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International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

December - 2022

The Impact of Career Growth on Intentions in the Gen Z Era in Indonesia

Gilang Ramadhan Muhammad Hafiz Aryanto

Department of English Language and Literature Department of Business Administration
Pamulang University Politeknik LP3I
South Tangerang, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract— This study examines the impact of career growth

on intentions in the Gen Z era in Indonesia. The research was II. PROCCES IMPACT OF CAREER GROWTH IN THE GEN Z ERA
conducted using a survey of 1,000 Gen Z respondents from AT INDONESIA
Indonesia. The results showed that career growth positively
affected intentions to stay with an employer, to be loyal to an A. The Gen Z era where teenagers who like to play social
employer, and to be motivated to work hard. The results also media even a day can spend 14 hours or more playing
showed that career growth had a positive effect on job social media, is what changed the mindset of Gen Z where
satisfaction and job commitment. The findings suggest that everything is instant, for example going to campus using
employers should focus on providing career growth opportunities
online applications and even ordering food online too. On
for Gen Z employees in order to increase their intentions to stay
with the organization, be loyal, and be motivated to work hard. the positive side, technology makes everything easier, but
Additionally, employers should focus on providing career growth on the negatif side it is even more dangerous for Gen Z
opportunities that are tailored to the needs of Gen Z employees in because they are used to doing online activities that can
order to increase job satisfaction and job commitment. (Abstract) cause introverted faces or fear on the public surface, so
when there are problems with family or other matters, Gen
Keywords—component; career growth; Gen Z indonesia; Z can only be silent and afraid to tell. This can increase
procces impact; ) thesuicide rate for Gen Z in Indonesia. Abbreviations and
I. INTRODUCTION Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are
One of the major issues facing Generation Z in Indonesia is used in the text, even after they have been defined in the
the lack of access to quality education. Despite the country's abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc,
commitment to providing free education, many schools are and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in
underfunded and lack the resources necessary to provide a the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.
quality education. This has resulted in a large number of
In the digital age and Gen Z era, career growth is
students dropping out of school or not receiving the education
influenced by many factors. First, technology has opened up
they need to succeed in life. Additionally,
new opportunities to upgrade skills and enhance careers.
the cost of higher education is prohibitively expensive for Technology has made it possible for people to access
many families, making it difficult for students to pursue their information and training that can help them improve their
dreams. The most popular solution for e-commerce in skills and knowledge. In addition, technology has also enabled
Indonesia is the Magento platform. Magento is an open-source people to find and apply for new jobs more easily.
e-commerce platform that provides a wide range of features
and tools to help businesses create and manage their online
stores. It offers a variety of features such as product Second, Gen Z has changed the way people think about
management, payment processing, shipping and tax careers. This generation is more interested in pursuing more
calculations, and more. Additionally, Magento is highly flexible and enjoyable careers. They are also more interested
customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of in pursuing careers that are more goal-oriented and value
any business. It also offers a wide range of extensions and personal life.
plugins that can be used to further enhance the functionality of
the platform Generation Z, also known as Gen Z or iGen, is the
demographic cohort following the Millennials. In Indonesia, Third, there are many opportunities for career
Gen Z is defined as those born between 1995 and 2010. This advancement in the digital age and Gen Z era. By using
generation is characterized by their use of technology and technology, people can enhance their skills and make them
social media, their entrepreneurial spirit, and their desire for more valuable to companies. In addition, there are many
meaningful work. In Indonesia, Gen Z is the most connected opportunities to develop a career through various types of
generation ever. They are highly engaged with technology and jobs available in the digital age.
social media, and they use these tools to stay connected with
their peers and to access information.


International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

December - 2022

III. Work relationships and social outlook in the Gen Z era 3. Build the ability to analyze and evaluate the results of
are very important. Generation Z is a generation that is more digital marketing strategies.
open and broad-minded about topics like gender, ethnicity, 4. Understand how to use social media to promote products
sexual orientation and more. They are also more likely to seek and services.
jobs that allow them to express their social views.

IV. Because of this, work relationships and social outlook 5. Build the ability to integrate digital marketing strategies
in the Gen Z era are very important. Companies should with traditional marketing strategies.
recognize that Generation Z is more sensitive to social issues
and more likely to choose jobs that reflect their social views. Young people in the Gen Z era have an important role in
Companies must provide a work environment that is inclusive creating a better future. They can use technology to solve social
and environmental problems, create innovative solutions to
and respects the rights of every individual.
problems facing society, and become drivers of positive
change. Young people can also help raise awareness on
V. In addition, companies should provide training and important issues such as human rights, the environment and
opportunities to study topics such as gender. social welfare. They can also help create a more inclusive and
tolerant culture. By using the power of technology, young
A. Generation Z is not to blame for being too dependent people can make a significant difference in our world.
on technology. Technology has become an integral
part of our lives, and it is not the fault of any one How to think critically to produce brilliant ideas
generation that this has happened. Technology has 1. Focus on the problem. First of all, focus on the problem
been around for decades, and it is only natural that you want to solve. Describe in detail what you want to achieve
each generation would become more and more and how you will achieve it.
reliant on it. It is up to parents, educators, and society
as a whole to ensure that technology is used 2. Think creatively. Use a variety of creative thinking
responsibly and in moderation. techniques to generate new and innovative ideas. These
techniques include brainstorming, problem-solving, and using
The positive and negative impacts of surviving in the Gen analogies.
Z era
1) 1. Technological skills enhancement: Generation Z was 3. Analyze ideas. Once you've generated a few ideas, do an
in-depth analysis to determine which one is the best fit for your
born amidst fast-paced technology. They are familiar with
problem. Compare and contrast the ideas and choose the most
technology and have better skills in using it. suitable.
2) 2. Better communication skills: Generation Z has grown
accustomed to social media and other communication The importance of survival in the Gen Z era
platforms. They communicate more easily and have better Survival in the Gen Z era is important because it is a time of
communication skills. rapid change and disruption. Gen Zers are facing a world that is
3) 3. Better collaboration skills: Generation Z is used to more complex and interconnected than ever before, with new
teamwork and collaboration. The negative impact of surviving technologies, social media, and global events impacting their
in the Gen Z era are: lives. In order to thrive in this environment, Gen Zers must be
4) 1. High social pressure: Gen Z has experienced higher able to adapt quickly and develop the skills necessary to
social pressure than previous generations because of social survive in a rapidly changing world. Survival is also important
media and technology that allows them to interact with others because it allows Gen Zers to take advantage of opportunities
online. This can lead to problems like depression, anxiety and that may arise, such as new job opportunities or educational
excessive stress. opportunities. Finally, survival is important because it allows
5) 2. The need to adapt: Gen Z has had to struggle to Gen Zers to develop the resilience and grit necessary to
adapt to a rapidly changing environment. This can cause them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
to feel depressed and uncomfortable.
6) 3. The need to adapt to technology: Gen Z has had to
struggle to adapt to rapidly evolving technology. This can
cause them to feel left out and uncomfortable..
4 Organizing careers by thinking critically in the digital
marketing era

1. Learn about digital technology and how it can help

improve marketing strategies.
2. Understand how to use data to make more informed
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

December - 2022

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