The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1


Everyone can relate to financial problems including parents, the

elderly, and teenagers, even the Senior High School students. The

researchers are interested in learning how the financial situation of SNCSTI

senior high school students affects their academic performance. The students

who encountered financial problem are causing them stress, imagine doing

this in the morning. They were wondering how they would pay for daily bills.

We chose the topic of financial problems since we are all aware that

some of SNCSTI Senior High School students are living in poverty. Every

student experiences poverty, regardless of financial resources, and must

make sacrifices to quit their education in order to find a source of income and

care for their families, which affect their academic performance.

In this study, we will be discussing the correlation between financial

problem and academic performance among Senior High School students of

Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology Incorporated (SNCSTI).

Background of the Study

Some students are currently having financial difficulties with their

education, and a shortage of necessary school supplies is another issue they

face. Additionally, we extended senior high school by two additional years.

Students who wish to work but are underage are unable to do so due to their

age, and those whose parents are financially unable to fund their child's

education due to a condition. Other students will be less educated if they don't
have financial support. Making money these days is difficult, making it harder

to pay for things like food and school supplies.

Financial Problem is a big problem in our life especially when it comes

to education. There is a lot of money needed. Money is very important

because you can buy anything you need if you have money. Like to buy

school supplies, payments and any others expenses in school. Even if you

are a scholar student you still need money for some projects and payments. If

you don’t have money you cannot buy anything and that is the biggest

problem in every school. That’s why a lot of students stopped going to school.

When financial concerns are creating stress, there is a financial

problem. But recently, Senior High School students have been having

financial issues, and these issues have grown to be significant issues for

Senior High School students. Students frequently experience financial

difficulties because they lack the funds to cover their basic costs, and their

stress levels are increased by their anxieties about money. Following that,

financial issues will have an effect on both mental and physical health.

Halliday Wynes (2014) a student's financial condition has an impact on both

their commitment to studying and their academic performance.

However, in most cases, facing financial problem significantly affects

academic performance. Mostly because the students are come from

underprivileged or low-income families.

It has been observed that Senior High Students of SNCSTI have been

facing financial problem. This has affected their mental and physical health

making the students loses their focus on their academic performance. As a

Senior High School student of SNCSTI, we found this study relevant to us.
Literature Review

This chapter's readings and literature come from a variety of sources,

including books, journals, internet, and thesis that are relevant to the study.

The description of financial problem and academic performance as well as its

contributory factors appear first.

The Sto. Niño College of Science and Technology Incorporated Senior

High School students’ financial problem serves as the independent variable in

this study while the Sto. Niño College of Science and Technology

Incorporated Senior High School students’ academic performance also serves

as the dependent variable in this study.

Financial problem

Financial problem are serious and must be addressed because they

lead to multiple stages of issues, including poor health and academic


According to Dang and Bulus (2015) say that because education is a

social service that costs a lot of money, students won't be able to improve

their academic performance because they won't have enough money.

Therefore, education is an expensive social service that cost or need a lot of

money and the successful implementation of an educational program relies on

sufficient financial support from all levels of government.

According to Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018) contend that students' test

scores were influenced favorably by the wealth or social standing of their

parents. It demonstrated that parents' involvement in the educational process

as well as the socioeconomic condition of the parents affect students'

academic success. As a result, the study looked at how parents'

socioeconomic situation affected their children's academic performance and

the role that parents played in that relationship.

Additionally, Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018) noted that students from

lower socioeconomic family status typically perform academically worse than

those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds.

However, It has been observed that students' financial problems

greatly contribute to their poor academic performance, which in turn has a

negative impact on education in a number of ways (Nnamani et al., 2014).

Students' academic performance is significantly influenced by their financial

situation. Financial problem are a serious problem that must be handled since

they can progress to a variety of other problems, such as health problems and

poor academic performance.

This can be further supported by a previous study by Asri et al. (2017)

stated that although students do not have to pay monthly debt installments

like other households, their status as students requires them to pay their

education costs, rent, and other essentials, by which they received the

financial support from loans, scholarships, or their families. It illustrates how

students from underprivileged or low-income backgrounds may have an effect

on their academic success.

Furthermore, there are two ways that financial issues might have an

impact on a student's academic performance, according to Widener (2017).

Specifically, health issues and the requirement for a part-time job. Facing

financial problems is so hard, especially when it comes to your health and

academic performance. It was further added that financial problems lead to

health problems such as anxiety, leading to a negative behaviors, making it

difficult for students to focus on school works.

Financial issues have also been connected to longer degree

completion times, which can drive up college expenses further (Letkiewicz et

al., 2014). Those students who had a long degree completion are the one’s

who costs a lot of money.

Academic Performance

In this age of globalization, education is a critical need. Education

develops the personality, instills moral principles, broadens information, and

bestows skills in addition to providing insight. Due to the competitive

environment, education is essential. In every profession, highly qualified

individuals are required.

According to Hassan Danial Aslam et al. (2012) conducted research to

determine which educational system offers students greater teachings and

academic performance. Students learn more under the semester system than

under the annual system because of the adaptability of the environment. Less

work is required of students during the semester system than it does during

the annual system, and there are more opportunities for them to get higher

grades during the semester system.

Researchers have long proposed that students who worry about

money may be less committed to their goals, engaged in their studies, and

persistent (Boatman & Long, 2016). Students who worry about money may be

less committed to their studies and they cannot focus on their lessons by such

of thinking about financial which may affect their academic performance.

However, High levels of student loan debt and financial stress have

also been linked to an increased risk of students discontinuing their studies,

quitting their jobs, or taking fewer classes (Dwyer et al.,2013). Students who

are experiencing financial problem affect their academic performance just by

not going on the school or in their classes anymore because of being stress

about financial.

Several components of "academic achievement" have been recognized

over time, despite the word still having some remaining confusion (York et al.,

2015). Additionally, Used interchangeably with “student success,” it

encompasses academic achievement, attainment of learning objectives,

acquisition of desired skills and competencies, satisfaction, persistence, and

post-college performance (York et al., 2015).

Furthermore, When analyzing factors that influence adolescent

children's academic success, the impact of parenting practices and parental

participation is put in particular attention (Zahedani et al., 2016). One of the

cause why students is a successful is because of their parents.

According to Checa et al. (2019) the parenting style that is more

aggressive has been most frequently linked to greater academic performance

in adolescent students. Teaching the students into aggressive way can help

them to get a high marks in their academic performance which is also

motivate them to their best in every each day in their class.

Purely restrictive and careless teaching methods have been found to

have a negative impact on student achievement (Parsasirat et al., 2013).

Teaching students in a careless way may lead them to failed in their academic
performance and teaching in that way they will be less motivated in their


Conceptual Framework

The diagram below shows the conceptual framework of the identified

variables in the study.The study focuses on the financial problem of Senior

High School students of Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology

Incorporated (SNCSTI).


Statistical Profile of Analysis of data FINANCIAL

Respondents through: PROBLEM
 Allowance  Conduct survey BY SENIOR HIGH
 Age  Questionnaire STUDENTS AND
 Sex  Statistical TO THEIR
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

This diagram shows the financial problem to Senior High School

students of Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology Incorporated

(SNCSTI). These Variables are used to determine how it affects the

respondents. The input would be the statistical profile of the respondents

which are the allowance, age, sex and section. Then the process would be

collecting data through questionnaires and survey. After we collect the data,

there would be a statistical treatment where we calculate the average financial

problem of Senior High School students on the stated statistical profile of the

The output would be analyzed and calculated if we see if there is a

correlation between financial problem and academic performance among the

Senior High School students of SNCSTI.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify the correlation between financial problem

academic performance.

This study seeks to answer this following questions:

1. What is the statistical profile of Respondents:

1.1: Allowance

1.2: Age

1.3: Sex

1.4: Section

2. How does financial problem affects the academic performance of

Senior High School students?

3. Why some of the Senior High School students have a problem in


4. Is there a correlation between financial problem and academic

performance among Senior High School students of SNCSTI?

Significance of the Study

This study would be a great help to teachers, parents, students and future


Senior High School Teachers. This study will provide teachers with

advice on how to deal with Senior High School pupils who are having financial

difficulties. To offer some guidance or to aid in their understanding.

Senior High School Students. The results of this study will assist

them in overcoming their problems with financial poverty, as well as in

becoming great students and valuing improved interpersonal interactions in

the classroom.

Parents. This study serves as a watcher over their children, allowing

them to see the difficulties their children are facing in terms of financial

problem. In order to aid in their comprehension of the vital details regarding

their children.

Future Researchers. Future researchers that do the same study can

use the results of this study as a reference or guide.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on gathering information regarding to financial

problem and academic performance among Senior High School students of

Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology Incorporate (SNCSTI).

In this study, individual characteristics including name (optional),

gender, age, and section are taken into account. 50 Senior High School

students from Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology Incorporated

(SNCSTI). Both Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School students

participated in the study. The rating scale surveys that are offered will be used

to collect the necessary data.

Definition of Terms

In order to give a common definition, the following terms were defined.

To provide a common frame to facilitate understanding on the part of the

Financial. Usually refers to financial issues or troubles concerning money.

Money is said to be used in making regular payments in large and significant


Academic Performance. The measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects in the premises of SNCSTI.

Senior High School Students. Students that are officially enrolled as Grade

11 and Grade 12 students of Sto.Niño College of Science and Technology

Incorporated (SNCSTI), school year 2022-2023.

Parents. See the challenges their kids are having in school thanks to this

study, which acts as a monitor over them. To assist them in understanding the

crucial information about their children.

Stress. Is a sensation of strain, either bodily or emotional. It may result from

anything that makes you feel irritated, furious, or anxious.







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