85.9 100.0
Appendix 13 - Process Map Snapshot

Name: Alan Kinsella Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment PPS: 5274156i Appendices - Page 27
Appendix 14 - RACI

Bill of Materials right first time improvement project.
Ref: BOM 001
Creation and Approval RACI


Plant QA


Master number A R
Material number SKU # A R
Material formula # A R R R
Fill size R A R
Container size R A R
Type of packaging change A R R
Expiry date R A R R
Adhesive type R R R A


Component number A R R
Description A R
New quantity – Component A R
New quantity – Other
Drawing no. R A
Old component number A R
Old quantity – Component A R
Old quantity - Other R A



Component co-ord codes R A R


Expiry format/conventions R A R
Units per outer/pallet stack R A
Coding arrangements R A R
Other R A




R= Responsible A= Accountable C=Consulted I=Informed

Name: Alan Kinsella Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment PPS: 5274156i Appendices - Page 28
Name: Alan Kinsella

Appendix 15 - Data Gathering following implementation

Project Management 6N4090 Level 6 - Assignment

% RFT Bill of Materials. 92.5% vs 90% target
92% 93%







PPS: 5274156i

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Apr‐14 * May‐14 Jun‐14 Jul‐14 Aug‐14 Sep‐14 Oct‐14 Nov‐14 Dec‐14
Apr‐14 May‐14 Jun‐14 Jul‐14 Aug‐14 Sep‐14 Oct‐14 Nov‐14 Dec‐14
% RFT vs Total 92% 93% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Appendices - Page 29

Target 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%

*to 14th May 2014

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