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Audio-Visual Meditation

The Meditation Room Inside Your Mind

The purpose of cultivating a daily meditation practice is to achieve a mind at rest. Then you are
prepared to go about your regular day effectively. In every action, through every observation, you will
be opened to the wonder of the revealed universe that was always right there, surrounding you. The
difference is that your eyes can now see, your mind can now comprehend, because it is properly
prepared, and opened to receive.

 Candle, any kind.
 Incense you like, any kind.
 A comfortable and supportive chair with arms, if possible.
 Your Book of Mirrors journal and a pen.

Light your candle and incense, then sit comfortably in an arm chair which allows your spine to be
perpendicular to the floor. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor, feet flat. Hold nothing crossed or
with awkward tension.

Close your eyes, and picture a comfortable little room inside your own head. Picture your
consciousness like a tiny version of your most magickal self, sitting in your comfortable chair. Your
eyes are a window on a distant wall of that room from you now.

Look around the room. See that this is a perfect room for you, decorated just the way you like it. You
are surrounded in comfort. (Pause) Here you sit in a comfortable meditation chair, far away from that
window. Far away from the bustle of the outer world.

It is quiet and still here in the inner sanctuary of your mind. Any distracting noises, or stray thoughts,
are merely birds flying past that distant window…release them without care.

There is a skylight above, and a soft beam of white light shines down upon your head.

Begin with three deep and exaggerated breaths. Allow an audible sigh as you loosen any pent-up
tension. (Pause) Now, slow, deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth….

Feel the energy of the environment all around you. A white light of all colors shines down through that
skylight, holding you gently in its beam. Light flows in on your breath, through your nose, making its
way throughout your body until you glow.

Allow that energy to flow where it is needed. Just observe, as you sit comfortably, breathing deeply.

On each exhale, gently release all that does not serve your highest good. Blowing it away on the breath.

Inhale the light that flows into your mental body and your mind opens. Exhale illusions which blind
your eyes from the truth. Blow illusion away like smoke.
Inhale the light that flows into your Emotional Body and your heart waters calm. Exhale grief and
heartbreak. Blow that pain away like smoke.

Inhale the light that into the Body of your Will, and your fires are stoked. Exhale guilt that hinders right
action. Blow guilt away like smoke.

Inhale the light that your Physical Body and you are at rest. Exhale fear that causes suffering. Blow fear
away like smoke.

Inhale the light that flows into your Spiritual Body and you are at ease on all levels. All baneful
impediments blow away and the air clears. You are complete, and rejuvenated.

Rest here and enjoy 10 more minutes of quiet meditation.

When ready to return to your day, walk to the window and open your eyes. Stretch.

Complete your journal entry for the day in your Book of Mirrors.

Extinguish your candle when done.

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