Personal Development Activity

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A day on My Life in My 30th years

Imagine waking up one morning at the age of 30. Answer the following question.

Instruction: Each question must have 2-3 sentences explanation

1. How do you see yourself? (A businessman, supervisor in an office, an pridnary employee,

a contented housewife/husband etc?)

▪️A professional Architect, It's difficult right now, but when I'm 30, I want to be a full-
fledged architect who is successful in life.

▪️I want to be an architect because I want to live in a great house and have a fulfilling life.

2. Where are you living? (Subdivision, town, city neighborhood, country)

▪️Subdivision, Because it is not as noisy and hectic in the subdivision.

▪️Your chismosa neighbors will also not cause too much disruption in your life.

3. How will you describe your house? (Apartment, house, and cottage?)

▪️House , Of course, I'd live in a house where we could all have a good time.

▪️That is why, one day, I want to be an architect so that I may build our house myself.

4. Who lives in this place with you? (Parents, spouse, children,relatives and friends?)

▪️I'd like to live with my family in the same house as me.

▪️ Because i know that the family stick together stays forever.

5. What will be your source of income by that time?

▪️My source of income will be a small business and my profession as an architect.

▪️Because my family has experience with small businesses, I'm confident it will be
6. Where do you work? (Office, store, factory, outdoors, indoors?) Does your work require
travel from place to place?

▪️Office , To save money, I first wish to work for a well-known company.

▪️After that, I'll start a little business to supplement my income.

▪️And Because my place of employment is located somewhat far away, I must travel to get

7. What kind of leisure time do you have?

▪️My leisure time will be bonding with my family, watching movies or animes, and listening
to music.

8. What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? (Playing sports, reading, collecting,
hiking, watching movies etc. ?) What equipment do you need (stereo, fishing rod,
motorcycle, bicycle, camera, computer, golf clubs and ball ?)

▪️My movie-watching equipment consists of a computer and a television.

▪️It's on par with viewing movies as a pastime.

9. What are your plans? (Start a business, investment, promotion etc?)

▪️Start a business and to be a professional Architect also a sassy kawaii Tita.

▪️I want to be a good model for them.

10. Where do you intend to send the kids to college (near home, universities in manila, state

▪️Universities in Manila , I want them to have the opportunity to attend a good university.

▪️And they will be able to achieve their goals with ease.

11. Any plans of working abroad? Why or why not?

▪️Yes, I intend to work abroad because it will provide me with an excellent opportunity to
advance my career as an architect.

▪️It might also be a way for me to get closer to my goal.

12. How will you describe your lifestyle and the kind of living that you have at the age of

▪️At the age of 30, my lifestyle will be better, and I will be more aware of my surroundings.
At that point, I can buy and do whatever I want.

In 10 sentences, summarize your life at 30 yrs old.

▪️At the age of 30, my life will be different because I will already be a professional architect
working for a well-known firm. I also know how to economize, travel alone, and have
grown up in many ways. I'll also save money so that when the time comes, I'll be prepared
financially. At that age, I was able to provide a lovely home for my family. And when there
is a special occasion, we shall all gather at that house to celebrate and enjoy.
Simultaneously, I will be able to start a small business to augment my income. And I am
confident that I will be able to carry out my plan to work abroad. When my life is more
solid, I plan to help my nephews with their schooling so that they can one day be successful
in life as well. I will improve and mend for all those who oppressed us at that time, and we
will no longer be looked down upon. All of the things I couldn't afford back then are now
available to me. And because I work hard today, my life, which was difficult before, will

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